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Last active August 5, 2022 07:33
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Final Report

Final report, Google Summer of Code, 2020

Organization - Amahi

Project - Amahi Android App Improvements


Hello! I am Akash Ramjyothi, an Undergraduate student at SRM University, Chennai. Over the past few months, I have worked with Amahi to improve the Amahi android app.

Project Details:

Work Done:

Pull Requests Raised:

  • (#536) Store and display the last opened of each file
  • (#543) Added an Espresso based automated UI testing protocol
  • (#544) Added support for VPN Proxy
  • (#550) FEAT: UI/UX Improvements
  • (#570) Added Material Icons for Settings Activity
  • (#571) Added UI Testing
  • (#574) Added Last Opened Display of Files Feature
  • (#580) Added Updates to libraries
  • (#585) Add Icons to Settings Activity
  • (#587) Added Scrollbar Feature
  • (#590) Added Google Playstore Rate This App Dialog Prompt
  • (#595) Added Enhanced Sorting of Files
  • (#604) Added Update for ACRA
  • (#606) Added Skeleton Loading to Replace Traditional Progress Bar
  • (#608) Added Materialized Icons for Upload Photos Activity
  • (#617) Added increase in font size of Container Titles in Settings Screen/Activity
  • (#618) Added increase of Titles in Settings Screen for other languages
  • (#621) Added Icons for Alert Dialogs
  • (#624) Added Amahi themed swipe refresh
  • (#628) Added In-App Update Prompt
  • (#637) Added New Type of Loading Effect
  • (#638) Added Update for Room Database
  • (#640) Added Styled Logout Toast
  • (#641) Added Update for buildTools
  • (#642) Added Blue Color as Accent
  • (#643) Added Update for Exoplayer
  • (#644) Added red status bar and stroke for errors
  • (#645) Added Uniform Icons Tint in Audio Player
  • (#652) Added Espresso Update
  • (#653) Added themed Files Sort indicator
  • (#654) Added test runner and test rules update
  • (#655) Added themed Swipe refresh for Navigations and Server Apps Activity/Screen
  • (#656) Added Update for AndroidX Annotations
  • (#657) Added themed Folder Icons
  • (#658) Added FFmpegMediaMetadataRetriever Library Update
  • (#659) Added themed Scrollbar
  • (#661) Added adaptive Login Stroke
  • (#662) Added Removal of Memory Leak
  • (#667) Added Dancing Dots loading for Server Files Activity/Screen
  • (#668) Added update for archRoomVersion
  • (#670) Added Improved Files Sort Indicator
  • (#671) Added Update for Play Services Cast framework

Pull Requests Reviewed

  • (#440) fix: App crash after Sign out and Sign in again
  • (#448) Fix: Inform user if there's no internet connection while trying to ac..
  • (#449) Show shares on the home screen
  • (#489) Feat: Display of last opened of each file
  • (#455) Duplicated menu items in action bar
  • (#487) Fix: Improving files sorting
  • (#489) Feat: Display of last opened of each file
  • (#497) Signin screen showing wrong error
  • (#501) Crash Solved Due to Storage and camera Permissions and Added Dialogue box
  • (#521) NAU Pin Login Activity and UI Structure
  • (#534) Change Notification Icons for Media Player
  • (#563) Add Non-Admin User Support
  • (#664) Correct landscape view in file options and files sorting

Issues Raised

  • (#547) VPN Proxy Tunnel Support
  • (#549) Improve UI/UX
  • (#551) Store and display the last opened of each file
  • (#552) Add Espresso Based UI Testing Protocol
  • (#569) Add Material Icons for Settings Activity
  • (#579) Outdated Libraries
  • (#586) Add Scrollbar to Screens/Activities with Server Files
  • (#589) Add Rate this App Dialog Prompt
  • (#605) New Type of Loading Effect
  • (#607) Add Materialized Icons for Auto Upload Photos Screen
  • (#616) Increase font size of titles on Settings Screen/Activity
  • (#620) Add Icons for Alert Dialogs
  • (#623) Add themed swipe refresh
  • (#627) Add In-App Update Prompt
  • (#639) Add Improved Logout Toast
  • (#646) Found memory leaks
  • (#647) Files sort option not fully visible
  • (#669) Add uniformed sorting indicator to Files Sort

Issues Reviewed

  • (#411) It should Show an empty view when there's nothing to show on the Home Page
  • (#423) blank screen when back button presses on navigation activity
  • (#437) App crash after Sign out and Sign in again
  • (#447) Inform user if there's no internet connection while trying to access media files
  • (#486) Improving files sorting
  • (#488) Display of last opened of each file
  • (#496) Showing connection error instead of wrong credentials on sign in page.
  • (#558) Android app force close
  • (#567) Unable to change the selected server on the app
  • (#612) Android Beta Issue List - August 2020
  • (#613) Previewing while scrobbling video
  • (#666) dancing dots add for file opening

Future work

  • Rigorously testing the app.
  • Add Skeleton and Skirmish Loading Effect.
  • Add further Localisation Support.
  • Add integrated automated chatbot with detailed Q/A system.
  • Fix remaining issues and bugs.
  • Improve themability of the app.


I had a great learning experience working with Amahi. I would like to thank Carlos Puchol (@cpg) for giving me this wonderful opportunity and guiding me throughout the journey. I would also like to thank my mentors Richard Glass (@richard-h-glass), and special thanks to Sanjit (@sanjitchak) and Chirag (@csoni111) for all the guidance and suggestions whenever I was stuck.

I have learned a lot during this journey, working with large codebase, writing better quality code and working with libraries like Event Bus, Retrofit, Room database and many others. The whole experience made me a better software developer and it will help me throughout my career. A big thanks to Google for this amazing program that can really do wonders in the career growth of young developers. Cheers!

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