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Last active November 14, 2017 13:31
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type messageDescriptor = {. "id": string, "defaultMessage": string};
[@bs.module "react-intl"]
external defineMessages : Js.Dict.t(messageDescriptor) => Js.Dict.t(messageDescriptor) =
module FormattedMessage = {
[@bs.module "react-intl"] external formatMessage : ReasonReact.reactClass = "FormattedMessage";
let make =
~id: string,
~defaultMessage: string,
~description: option(string)=?,
~values: option(Js.t('any))=?,
) =>
"id": id,
"defaultMessage": defaultMessage,
"values": Js.Nullable.from_opt(values),
"description": Js.Nullable.from_opt(description)
module IntlProvider = {
[@bs.module "react-intl"] external intlProvider : ReasonReact.reactClass = "IntlProvider";
let make = (~locale: option(string)=?, ~messages: option(Js.t('any))=?, _children) =>
~props={"locale": Js.Nullable.from_opt(locale), "messages": Js.Nullable.from_opt(messages)},
module IntlShape = {
type formatMessage = [@bs.meth] (messageDescriptor => string);
type t = {. "formatMessage": formatMessage};
module IntlObjectProvider = {
[@bs.module "./ReactIntlInteropt"] external intlProvider : ReasonReact.reactClass = "default";
let make = (~renderer: IntlShape.t => ReasonReact.reactElement, _children) =>
~props={"render": (intl) => renderer(intl)},
let formatMessage = (dict: Js.Dict.t(messageDescriptor), intl: IntlShape.t, key: Js.Dict.key) => {
let maybeKey = key |> Js.Dict.get(dict);
switch maybeKey {
| None => Js.Exn.raiseError("Given intl message key does not exist")
| Some(translation) => intl##formatMessage(translation)
import { injectIntl } from "react-intl";
const intlShapeProvider = ({ intl, render }) => {
return render(intl);
export default injectIntl(intlShapeProvider);
let comp = <ReactIntl.IntlProvider>
(intl) => {
let message = intl##formatMessage({"id": "hello", "defaultMessage": "hello world"});
<div> (ReasonReact.stringToElement(message)) </div>
/* in conjunction with defineMessages */
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("ClientInternalNotes");
let messages =
("internalNotesTitle", {"id": "internalNotesTitle", "defaultMessage": "Internal notes"})
let intlMessages = ReactIntl.defineMessages(messages);
let make = (~notes, ~intl, _children) => {
...component, /* spread the template's other defaults into here */
render: (_self) =>
ReasonReact.stringToElement(ReactIntl.formatMessage(intlMessages, intl, "internalNotesTitle"))
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