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Alejandro AlejandroBudy

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AdrianRaFo / Intellij
Last active February 6, 2023 21:45
IntelliJ IDEA Setup

Before starting

If you are a new user please change these settings from the All settings option in the Customize menu before creating or opening any project.

If you are not a new user, the settings marked with Per project setting need to be applied for the current project if opened and on each existing project through the IntelliJ >> Preferences menu option but also on the File >> Manage IDE settings >> Settings for new Projects

Another way to apply this changes is to close all projects(File >> Close all projects or File >> Close project if only one openned) and accessing the settings from the All settings option in the Customize menu but you may need to reimport all your existing projects.


rkuzsma / gist:b9a0e342c56479f5e58d654b1341f01e
Last active May 18, 2024 15:40
Example Kubernetes yaml to pull a private DockerHub image
Step by step how to pull a private DockerHub hosted image in a Kubernetes YML.
export DOCKER_USER=Type your dockerhub username, same as when you `docker login`
export DOCKER_EMAIL=Type your dockerhub email, same as when you `docker login`
export DOCKER_PASSWORD=Type your dockerhub pw, same as when you `docker login`
kubectl create secret docker-registry myregistrykey \
--docker-server=$DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER \
--docker-username=$DOCKER_USER \
johnpolacek / .gitconfig
Last active March 8, 2025 22:15
My current .gitconfig aliases
recent = "!git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate refs/heads/ --format='%(committerdate:short) %(refname:short)' | head -n 10"
co = checkout
cob = checkout -b
coo = !git fetch && git checkout
br = branch
brd = branch -d
brD = branch -D
merged = branch --merged
st = status