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Last active February 15, 2024 05:24
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Reimplementation of SwiftUI EditMode enum for macOS
// Documentation comments are copied from the official documentation for iOS.
import SwiftUI
#if os(macOS)
/// Reimplemenation of [EditMode]( for macOS.
public enum EditMode {
/// The user can edit the view content.
case active
/// The user can’t edit the view content.
case inactive
/// The view is in a temporary edit mode.
case transient
extension EditMode: Equatable {}
extension EditMode: Hashable {}
extension EditMode {
/// Indicates whether a view is being edited.
/// This property returns `true` if the mode is something other than inactive.
public var isEditing: Bool {
self != .inactive
private struct EditModeEnvironmentKey: EnvironmentKey {
static var defaultValue: Binding<EditMode>?
extension EnvironmentValues {
/// An indication of whether the user can edit the contents of a view associated with this environment.
public var editMode: Binding<EditMode>? {
get {
set {
self[EditModeEnvironmentKey.self] = newValue
// Below extension also don't exist on iOS, so keep them outside of the compiler directive block.
extension EditMode {
/// Toggles the edit mode between `.inactive` and `.active`.
public mutating func toggle() {
switch self {
case .inactive: self = .active
case .active: self = .inactive
case .transient: break
#if os(iOS)
@unknown default: break
extension Optional where Wrapped == Binding<EditMode> {
/// Convenience property so call sites can use a clean `editMode.isEditing` instead of the
/// ugly boilerplate `editMode?.wrappedValue.isEditing == true`.
public var isEditing: Bool {
self?.wrappedValue.isEditing == true
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