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Created September 21, 2024 10:03
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2005. Subtree Removal Game with Fibonacci Tree
using Spectre.Console;
for (var i = 10; i >= 1; i--)
AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"Dado que n é igual a [yellow]{i:00}[/] então [blue]Alice[/] {(FibonacciTree.DoAliceWins(i) ? "[green]vence[/]" : "[red]perde[/]")}");
public record Node(int Value, Node? Left = null, Node? Rigth = null)
public static explicit operator int(Node node)
=> node.Value;
public static Node operator +(Node a, Node b)
=> new(a.Value + b.Value, a.Value == b.Value ? null : b, a);
public class FibonacciTree
public static bool DoAliceWins(int n)
=> Fibonacci(n).totalNodes % 2 == 0;
public static (Node rootNode, int totalNodes) Fibonacci(int value)
var totalNodes = 1;
Node a = new(1);
var b = a;
for (int i = 1; i < value; i++)
var newNode = a + b;
if (a.Left is not null)
if (a.Rigth is not null)
b = a;
a = newNode;
return (a, totalNodes);
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