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Created December 11, 2013 13:11
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Ruby cheatsheet
__foo__ = "This foo sentence contains many foo instances, for example: foo, foo, foo."
* Match a single symbol: `foo.match /./ # => #<MatchData "T">`
* Match the first-found word character symbol: `foo.match /\w/ => #<MatchData "T">`
* Extract all symbols of a string: `foo.scan /./ # => ["T",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
"."] `
* Extract n-member group of symbols - e.g. groups of 3 symbols `foo.scan /.../ # => ["Thi",
"s f",
"oo ",
"ce ",
"ns ",
"y f",
"oo ",
", f",
"or ",
"e: ",
", f",
" fo"]`
* Match the whole string: `foo.match /.+/ # => #<MatchData "This foo sentence contains many foo instances, for example: foo, foo, foo.">`
`foo.match /.*/ # => #<MatchData "This foo sentence contains many foo instances, for example: foo, foo, foo.">`
> Written with [StackEdit](
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