require 'adrodoc55.wol.EventQueue' |
local requestEventName = 'SharedVarRequest-' |
local updateEventName = 'SharedVarUpdate-' |
declare('SharedVar') |
local function createSharedVar(name) |
Check.isString(name, 1) |
local result = { |
name = name, |
requestQueue = Events.connect(requestEventName..name), |
updateQueue = Events.connect(updateEventName..name) |
} |
setmetatable(result, SharedVar) |
return result |
end |
function SharedVar.new(name, value) |
local result = createSharedVar(name) |
result:fireUpdate(value) |
return result |
end |
Help.on(SharedVar.new) [[Creates a new SharedVar with the specified name and value. A |
SharedVar is used to share memory between multiple spells. |
SharedVars with the same name always contain the same value, |
even across different spells. Note that modifying the content |
of a shared table does not update the content for other |
SharedVars. |
This constructor updates the shared value regardless of a |
potential previous value. If you don't want to override the |
shared value use 'SharedVar.connect()' instead. |
Parameters: |
- name: the public name for the new SharedVar |
- value: the new shared value (defaults to nil) |
]] |
function SharedVar.connect(name) |
local result = createSharedVar(name) |
result.connecting = true |
Events.fire(requestEventName..name) |
return result |
end |
Help.on(SharedVar.connect) [[Creates a new SharedVar with the specified name and value. A |
SharedVar is used to share memory between multiple spells. |
SharedVars with the same name always contain the same value, |
even across different spells. Note that modifying the content |
of a shared table does not update the content for other |
SharedVars. |
This constructor does not update the shared value. This has |
the negative side effect that the first call to |
'SharedVar:getValue()' may block indefinately if there is no |
other SharedVar with the same name, because the SharedVar |
is stuck waiting for the previous value. To avoid this risk |
consider using 'SharedVar.new' instead. |
Parameters: |
- name: the public name for the new SharedVar |
]] |
function SharedVar:respondToNewConnections() |
if self.connecting then |
return |
end |
local queue = self.requestQueue |
local event = queue:pop(0) |
if event then |
queue:clear() |
self:fireUpdate(self.value) |
end |
end |
function SharedVar:getValue() |
local queue = self.updateQueue |
if self.connecting then |
local event = queue:pop() -- blocking on first read |
self.value = event.data |
self.connecting = nil |
end |
while not queue:isEmpty() do |
local event = queue:pop(0) |
if queue:isEmpty() then |
self.value = event.data |
end |
end |
return self.value |
end |
function SharedVar:setValue(value) |
self:fireUpdate(value) |
end |
function SharedVar:fireUpdate(newValue) |
Events.fire(updateEventName..self.name, newValue) |
end |
function SharedVar:close() |
self.requestQueue:disconnect() |
self.updateQueue:disconnect() |
end |