- Results from [ThatiR05]
- Algorithm is referred to as resolving the past and deriving the future
- involves transforming the formula
- Metric Temporal Logic with both Past and Future
- Upperbounds
- MTL + Past + Future
- Space:
$O(m 2^m)$ - Time:
$O(m^3 2^{3m})$ for processing each event -
$m$ is size of formula + sum of numercal constants - Doubly exponential in size of the formula if constants are in binary
- Space:
- LTL + Past Only
- Space:
$O(|\varphi|)$ - Time:
$O(|\varphi|)$ for processing each event
- Space:
- MTL + Past + Future
- Lowerbounds
- MTL + Past + Future
- There is at least one
$\varphi$ such that monitoring requires space at least$\Omega(2^{\alpha c \sqrt{|\underline{\varphi}|}})$ -
$c$ is the largest constant occurring in$\varphi$ -
$\alpha$ is a fixed constant -
$\underline{\varphi}$ is$\varphi$ without any numerical constants
- There is at least one
$\varphi$ such that monitoring requires space at least$\Omega(2^{2^{\alpha |\varphi|}})$
- There is at least one
- MTL + Future Only
- Same results hold
- LTL + Future + Past
- There is a formula
$\varphi$ such that monitoring requires space at least$\Omega(2^{\alpha \sqrt{|\varphi|}})$
- There is a formula
- MTL + Past + Future
- Algorithm is referred to as resolving the past and deriving the future
- Results from [MarkeyS03]
- LTL + Past can be solved in time
$O(|w| \times |\varphi|)$ - The dynamic programming algorithm is attributed by [ThatiR05] to this paper
- There are additional results about
- Model checking for infinite paths of the form
$w_1 \cdot w_2^\omega$ - LTL + Chop, LTL + Forgettable Past
- Model Checking paths written using exponents
- Model checking for infinite paths of the form
- LTL + Past can be solved in time
- Results from [SenRA03]
- Monitoring Boolean LTL + Future Only + Infinite Traces
- Aim: To produce an automaton which can detect good and bad prefixes
- Good Prefixes: all extensions are accepted
- Bad Prefixes: no extensions are accepted
- Space Lowerbound
$\Omega(2^{2^{|\varphi|}})$ states - That is,
$\Omega(2^{|\varphi|})$ bits
- Involves this language: ${ \sigma # w # \sigma' $ w \mid w \in {0, 1}^k \text{ and } \sigma, \sigma' \in {0, 1, #}^* }$
- This can be encoded in a LTL formula of size
- This can be encoded in a LTL formula of size
- This idea is also used in [KupfermaV2001], [KupfermaV1998] and the language was probably originally defined in [ChandraKS81]
- Results from [MalerN2004]
- Boolean Metric STL + Continuous Signals + Future Time only
- Offline Monitoring
- Total time needed:
$O(k \cdot n)$ -
$k$ is the number of sub-formulas - and
$n$ is the number of positive intervals
- Results from [DonzeFM2013]
- Robustness Metric STL + Continous Signals + Future Time only
- Offline Algorithm
- Time Complexity:
$O(|\varphi| \cdot |w| \cdot d^{h(\varphi)})$ -
$h(\varphi)$ is the height of the formula
- Results from [DokhanchiHF2014]
- Robustness Metric STL + Discrete Signals + Bounded Future + Unbounded Past + Online
- Space Complexity: Table for Robustness of Previous Values
- Time Complexity: Quadratic in the difference of History and Horizon
- [DeshmukhDGJ2017] may have improved on this
- They use Lemire's sliding window maximum
author = {Prasanna Thati and Grigore Rosu},
title = {Monitoring Algorithms for Metric Temporal Logic Specifications},
journal = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
volume = {113},
pages = {145-162},
year = {2005},
note = {Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Runtime Verification (RV 2004)},
issn = {1571-0661},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.entcs.2004.01.029},
author="Markey, N.
and Schnoebelen, P.",
editor="Amadio, Roberto
and Lugiez, Denis",
title="Model Checking a Path",
booktitle="CONCUR 2003 - Concurrency Theory",
publisher="Springer Berlin Heidelberg",
address="Berlin, Heidelberg",
author="Sen, Koushik
and Ro{\c{s}}u, Grigore
and Agha, Gul",
editor="Saraswat, Vijay A.",
title="Generating Optimal Linear Temporal Logic Monitors by Coinduction",
booktitle="Advances in Computing Science -- ASIAN 2003. Progamming Languages and Distributed Computation Programming Languages and Distributed Computation",
publisher="Springer Berlin Heidelberg",
address="Berlin, Heidelberg",
author = {Kupferman, Orna and Vardi, Moshe Y.},
title = {Model Checking of Safety Properties},
journal = {Formal Methods in System Design},
year = {2001},
volume = {19},
number = {3},
pages = {291--314},
issn = {1572-8102},
doi = {10.1023/A:1011254632723},
author={Kupferman, O. and Vardi, M.Y.},
booktitle={Proceedings. Thirteenth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (Cat. No.98CB36226)},
title={Freedom, weakness, and determinism: from linear-time to branching-time},
author={Chandra, Ashok K and Kozen, Dexter C and Stockmeyer, Larry J},
journal={Journal of the ACM (JACM)},
publisher={ACM New York, NY, USA}
author="Donz{\'e}, Alexandre
and Ferr{\`e}re, Thomas
and Maler, Oded",
editor="Sharygina, Natasha
and Veith, Helmut",
title="Efficient Robust Monitoring for STL",
booktitle="Computer Aided Verification",
publisher="Springer Berlin Heidelberg",
address="Berlin, Heidelberg",
author="Maler, Oded
and Nickovic, Dejan",
editor="Lakhnech, Yassine
and Yovine, Sergio",
title="Monitoring Temporal Properties of Continuous Signals",
booktitle="Formal Techniques, Modelling and Analysis of Timed and Fault-Tolerant Systems",
publisher="Springer Berlin Heidelberg",
address="Berlin, Heidelberg",
author="Dokhanchi, Adel
and Hoxha, Bardh
and Fainekos, Georgios",
editor="Bonakdarpour, Borzoo
and Smolka, Scott A.",
title="On-Line Monitoring for Temporal Logic Robustness",
booktitle="Runtime Verification",
publisher="Springer International Publishing",
author = {Deshmukh, Jyotirmoy V. and Donzé, Alexandre and Ghosh, Shromona and Jin, Xiaoqing and Juniwal, Garvit and Seshia, Sanjit A.},
title = {Robust online monitoring of signal temporal logic},
journal = {Formal Methods in System Design},
year = {2017},
volume = {51},
number = {1},
pages = {5--30},
issn = {1572-8102},
doi = {10.1007/s10703-017-0286-7},