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Last active April 14, 2018 21:55
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  • Save AlexTMjugador/933ed1bc8767073d45d8657a72444bd5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AlexTMjugador/933ed1bc8767073d45d8657a72444bd5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Retrieves the number of files that the user has selected in a window opened by the GetOpenFileName Win32 C API function. It assumes that the OFN_EXPLORER and OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT flags are set.
size_t FilesSelected(OPENFILENAME ofn, size_t bufferSize)
// ofn.lpstrFile format:
// - If the user picks one file: folder\file\0\0
// - If the user picks several files: folder\0file1\0file2\0fileN\0\0
// This function assumes that input parameters are valid and is used just after GetOpenFileName returns with success.
size_t toret = 0;
BOOL bBufferEnd = FALSE;
BOOL bFoundNullPreviously = FALSE;
for (size_t i = 0; i < bufferSize - 2 && !bBufferEnd; i += 2)
TCHAR cur = ofn.lpstrFile[i];
TCHAR next = ofn.lpstrFile[i + 1];
TCHAR nextNext = ofn.lpstrFile[i + 2];
BOOL bFoundNull = cur == '\0' || next == '\0';
bBufferEnd = cur == '\0' && next == '\0' || next == '\0' && nextNext == '\0';
if (bFoundNull && (!bBufferEnd || !bFoundNullPreviously))
// We found another file if we find a null character, and one of the following conditions applies:
// 1. The buffer doesn't end (i.e., a null character is followed by another null character).
// E.g., a buffer with two files would have two \0, including the one which separates the folder from the first file.
// We don't want to count the last null on the buffer, followed by another null, because it signals the buffer end.
// 2. It's the first null character we find. This would count a first null no matter where it is.
// It allows to handle the case where the user only selects one file correctly.
bFoundNullPreviously = bFoundNullPreviously || bFoundNull;
return toret;
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