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Last active August 29, 2017 01:52
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Specification for a proposed /passengers Minecraft command

The Short Version

/passengers <entity> add <entity2> [front|back|random]
/passengers <entity> remove <entity2>
/passengers <entity> clear [<max>] [front|back|random]
/passengers <entity> count [direct|indirect] [<entity2>]
/passengers <entity> dismount

The Long Version

/passengers <entity> add <entity2> [front|back|random]
  • entity: Specifies the steed. Must be a single entity, or the command fails.
  • entity2: Specifies the passengers to add to the steed.
  • front|back|random: Defaults to back. Specifies where on the passenger list to add new passengers.
    • front: Add passengers to the front of the passenger list.
    • back: Add passengers to the back of the passenger list.
    • random: Add passengers to the passenger list randomly.

Tries to add all the entities in entity2 to the passenger list of the steed. Targets fail and are passed over if

  • they are already riding an entity.
  • the steed is riding them, directly or indirectly.
  • they are the steed itself.

/passengers <entity> remove <entity2>
  • entity: Specifies the steed. Must be a single entity, or the command fails.
  • entity2: Specifies the passengers to remove from the steed.

Tries to dismount all the entities in entity2 from the steed. Targets fail and are passed over if they are not riding the steed.

/passengers <entity> clear [<max>] [front|back|random]
  • entity: Specifies the steed. Must be a single entity, or the command fails.
  • max (optional): Specifies the maximum number of passengers to dismount.
  • front|back|random: Defaults to back. Specifies where on the passenger list to remove passengers.
    • front: Remove max passengers from the front of the passenger list.
    • back: Remove max passengers from the back of the passenger list.
    • random: Remove max passengers, selected randomly.

Every passenger of the steed is dismounted, up to the max if specified. Success count is the number of entities removed.

/passengers <entity> count [direct|indirect] [<entity2>]
  • entity: Specifies the steed. Must be a single entity, or the command fails.
  • direct|indirect (optional): Defaults to direct. Specifies whether passenger checking should only count direct passengers, or allow passengers-of-passengers.
  • entity2 (optional): Specifies the specific passengers to count. Can be any number of entities.

Query result is the number of passengers the steed has. If indirect counting is used, the count includes passengers-of-passengers, passengers-of-passengers-of-passengers, etc. If entity2 is provided, only passengers that are included in that selector are counted.

/passengers <entity> dismount
  • entity: Specifies the passenger(s). Can be any number of entities.

All targets dismount their steed. Targets without a steed fail and are passed over.

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