Oh hello, everyone!
This is a guide to problem solving as I understand it thus far. Many thanks to my turing teachers, mentors, and classmates who, from day one, have insisted I break down problems into smaller and smaller chunks. Its from your guidance that I'm even able to write this.
My biggest issue when I first started Turing as a Mod 1 student was figuring out HOW to solve these programming problems, aka how to even get started in the first place. It was a huge point of frustration and I felt super lost a LOT, so I've created this little guide on how I have figured out how to go about working on a program. This will of course evolve over time, but I'm hoping to give new students a jumping off point. Keep in mind, everyone is different and the way your brain works is yours and yours alone.
I'm using the caesar_cipher program from Mod 1 BE's prework from the 1808 cohort, its short but not exactly simple!
To take a look at the caesar_cipher markdown, click here: https://tinyurl.com/yb78dopr