// import mongoose
const mongoose = require("mongoose")
// read your .env
// GET YOUR DATABASE_URL VARIABLE FROM YOU .ENV - mongodb://username:[email protected]/mydatabasename
const DATABASE_URL = process.env.DATABASE_URL
Web works via browsers and servers.
- Users type in urls, click on links, submit forms
- The browsers sends a request
- a server receives the request and responds
- may response with html, files, json, etc.
Servers can be written in javascript with a javascript run time, and there are three of them:
a repo: a folder whose files and subfolders are being tracked in on commit chain
staging: files that have been marked to be included in the next commit
commit: a snapshot of files in the repo marking all changes in staged files since the last commit
remote: a repo hosted elsewhere that receives commits from your local repo via pushes and can send your local repo commits via pull
So your going to be working in a group to develop a small application, this guide will help walk your through the basic steps to get setup as a group for good progress as a group.
Some helpful videos:
In this document you'll find a collection of resources and advice to help preparing for different aspects of a technical interview.
You don't need to be a computer science genius but there are somethings to get familiar with to truly "talk the talk". You can learn a lot of this from my computer science playlist below.
ExpressJS is a backend NodeJS framework. Node has HTTP server functionalities built in but using them can be a little tricky and doing even the most basic things can be quite cumbersome, for example:
// Import http library
const http = require("http")
// use env variable to define port with default
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 4000
Abstraction: Something that simplifies the complexities of something else to make it easier to use without the need to understand how it works.
Server: Application running on a network that takes request and generates a response. Often, these responses are either HTML web pages or data JSON format.
Client: Application that is made to create requests to servers and then render the response into something usable for the user. A internet browser is a client application that let's you send requests to web servers and render the html in the response as a visual webpage.
Web Browser: A desktop or mobile application that is for sending requests to web servers to get back a particular web site or web application.
Web Application: A software application written to be consumed via a web browser
Bootcamps can be intense and fast paced but anyone at any level can succeed in them, especially if they make the commitment and do some prep beforehand which makes the experience a lot less intense so you can focus on the quality of your work versus just keeping up.
Regardless of the length of your particular bootcamp, during that time anything you can take off your plate should be taken off your plate so you can accomodate at least 3 hours for doing homework, practice and research for every 8 hours of class time.
- if your doing 40 hours of class per week, you should expect minimum 15 hours of out of class work per week.
- If your doing 16 hours of class per week, you should expect minimum 6 hours of out of class work per week.