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Created June 15, 2018 05:16
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def adamGD(batch, num_classes, lr, dim, n_c, beta1, beta2, params, cost):
update the parameters through Adam gradient descnet.
[f1, f2, w3, w4, b1, b2, b3, b4] = params
X = batch[:,0:-1] # get batch inputs
X = X.reshape(len(batch), n_c, dim, dim)
Y = batch[:,-1] # get batch labels
cost_ = 0
batch_size = len(batch)
# initialize gradients and momentum,RMS params
df1 = np.zeros(f1.shape)
df2 = np.zeros(f2.shape)
dw3 = np.zeros(w3.shape)
dw4 = np.zeros(w4.shape)
db1 = np.zeros(b1.shape)
db2 = np.zeros(b2.shape)
db3 = np.zeros(b3.shape)
db4 = np.zeros(b4.shape)
v1 = np.zeros(f1.shape)
v2 = np.zeros(f2.shape)
v3 = np.zeros(w3.shape)
v4 = np.zeros(w4.shape)
bv1 = np.zeros(b1.shape)
bv2 = np.zeros(b2.shape)
bv3 = np.zeros(b3.shape)
bv4 = np.zeros(b4.shape)
s1 = np.zeros(f1.shape)
s2 = np.zeros(f2.shape)
s3 = np.zeros(w3.shape)
s4 = np.zeros(w4.shape)
bs1 = np.zeros(b1.shape)
bs2 = np.zeros(b2.shape)
bs3 = np.zeros(b3.shape)
bs4 = np.zeros(b4.shape)
for i in range(batch_size):
x = X[i]
y = np.eye(num_classes)[int(Y[i])].reshape(num_classes, 1) # convert label to one-hot
# Collect Gradients for training example
grads, loss = conv(x, y, params, 1, 2, 2)
[df1_, df2_, dw3_, dw4_, db1_, db2_, db3_, db4_] = grads
cost_+= loss
# Parameter Update
v1 = beta1*v1 + (1-beta1)*df1/batch_size # momentum update
s1 = beta2*s1 + (1-beta2)*(df1/batch_size)**2 # RMSProp update
f1 -= lr * v1/np.sqrt(s1+1e-7) # combine momentum and RMSProp to perform update with Adam
bv1 = beta1*bv1 + (1-beta1)*db1/batch_size
bs1 = beta2*bs1 + (1-beta2)*(db1/batch_size)**2
b1 -= lr * bv1/np.sqrt(bs1+1e-7)
v2 = beta1*v2 + (1-beta1)*df2/batch_size
s2 = beta2*s2 + (1-beta2)*(df2/batch_size)**2
f2 -= lr * v2/np.sqrt(s2+1e-7)
bv2 = beta1*bv2 + (1-beta1) * db2/batch_size
bs2 = beta2*bs2 + (1-beta2)*(db2/batch_size)**2
b2 -= lr * bv2/np.sqrt(bs2+1e-7)
v3 = beta1*v3 + (1-beta1) * dw3/batch_size
s3 = beta2*s3 + (1-beta2)*(dw3/batch_size)**2
w3 -= lr * v3/np.sqrt(s3+1e-7)
bv3 = beta1*bv3 + (1-beta1) * db3/batch_size
bs3 = beta2*bs3 + (1-beta2)*(db3/batch_size)**2
b3 -= lr * bv3/np.sqrt(bs3+1e-7)
v4 = beta1*v4 + (1-beta1) * dw4/batch_size
s4 = beta2*s4 + (1-beta2)*(dw4/batch_size)**2
w4 -= lr * v4 / np.sqrt(s4+1e-7)
bv4 = beta1*bv4 + (1-beta1)*db4/batch_size
bs4 = beta2*bs4 + (1-beta2)*(db4/batch_size)**2
b4 -= lr * bv4 / np.sqrt(bs4+1e-7)
cost_ = cost_/batch_size
params = [f1, f2, w3, w4, b1, b2, b3, b4]
return params, cost
##################### Training ######################
def train(num_classes = 10, lr = 0.01, beta1 = 0.95, beta2 = 0.99, img_dim = 28, img_depth = 1, f = 5, num_filt1 = 8, num_filt2 = 8, batch_size = 32, num_epochs = 2, save_path = 'params.pkl'):
# Get training data
m =50000
X = extract_data('train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz', m, img_dim)
y_dash = extract_labels('train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz', m).reshape(m,1)
X-= int(np.mean(X))
X/= int(np.std(X))
train_data = np.hstack((X,y_dash))
## Initializing all the parameters
f1, f2, w3, w4 = (num_filt1 ,img_depth,f,f), (num_filt2 ,num_filt1,f,f), (128,800), (10, 128)
f1 = initializeFilter(f1)
f2 = initializeFilter(f2)
w3 = initializeWeight(w3)
w4 = initializeWeight(w4)
b1 = np.zeros((f1.shape[0],1))
b2 = np.zeros((f2.shape[0],1))
b3 = np.zeros((w3.shape[0],1))
b4 = np.zeros((w4.shape[0],1))
params = [f1, f2, w3, w4, b1, b2, b3, b4]
cost = []
print("LR:"+str(lr)+", Batch Size:"+str(batch_size))
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
batches = [train_data[k:k + batch_size] for k in range(0, train_data.shape[0], batch_size)]
t = tqdm(batches)
for x,batch in enumerate(t):
params, cost = adamGD(batch, num_classes, lr, img_dim, img_depth, beta1, beta2, params, cost)
t.set_description("Cost: %.2f" % (cost[-1]))
with open(save_path, 'wb') as file:
pickle.dump(params, file)
return cost
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