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Created November 22, 2024 15:07
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Correct by construction stack compiler in LH
{-@ LIQUID "--ple" @-}
{-@ LIQUID "--etabeta" @-}
{-@ LIQUID "--reflection" @-}
{-@ LIQUID "--dependantcase" @-}
module ExprCompiler where
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.ProofCombinators
{-@ reflect id @-}
{-@ reflect . @-}
{-@ infix . @-}
{-@ infix $ @-}
data Expr where
EConst :: Int -> Expr
EAdd :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
EMul :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
ENeg :: Expr -> Expr
deriving Show
{-@ reflect eval @-}
eval :: Expr -> Int
eval (EConst x) = x
eval (EAdd e1 e2) = eval e1 + eval e2
eval (EMul e1 e2) = eval e1 * eval e2
eval (ENeg e) = - (eval e)
type Stack = [Int]
{-@ reflect push @-}
push :: Int -> Stack -> Stack
push v s = v : s
{-@ reflect opAdd @-}
{-@ opAdd :: { s:Stack | len s >= 2 } -> Stack @-}
opAdd :: Stack -> Stack
opAdd (x : y : xs) = (y + x) : xs
{-@ reflect opMul @-}
{-@ opMul :: { s:Stack | len s >= 2 } -> Stack @-}
opMul :: Stack -> Stack
opMul (x : y : xs) = (x * y) : xs
data OpCode where
OpPush :: Int -> OpCode
OpAdd :: OpCode
OpMul :: OpCode
deriving Show
{-@ reflect execOpCode @-}
{-@ execOpCode :: o:OpCode -> { v:Stack | len v >= minStackSize o } -> Stack @-}
execOpCode :: OpCode -> Stack -> Stack
execOpCode (OpPush x) = push x
execOpCode OpAdd = opAdd
execOpCode OpMul = opMul
{-@ reflect minStackSize @-}
minStackSize :: OpCode -> Int
minStackSize (OpPush x) = 0
minStackSize _ = 2
data Program where
{-@ PNil :: Prop (Program id) @-}
PNil :: Program
{-@ PCons :: op:OpCode
-> p:(Stack -> { v:Stack | len v >= minStackSize op }) -> Prop (Program p)
-> Prop (Program (execOpCode op . p)) @-}
PCons :: OpCode -> (Stack -> Stack) -> Program -> Program
data PROGRAM = Program (Stack -> Stack)
{-@ reflect compose @-}
{-@ compose :: p1:(Stack -> Stack) -> p2:(Stack -> Stack)
-> Prop (Program p1) -> Prop (Program p2)
-> Prop (Program (p2 . p1)) @-}
compose :: (Stack -> Stack) -> (Stack -> Stack) -> Program -> Program -> Program
compose s1 s2 p1 PNil = p1
compose s1 s2 p1 (PCons cmd srest rest) =
PCons cmd (srest . s1) (compose s1 srest p1 rest)
{-@ compile :: e:Expr -> Prop (Program (push $ eval e)) @-}
compile :: Expr -> Program
compile (EConst x) = PCons (OpPush x) id PNil
compile (EAdd e1 e2) =
((push $ eval e1) . (push $ eval e2))
(compose (push $ eval e2) (push $ eval e1) (compile e2) (compile e1))
compile (EMul e1 e2) =
((push $ eval e1) . (push $ eval e2))
(compose (push $ eval e2) (push $ eval e1) (compile e2) (compile e1))
compile (ENeg e) =
((push $ -1) . (push $ eval e))
(PCons (OpPush $ -1) (push $ eval e) (compile e))
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