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Last active March 5, 2024 16:04
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Grammarly front-end talks

Grammarly front-end talks

Links to the video recordings of various front-end related talks and workshops from Grammarly team.

  1. False simplicity of front-end applications [rus]: goes into details about how we solve complexity of modern stateful UI with focus on practical application of SOLID and FRP from the team behind Grammarly Editor
  2. False Simplicity of Front-End Applications: Our Experience [rus]: similar title as #1 but different talk, with more details about Grammarly Editor implementation challenges
  3. Scaling Front-End Platforms [eng]: Nick Sorrentino, Director of Engineering at Grammarly talks about challenges of scaling modern front-ends
  4. Introduction in Reactive Programming with React [rus]: overview of how to apply FRP with react
  5. Керування станом React-додатків із використанням бібліотеки Focal [ukr/rus]: practical introduction into Focal library
  6. Solving behavioral complexity with FRP [rus]: deep dive into how we apply FRP when building Grammarly Editor
  7. How FP Made Grammarly Codebase Error-free & Predictable [rus]: showcases how Grammarly Editor team uses modern functional programming techniques
  8. Растим детей. Или как Иван Васильевич запускал эксперименты? [rus]: goes into details about implementing A/B testing at Grammarly
  9. The Story of Declarative React at Grammarly [rus]: An overview of how (and why) Grammarly Editor tech stack evolved over time, with introduction of a new UI framework from Grammarly team called Embrace
  10. Real-time Collaborative Text Editing on Grammarly’s Front-End Team [rus]: The talk about how the Grammarly Front-End team has solved real-time collaboration editing in creating the Grammarly Editor.
  11. Як ми тестуємо фронтенд в Grammarly. Marble та Property-based тестування [rus]: The meetup is about how do we test in general and about Marble and Property-based testing in Grammarly Editor codebase.
  12. Grammarly Tech Week: The Story of Declarative React at Grammarly [eng]: An overview of how (and why) Grammarly Editor tech stack evolved over time, with the introduction of a new UI framework from Grammarly team called Embrace
  13. Grammarly Tech Week: How We Test at Grammarly: General Processes and Reactive Code Testing [eng]: The meetup is about how do we test in general and about Marble in the Grammarly Editor codebase.
  14. How to Use Bazel to Manage Monorepos: The Grammarly Front-End Team's Experience [rus]: The talk is about why we decided to use monorepo for Grammarly OnlineEditor and why chose Bazel to manage it.

Blog posts

  1. How Grammarly Tackles Hidden Complexity in Front-End Applications
  1. Under the Hood of the Grammarly Editor
  1. Introducing Embrace: A Framework for Building Declarative UIs
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