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Last active December 8, 2020 21:09
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silly thing to render QR codes with unicode block characters
import pyqrcode
#first create a code, and convert it to text as a pattern of 0 and 1
code = pyqrcode.create("")
def blockify(block):
#this converts a representation of a 2x2 block into a unicode character
"0000":" ",
return bricks[block]
#now we loop through the qr text generating bricks
#loop through two lines at a time, and for each line loop through two characters at a time
for x in range(1,len(lines),2):
for y in range(1,len(lines[x]),2):
#get the 2x2 block
block=lines[x][y:y+2] + lines[x+1][y:y+2] #assemble a 4 character string for each 2x2 block
result=result+blockify(block) #add the character to our result
result=result+"\n" #newline for each line in the QR
print(result) #output our masterpiece. It is padded all round by spaces which might eat too many characters.
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