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Last active March 31, 2021 20:45
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Encrypt files with Ruby and OpenSSL
# Ruby script encrypts files with OpenSSL
i = 1
while i != 0 do
puts "---MENU---"
puts "(1) to Encrypt"
puts "(2) to Decrypt"
puts "(3) to Exit"
print ": "
option = gets.chomp
c = 1
if option == "1"
while c != 0 do
puts "Type the filename you want to Encrypt, OR 'exit' to go back to menu"
print ": "
filename = gets.chomp
filename == "exit" ? c = 0 : system("openssl aes-256-cbc -a -salt -in #{filename} -out #{filename}.enc")
elsif option == "2"
while c != 0 do
puts "Type the filename you want to Decrypt, OR 'exit' to go back to menu"
print ": "
filename = gets.chomp
name = filename.match(/^\w+/)
extension = filename.match(/(?<=\.)(.*?)(?=\.)/)
filename == "exit" ? c = 0 : system("openssl aes-256-cbc -d -a -in #{filename} -out #{name}.#{extension} ")
elsif option == "3"
i = 0
puts "wrong input, Try again."
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