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Created January 21, 2018 16:52
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Sonic Pi music code
# future cosmic ensemble v06
# Alexandre rANGEL
# 21-Jan-2018 - Sonic Pi 3.01
use_cent_tuning -31.76665363342928 # 432Hz tuning
use_bpm 36 # 18, 36, 72
set_sched_ahead_time! 6
set_volume! 0.9
with_fx :tremolo, depth: 1, phase: 0.03125, mix: 0.5 do
with_fx :reverb, mix: 0.222 do
with_fx :bitcrusher, bits: 5, mix: 0.15 do
live_loop :notes do
with_fx :pitch_shift, pitch: [-8,-8,-12,-16,2].choose,
window_size: rrand(0.001,0.01), mix: 0.777 do
with_fx :slicer, phase: [1.0/16,1.0/8,0.125,0.25,0.5,0.5,0.5,1,1].choose,
mix: rrand(0,1) do
with_fx :vowel, voice: 2, vowel_sound: rrand_i(1,5), mix: 0.444 do
use_synth :fm
myNote = scale([:eb3,:eb3,:gs3,:es2].choose,:blues_minor).choose
puts current_synth
puts note_info (myNote)
myPlay = play myNote,
divisor: [0.5,1,2,2,2,4,8].choose,
depth: [4,8,16].choose,
release: 2, attack: rrand(0.01,0.1),
amp: rrand(0.8888,1.1),
pan: rrand(-0.6,0.6), pan_slide: [0.125,0.25,0.5,1,2,2].choose
control myPlay, note: myNote+[-2,-2,-2,-4,-8,2].choose,
note_slide: [rrand(0.1,0.6),1,2].choose
play chord(myNote, [:minor,:major,'+5'].choose) if one_in(8)
use_synth [:growl,:hollow,:dark_ambience].choose
myNote2 = scale([:eb3,:eb3,:gs3,:es2].choose,:blues_minor).choose
puts current_synth
puts note_info (myNote2)
myPlay2 = play myNote2,
divisor: [0.5,1,2,2,2,4,8].choose,
depth: [4,8,16].choose,
release: [2,4].choose, attack: rrand(0.01,0.1),
amp: rrand(0.8888,1.2),
pan: rrand(-0.6,0.6), pan_slide: [0.125,0.25,0.5,1,2,2].choose
control myPlay2, note: myNote+[-2,-2,-2,-4,-8,2].choose,
note_slide: [rrand(0.1,0.6),1,2].choose
sleep 1
sleep 2 if one_in(8)
sleep 2 if one_in(16)
sleep 4 if one_in(32)
sleep 12
with_fx :bitcrusher, bits: 5,
sample_rate: 36000, mix: 0.333 do
live_loop :beat2 do
with_fx :slicer, phase: (knit 1,16, 0.125,4, 0.0625,4).tick do
sample [:elec_lo_snare,:elec_mid_snare].choose,
amp: (ring 0.7,0.8,0.7,0.9).look + rrand(0.0,0.111),
rate: (ring -0.5,1,-1,1,0.25,-1,1,0.062).look
sleep 0.125
sleep 12
live_loop :beat1 do
sample :bd_haus, amp: (ring 1.3,3.1).tick
sample :bd_fat, amp: (ring 0,1.2,0,3.5).tick
sleep 0.25
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