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Created June 30, 2020 15:00
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Chocolatey Package Request Repository Validator

This document contains the current features that are planned/wanted to be implemented for the package validator (and upcoming status checker) on the chocolatey package request repository. There is guarantee that any/all of these features will be implemented, nor when this may happen.

0.2.0 (In Progress)


  • Implement versioning of module (not important, but can be useful in certain scenarios)
  • Add command that shoud report available commands for the user adding the comment
  • Allow users to assign/unassign users through a command (it should also allow manual assignment)
  • Validate that the assigned user is a known chocolatey maintainer
  • Validate that only 1 user is assigned to the request.


  • Add a "trusted" status for requests that will be automatically be moved to "Available" status when all other checks have passed (not determined how this should be implemented yet)
  • Implement first part of the status checker to store initial package data when a package got moved to "Available state" This will be stored as json in a seperate comment

Future (possibly 0.3.0)


  • Implement a full status checker that runs on a schedule (this checker should handel moving between different statuses, know which maintainers have been added/removed from the package and assign/unassign users if added/removed maintainer is a known user).
  • Validate that the time users contacted the maintainer is X number of days ago (This one is a bit uncertain if it will ever be implemented).

There are more features being played around with, but which is not sure if they will be worthwhile the effort.

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