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Last active November 25, 2024 15:25
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Character Sets/Ranges   []                  : Match any characters within. Required expression.
Qualifiers              {}                  : Quantity or range of an expression. IE: {3}, {2,200}
Groups                  ()                  : Group expressions. Subgroups supported.
Non-Capturing Group     (?:foo)             : Does not "remember" matches. Lower overhead.
Kleen Star              *                   : May occur 0 or more times.
Kleen plus              +                   : May occur 1 or more times.
Wildcard                .                   : Matches exactly 1 character.
Optional                ?                   : Make optional qualifier.
Alternation             |                   : Match two or more subexpressions. IE: (foo|bar)
Negate                  ^                   : NOT. IE: [^aAeEiIoOuU]
Literal                 string              : Exact string match.
Anchors                 ^$                  : Start and end of string.
Shorthand Class         \d                  : [0-9]
Shorthand Class         \D                  : [^0-9]
Shorthand Class         \w                  : [a-zA-Z0-9_]
Shorthand Class         \W                  : [^a-zA-Z0-9_]
Boundary                \b                  : Boundary
Newlines                (\r\n|\r|\n)        : Newlines
Lookbehind              (?<!x)y             : y not preceded by x (Note: aka 'lookarounds')
                        (?<=x)y             : y is preceded by x (Tip: Use with negate.)
Lookahead               x(?!y)              : x not followed by y
                        x(?=y)              : x is followed by y
                        x(?!y)z             : BAD - yz occupy the same position.



Grep has three regex capabilities built in: Basic [-G] (enabled by default), Extended [-E], and Perl [-P] (PCRE). Note that advanced regex functions such as lookarounds require PCRE. Don't forget [-o] (only matching, which is useufl.) IE:

user@host:~# echo "foo, 1.2.3,v4.5.6 " | grep -oP "(?<=[\b\s,;])([vV]?([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]*)\.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]*)\.([1-9]+|[1-9][0-9]*))((?=[\b\s,;\.]|.(?=\s)))"

Boundary Defense

\b has its uses, but in many occasions it's desirable to be defensive against partial matches. For example, a semver regex that matches 1.2.3, may also match part sof Use lookarounds to defend against such scenarios. The following from the semver examples ensures that matches are only made when there is a preceeding boundary, space, comma, or semicolon AND a trailing boundary, space, comma, semicolon, or period followed by a space.

(?<=[\b\s,;])<YOUR MATCH REGEX>((?=[\b\s,;]|.(?=\s)))

Password Complexity

RDS Password


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With Non Capturing Groups


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IPv4/6 Private IPs


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Amazon's regex:




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Semver - Trunk (Everything is potentially releasable)


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With boundary defense


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Maven Madness


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