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Last active February 2, 2025 22:52
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  • Save Alanaktion/b1d5d30d066a0d323dd8682cca502141 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Alanaktion/b1d5d30d066a0d323dd8682cca502141 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Celeste Dark Sublime Text Theme
// Rough modified version of Celeste to darken it up
"name": "Celeste Dark",
"author": "Sublime HQ Pty Ltd",
// These colors are part of the hashed range
// and should only be used in non-source
"purple": "hsla(260, 50%, 70%, 1)",
"blue": "hsla(200, 70%, 55%, 1)",
"teal": "hsla(170, 70%, 55%, 1)",
"green": "hsla(130, 70%, 55%, 1)",
// End of hashed range colors
"red": "hsla(0, 70%, 85%, 1)",
"orange": "hsla(25, 90%, 70%, 1)",
"dark_orange": "hsla(10, 90%, 70%, 1)",
"yellow": "hsla(50, 100%, 70%, 1)",
"brown": "hsla(30, 30%, 75%, 1)",
"light_brown": "hsla(30, 30%, 85%, 1)",
"dark_brown": "hsla(30, 30%, 30%, 1)",
"magenta": "hsla(335, 100%, 75%, 1)",
"light_gray": "#f6f6f6",
"dark_gray": "#333",
"black": "#222",
"whitesmoke": "rgb(253, 253, 253)"
"foreground": "var(whitesmoke)",
"background": "var(black)",
"caret": "var(magenta)",
"selection": "color(var(light_gray) a(0.08))",
"selection_border": "color(var(light_gray) a(0.3))",
"inactive_selection": "color(var(light_gray) a(0.06))",
"line_highlight": "#333",
"highlight": "var(magenta)",
"find_highlight": "var(yellow)",
"find_highlight_foreground": "var(dark_brown)",
"active_guide": "var(red)",
"stack_guide": "var(orange)",
"shadow": "#bbb",
"accent": "var(orange)",
"misspelling": "var(dark_orange)",
"fold_marker": "var(yellow)",
"scope": "text",
"foreground": "#ccc"
"scope": "source - comment - string - keyword - punctuation - storage - entity - source.css",
"foreground": ["var(green)", "var(purple)"]
"scope": "comment",
"foreground": "#999",
"font_style": "italic"
"scope": " - -",
"foreground": "var(orange)",
"background": "#1e1e1e",
"scope": "entity.other.inherited-class",
"foreground": "var(dark_orange)",
"background": "#1e1e1e",
"scope": "support.function.builtin, support.class.builtin, variable.language",
"foreground": "var(whitesmoke)",
"font_style": "italic"
"scope": "keyword.operator",
"foreground": "#777"
"scope": "keyword, constant.language",
"foreground": "var(whitesmoke)",
"font_style": "italic"
"scope": "constant.numeric",
"foreground": "var(red)"
"scope": "constant.character",
"foreground": "var(dark_orange)"
"scope": "storage, support.type.sys-types",
"foreground": "var(whitesmoke)",
"font_style": "italic"
"scope": "string",
"foreground": "var(brown)",
"scope": "punctuation.definition.string",
"foreground": "var(light_brown)"
"scope": "punctuation",
"foreground": "#777"
"scope": "meta.function-call variable.parameter",
"foreground": "var(light_brown)"
"scope": "invalid.illegal",
"background": "var(red)",
"scope": "invalid.deprecated",
"background": "var(red)",
"scope": "",
"foreground": "var(blue)"
"scope": "entity.other.attribute-name",
"foreground": "var(teal)"
"scope": "",
"foreground": "var(orange)"
// CSS
"scope": "",
"foreground": "var(purple)"
"scope": "support.type.vendor-prefix",
"foreground": "var(blue)"
"scope": "entity.other.pseudo-class",
"foreground": "var(green)"
// Markdown
"scope": "markup.heading.1",
"foreground": "var(blue)",
"font_style": "bold"
"scope": "markup.heading.2",
"foreground": "var(blue)"
"scope": "",
"foreground": "var(teal)"
"scope": "markup.italic",
"foreground": "var(black)",
"font_style": "italic"
"scope": "markup.bold",
"foreground": "var(black)",
"font_style": "bold"
"scope": "markup.list punctuation.definition.list_item",
"foreground": "var(dark_orange)"
"scope": "markup.raw",
"background": "#202020"
"scope": "markup.raw constant.other.language-name",
"foreground": "var(green)",
"font_style": "italic"
"scope": "meta.table.header - punctuation",
"font_style": "bold"
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Hi, can you please thell me how to load this because it's giving me an error about it's not xml !

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OMGitsRC commented Nov 6, 2020

yes can i now how to load this thing into my sublime settings, tht'd be very helpful.

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@AsadullahFarooqi @OMGitsRC In Sublime Text, go to Preferences > Browse Packages, enter the User directory, and put this file there. It will then show up as a color scheme in the preferences.

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hpetiot commented Sep 8, 2022

I made my own dark version of the classic Celeste them a few years ago. I now switched to VSCode Do you know any way to have the same behavior on VSCode ?

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erosika commented Feb 2, 2025

I would also LOVE this for my switch to VSCode if you have any ideas on how to convert

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