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Created January 10, 2016 21:53
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// Copyright © 2015 Aleksey Cherepanov <[email protected]>
// License is the same as Symbolism (Apache license)
// TODO: Replace above with the license
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.CSharp;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using Symbolism;
using Symbolism.Substitute;
using Symbolism.AlgebraicExpand;
using M = Symbolism.MathObject;
// ** We use my.My in ParseFormula
namespace my
public class My
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// MakeFunction
class FunctionFactory
public string name;
public FunctionFactory(string name_str) {
name = name_str;
public Function CreateFunction(params MathObject[] ls) {
var f = new Function(); = name;
f.args = new List<MathObject>(ls);
return f;
// TODO: rename MyCallable
public delegate MathObject MyCallable(params MathObject[] ls);
public static MyCallable MakeFunction(string name_str) {
var ff = new FunctionFactory(name_str);
return new MyCallable(ff.CreateFunction);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Universal copying of object
// TODO: It is not really needed!
static MathObject MyClone(MathObject f) {
MethodInfo inst = f.GetType().GetMethod("MemberwiseClone",
| System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (inst != null)
return (MathObject)inst.Invoke(f, null);
return null;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Universal formula tree traversing with copying and replacement by callback
static List<MathObject> WalkList(List<MathObject> lst, Func<MathObject, MathObject> callback) {
return lst.ConvertAll((e) => WalkTree(e, callback));
static MathObject WalkTree(MathObject f, Func<MathObject, MathObject> callback) {
MathObject r;
if (f is Integer
|| f is Symbol
|| f is Bool
|| f is Number
|| f is DoubleFloat
|| f is Fraction
|| f is Undefined
) {
r = MyClone(f);
return callback(r) ?? r;
} else if (f is Equation) {
Equation t = (Equation)MyClone(f);
t.a = WalkTree(t.a, callback);
t.b = WalkTree(t.b, callback);
// TODO: copy Equation's Operator field and MyClone may be avoided.
r = t.Simplify();
return callback(r) ?? r;
} else if (f is Function) {
Function t = (Function)MyClone(f);
t.args = WalkList(t.args, callback);
r = t.Simplify();
return callback(r) ?? r;
} else if (f is Product || f is Sum) {
if (f is Product) {
r = MyClone(f);
Product t = (Product)r;;
t.elts = WalkList(t.elts, callback);
r = t.Simplify();
} else {
r = MyClone(f);
Sum t = (Sum)r;
t.elts = WalkList(t.elts, callback);
r = t.Simplify();
return callback(r) ?? r;
} else if (f is Power) {
Power t = (Power)MyClone(f);
t.bas = WalkTree(t.bas, callback);
t.exp = WalkTree(t.exp, callback);
r = t.Simplify();
return callback(r) ?? r;
} else {
throw new Exception("not implemented");
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function substitution (imperative expansion)
static MathObject SubsFunctionStatic(MathObject f, MyCallable what, MyCallable fun) {
// We replace 'what' with results of 'fun' called with expressions from formula as parameters.
string what_name = ((FunctionFactory)what.Target).name;
Func<MathObject, MathObject> replacer = (o) => {
// Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", o, o.GetType());
if (o is Function) {
Function cf = (Function)o;
if ( == what_name) {
return fun(cf.args.ToArray());
return o;
MathObject t = WalkTree(f, replacer);
return t;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Subs() is the interface for the function substitution.
// Variant to substitute plain subtrees/symbols, not functions
static MathObject Subs(MathObject f, MathObject what, MathObject rep) {
// return f.Substitute(what, rep);
return WalkTree(f, (e) => what == e ? rep : e);
// Helper function
static void CheckLength(int size, MathObject[] args) {
if (size != args.Length)
throw new Exception(string.Format("Unexpected number of arguments, should be {0}, but got {1}", size, args.Length));
// The wrappers below provide type information to let compiler inference types of lambda expressions, it makes lambda expressions handy to be passed to Subs().
// Generated with
// perl -e 'printf qq{static MathObject Subs(MathObject f, MyCallable what, Func<M%s> fun) { return SubsFunctionStatic(f, what, (args) => { CheckLength(%d, args); return fun(%s); }); }\n}, (", M" x $_), $_, (join ", ", map { "args[$_]" } 0 .. $_ - 1) for 0 .. 4;'
static MathObject Subs(MathObject f, MyCallable what, Func<M> fun) { return SubsFunctionStatic(f, what, (args) => { CheckLength(0, args); return fun(); }); }
static MathObject Subs(MathObject f, MyCallable what, Func<M, M> fun) { return SubsFunctionStatic(f, what, (args) => { CheckLength(1, args); return fun(args[0]); }); }
static MathObject Subs(MathObject f, MyCallable what, Func<M, M, M> fun) { return SubsFunctionStatic(f, what, (args) => { CheckLength(2, args); return fun(args[0], args[1]); }); }
static MathObject Subs(MathObject f, MyCallable what, Func<M, M, M, M> fun) { return SubsFunctionStatic(f, what, (args) => { CheckLength(3, args); return fun(args[0], args[1], args[2]); }); }
static MathObject Subs(MathObject f, MyCallable what, Func<M, M, M, M, M> fun) { return SubsFunctionStatic(f, what, (args) => { CheckLength(4, args); return fun(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); }); }
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function to throw exception from expression
static MathObject Fail(string msg) {
throw new Exception(msg);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Output to TeX / LaTeX
class CustomFunctionWithPrint : Function
string custom_format;
public CustomFunctionWithPrint(Function f, IDictionary<string, string> custom) {
name =;
args = f.args;
if (custom.ContainsKey(name))
custom_format = custom[name];
public override string ToString()
if (custom_format == null)
return base.ToString();
return string.Format(custom_format, args.ToArray());
class CustomPowerWithPrint : Power
public CustomPowerWithPrint(Power f) : base(f.bas, f.exp) {
public override string ToString()
string fmt;
if (bas is Symbol) {
fmt = "{{{0}}}^{{{1}}}";
} else {
// TODO: not all our () are needed even so.
fmt = "({{{0}}})^{{{1}}}";
return string.Format(fmt, bas, exp);
// custom: function name -> format string
static string ToTex(MathObject f, IDictionary<string, string> custom)
// We use regular ToString() but we tweak some objects to have overridden ToString().
MathObject r = WalkTree(f, (o) => {
if (o is Function) {
return new CustomFunctionWithPrint((Function)o, custom);
if (o is Power) {
return new CustomPowerWithPrint((Power)o);
return o;
string s = r.ToString();
s = s.Replace("*", "\\cdot");
s = s.Replace("==", "=");
s = s.Replace("(", "\\left(");
s = s.Replace(")", "\\right)");
// Digits in the end of name automatically become indexes.
// TODO: underscores in names are not handled.
s = Regex.Replace(s, "([a-zA-Z]+)(\\d+)", "$1_{$2}");
return s;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Class to accumulate text
// TODO: it is not a great API, it is just a partial example how it could be implemented.
public class MyOutput
string title;
string body = "";
IDictionary<string, string> custom;
// Online variant
string mathjax_source = "";
// // Local copy
// string mathjax_source = "mathjax/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML";
public MyOutput() {
public void SetTitle(string str)
title = str;
public void SetCustom(IDictionary<string, string> d)
custom = d;
public void Add(string str, MathObject o)
body += str;
body += " $$" + ToTex(o, custom) + "$$ ";
public void AddMaybe(string str, MathObject o)
if (str != null)
Add(str, o);
string html_template =
"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n"
+ "<html><head>"
+ "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">"
+ "<title>{0}</title>"
+ "<script src=\"{1}\"></script>"
+ "</head><body>"
+ "<h1>{0}</h1>"
+ "{2}"
+ "</body></html>";
public string ToHtml()
return string.Format(html_template, title, mathjax_source, body);
string tex_template =
+ "\\usepackage[utf8]{{inputenc}}\n"
+ "\\usepackage{{amsmath}}\n"
+ "\\usepackage{{amssymb}}\n"
+ "\\usepackage{{geometry}}\n"
+ "\\usepackage{{latexsym}}\n"
+ "\\usepackage[russian]{{babel}}\n"
+ "\\pagestyle{{empty}}\n"
+ "\\begin{{document}}\n"
+ "\\textbf{{{0}}}\n\n"
+ "{{{1}}}"
+ "\\end{{document}}\n";
public string ToLatex()
return string.Format(tex_template, title, body);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Typical building blocks for math
// Check dependency against symbol or expression
static bool DependsOnto(MathObject f, MathObject v)
bool k = false;
WalkTree(f, (e) => {
if (e == v)
k = true;
return e;
return k;
// My simple expansion
// TODO: AlgebraicExpand() should do the work but hangs on some expressions with powers...
static MathObject MyExpand(MathObject f)
return WalkTree(f, (o) => {
if (o is Product) {
Product t = (Product)o;
MathObject r = 1;
foreach (MathObject e in t.elts) {
if (e is Sum) {
Sum t2 = (Sum)e;
MathObject nr = 0;
if (r is Sum) {
foreach (MathObject e2 in t2.elts) {
foreach (MathObject e3 in ((Sum)r).elts) {
nr += e3 * e2;
} else {
foreach (MathObject e2 in t2.elts) {
nr += r * e2;
r = nr;
} else {
r *= e;
return r;
return o;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Parser for formulas (through compilation)
// TODO: it is not a safe approach and was written just for fun.
static MathObject ParseFormula(string str)
// Instead of real parsing, we check that given formula does not seem to have anything malicious, compile it as code and execute it to get expression as object.
// TODO: It is very very probable that it is not safe. Replace it with real parser.
var s = str;
s = Regex.Replace(s, "[;\"{}\\[\\]?:\\\\]", "");
if (s != str)
throw new Exception("Illegal input");
// We replace all identifier with calls to create symbols and functions.
s = Regex.Replace(s, @"([a-zA-Z]\w*)(\(?)",
(m) => string.Format(m.Groups[2].ToString() == ""
? "(new Symbol(\"{0}\"))"
: "(my.My.MakeFunction(\"{0}\"))(",
// Console.WriteLine("{0}", s);
// Compilation of code
var csc = new CSharpCodeProvider();
var p = new CompilerParameters(new[] { "System.Core.dll", "Symbolism.dll" }, null, true);
// Add our code into assemblies
foreach (Assembly assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) {
try {
string location = assembly.Location;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(location)) {
} catch (NotSupportedException) {
// this happens for dynamic assemblies, so just ignore it.
p.GenerateInMemory = true;
p.GenerateExecutable = false;
s = "using Symbolism;"
+ "using System;"
+ "public static class p { "
+ "public static MathObject c() { return ("
+ s + ");} }";
CompilerResults r = csc.CompileAssemblyFromSource(p, s);
if (r.Errors.Count > 0) {
foreach (var error in r.Errors) {
Console.WriteLine("> {0}", ((CompilerError)error).ErrorText);
throw new Exception("compilation failure");
var mi = r.CompiledAssembly.GetType("p").GetMethod("c");
var expr = (MathObject)mi.Invoke(null, null);
return expr;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// The main code: some artificial examples
static void Main(string[] args)
C = new Symbol("C"),
k = new Symbol("k"),
m = new Symbol("m"),
x0 = new Symbol("x0"),
x = new Symbol("x");
// We use functions to represent all complex constructions of math language, including sum of sequence, product of sequence, difference.
// Let's express product of sequence by function P:
// P(v, sub, sup, expr(v))
// where
// v - dummy variable,
// sub - subscript,
// sup - superscript,
// expr(v) - expression:
// sup
// ∏ expr(v)
// v = sub
// (∏ - n-ary product, Unicode char U+220F)
var P = MakeFunction("P");
// Let's express sum of sequence by function S:
// S(v, sub, sup, expr(v))
// like product of sequence above:
// sup
// ∑ expr(v)
// v = sub
// (∑ - n-ary summation, Unicode char U+2211)
var S = MakeFunction("S");
var p = MakeFunction("p");
var f = MakeFunction("f");
var delta = MakeFunction("delta");
var u = MakeFunction("u");
var output = new MyOutput();
// We define our custom TeX format strings to represent our custom functions.
var custom_tex = new Dictionary<string, string>();
custom_tex["P"] = "\\prod_{{{0} = {1}}}^{{{2}}} ({3})";
custom_tex["S"] = "\\sum_{{{0} = {1}}}^{{{2}}} ({3})";
custom_tex["delta"] = "\\Delta {0}";
// Equation task = u(x + 1) == (2^x) * u(x);
Equation task = (Equation)ParseFormula("u(x + 1) == (2^x) * u(x)");
Console.WriteLine("task = {0}", task);
output.Add("Formula parsed from string:", task);
// delta(u(x)) --> u(x + 1) - u(x)
var t2 = delta(x ^ 2);
var o2 = Subs(t2, delta, (ux) => Subs(ux, x, x + 1) - ux);
output.Add("Example function substitution:", t2 == o2);
var f_solution = P(k, x0, x - 1, p(k)) * (C + S(k, x0, x - 1, f(k) * (P(m, x0, k, p(m))^(-1)) ));
output.Add("Formula for solution of linear nonhomogeneous difference equation (with step 1):", u(x) == f_solution);
// Ok, we expressed sum and product in formula, but all simplifications should be done manually, Subs() simplifies some manipulation, but not all.
System.IO.File.WriteAllText("t.html", output.ToHtml());
// System.IO.File.WriteAllText("t.tex", output.ToLatex());
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