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Created June 20, 2021 23:29
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Git Tutorial

Create a new repo

In the root directory of the project you want to have version control, type the following:

git init

This is a one time thing. After you initialize the repo, you won't have to do it again.

Create a branch

When adding new functionality, create a branch with the following command:

git checkout -b your-branch-name

This will create a branch off master or main that you can work on.

Saving your work

Once you're ready to commit work to the branch, type the following:

git commit -m "a short commit message here re: what was done"

Merging your work

Once you're done implementing functionalty on your branch, you're ready to merge it into master or main. You do that as follows:

  1. git checkout master or git checkout main, depending upon what your root level branch is called.
  2. git merge your-branch-name

The first command checks out master. The second command merges your-branch-name into master.

Figuring out which branch you're on

To figure out which branches you have, you can type the following commands:

git branch

To exit out of the branch list, just type q for quit

Deleting branches

To delete a branch, type the following:

git checkout -d your-branch-name

Cherry Picking Commits

All commits have a hash mark assigned to them. To get a list of commits, type the following:

git log

Typeing that out will give you a list that looks something like this:

commit ecefc1d0bfda09b0c00fbe7f243f27692ce7ccd3 (HEAD -> wValidator)
Author: AdrianBinDC <[email protected]>
Date:   Fri Jun 18 20:59:13 2021 -0400

    Updated team acronym

commit adcd77af73473cb4d40c46c4105b3a518b6654ab
Author: AdrianBinDC <[email protected]>
Date:   Fri Jun 18 20:57:55 2021 -0400

    Added new maintainer to

commit 3574ab377c371cb73dd16397f73e776354cb5af7
Author: Will <[email protected]>
Date:   Mon Jul 3 16:28:46 2017 +0700

    Whoops—didn't need to call that one twice

commit 43d6f24d140fa63721bd67fb3ad3aafa8232ca97
Author: Will <[email protected]>
Date:   Mon Jul 3 16:24:13 2017 +0700

    check05: Finally, we can return true

commit bf3753e4c693f45610f06084587b0c1631df9ac9
Author: Will <[email protected]>
Date:   Mon Jul 3 16:23:47 2017 +0700

The commit <commit hash with a bunch of jibberish> message tells you what the commit hash is. To get a particular commit and put it on another branch, you can just get the commit hash, go to your branch (git checkout branch-you-want-to-be-on) and type:

git cherry-pick ecefc1d0bfda09b0c00fbe7f243f27692ce7ccd3.


This should be enough for you to get the basics of git. As you progress or run into issues, you can Google them to fill in the blanks.

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