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Created May 23, 2017 20:38
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package main
import (
// Value an interface for anything with a value.
type Value interface {
Value() interface{}
type Just struct {
val interface{}
func (j *Just) Value() interface{} {
return j.val
type FunctorMap func(Value) Value
type Functor interface {
Map(FunctorMap) Functor
type FunctorList []Value
func (f *FunctorList) Map(fn FunctorMap) Functor {
// the list we are going to build up
result := FunctorList{}
// for each entry in the list we are converting
for _, entry := range *f {
entry := entry.(*Just).Value().(reflect.Value)
result = append(result, fn(&Just{entry}))
return &result
func FunctorFromList(list interface{}) FunctorList {
// the list we are going to build up
result := FunctorList{}
switch reflect.TypeOf(list).Kind() {
case reflect.Slice:
s := reflect.ValueOf(list)
for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ {
result = append(result, &Just{s.Index(i)})
return result
func main() {
// the string slice we're messing with
slice := []string{"hello world", "goodbye moon"}
// create a list of functors from the list of string
functors := FunctorFromList(slice)
// the function to apply to each entry/
f := func(val Value) Value {
return &Just{len(val.Value().(reflect.Value).String())}
for _, i := range *(functors.Map(f).(*FunctorList)) {
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