Links to the video recordings of various front-end related talks and workshops from Grammarly team.
- False simplicity of front-end applications [rus]: goes into details about how we solve complexity of modern stateful UI with focus on practical application of SOLID and FRP from the team behind Grammarly Editor
- False Simplicity of Front-End Applications: Our Experience [rus]: similar title as #1 but different talk, with more details about Grammarly Editor implementation challenges
- Scaling Front-End Platforms [eng]: Nick Sorrentino, Director of Engineering at Grammarly talks about challenges of scaling modern front-ends
- Introduction in Reactive Programming with React [rus]: overview of how to apply FRP with react
- Керування станом React-додатків із використанням бібліотеки Focal [ukr/rus]: practical introduction into Focal library
- Solving behavioral complexity with FRP [rus]: deep dive into how we apply FRP when building Grammarly Editor
- How FP Made Grammarly Codebase Error-free & Predictable [rus]: showcases how Grammarly Editor team uses modern functional programming techniques
- Растим детей. Или как Иван Васильевич запускал эксперименты? [rus]: goes into details about implementing A/B testing at Grammarly
- The Story of Declarative React at Grammarly [rus]: An overview of how (and why) Grammarly Editor tech stack evolved over time, with introduction of a new UI framework from Grammarly team called Embrace
- Real-time Collaborative Text Editing on Grammarly’s Front-End Team [rus]: The talk about how the Grammarly Front-End team has solved real-time collaboration editing in creating the Grammarly Editor.
- Як ми тестуємо фронтенд в Grammarly. Marble та Property-based тестування [rus]: The meetup is about how do we test in general and about Marble and Property-based testing in Grammarly Editor codebase.
- Grammarly Tech Week: The Story of Declarative React at Grammarly [eng]: An overview of how (and why) Grammarly Editor tech stack evolved over time, with the introduction of a new UI framework from Grammarly team called Embrace
- Grammarly Tech Week: How We Test at Grammarly: General Processes and Reactive Code Testing [eng]: The meetup is about how do we test in general and about Marble in the Grammarly Editor codebase.
- How to Use Bazel to Manage Monorepos: The Grammarly Front-End Team's Experience [rus]: The talk is about why we decided to use monorepo for Grammarly OnlineEditor and why chose Bazel to manage it.
- How Grammarly Tackles Hidden Complexity in Front-End Applications
- Under the Hood of the Grammarly Editor
- Part One: Real-Time Collaborative Text Editing is about how clients collaborate with backend in real time
- Part Two: How Suggestions Work is about how real-time suggestions work on the front-end side
- Introducing Embrace: A Framework for Building Declarative UIs