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Forked from ssssssssk/
Created March 6, 2023 18:23
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Save Alexandro1112/c358de549aecc2893e782c03efe92adb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Thing to make new desktop backgrounds from my folder of research images
# On Linux I made this actually write to the desktop directly using feh, however, that's not really possible on a Mac. So I had it create a folder of graphics and then have the desktop settings choose from that directory at random.
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
import os, random
from subprocess import call
## Colors from the Nord color scheme,
# colors = ['#D8DEE9', '#D8DEE9', '#D8DEE9', '#D8DEE9', '#D8DEE9', '#D8DEE9', '#E5E9F0', '#81A1C1', '#BF616A', '#EBCB8B']
## Colors from Oceanic Next Color Scheme
colors = ['#C0C5CE', '#CDD3DE', '#D8DEE9', '#EC5f67', '#F99157', '#FAC863', '#99C794', '#5FB3B3', '#6699CC', '#C594C5']
## Laptop Screen Dims
screenW = 1440
screenH = 900
## Desktop Screen Dims
# screenW = 1680
# screenH = 1050
## Where the files come from and where the files go.
image_dir = "/Users/steve/Syncables/PICJAIL"
out_dir = "/Users/steve/Pictures/BGDUMP/"
count = 0
## Filter the files to make sure you only get images, no DS Store or whatever
pic_extensions = ['.jpg', '.JPG', '.jpeg', '.JPEG', '.png', '.PNG']
Pix = [f for f in os.listdir(image_dir)
if any(f.endswith(ext) for ext in pic_extensions)]
## Establish some dimensions based on screen size for use later.
baseheight = int(screenH / 2)
top_offset = (int((screenH / 2) - (baseheight / 2)))
## Create a class for pictures to avoid having to keep grabbing random pictures the hard way.
class picture:
def __init__(self):
image_choice = random.choice(Pix)
the_picture ="{image_dir}/{image_choice}")
self.w = the_picture.width
self.h = the_picture.height
self.pic = the_picture
def thumb(self, dimensions):
self.w = self.pic.width
self.h = self.pic.height
## This function creates a background using a flood of a random color then puts however many random images the 'times' variable tells it to put on the screen.
def makeBG(count, times):
# divide the screen into n equal parts
max_width = int(screenW / times)
# center the image on the screen
max_height = screenH - 70
i = count
bg_color_field ='RGB', (screenW, screenH), (random.choice(colors)))
img_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(bg_color_field)
# Create an object from the picture class. Iterate through as many times as necessary
for n in range(times):
p1 = picture()
p1.thumb((max_width + (random.randint(1, 20) * (p1.w / 144)), max_height))
pic_1_pos_w = int(max_width / 2) - int(p1.w / 2) + (max_width * (times - 1))
pic_1_pos_h = int(screenH / 2) - int(p1.h / 2)
bg_color_field.paste(p1.pic, (pic_1_pos_w, pic_1_pos_h))
times = times - 1 + str(i) + "-bg.png")
## This function crops an image to cover the entire screen, then places a colored block in that space, then places an image in that same colored block.
def floodBG(count):
i = count
bg_color_field ='RGB', (screenW, screenH), (random.choice(colors)))
img_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(bg_color_field)
while True:
p1 = picture()
width, height = p1.pic.size
# make sure to get a picture that is big enough to be cropped to desktop size
if (width > screenW and
height > screenH):
cW = ((width - screenW) / 2)
cH = ((height - screenH) / 2)
cropped = p1.pic.crop((cW, cH, width - cW, height - cH))
bg_color_field.paste(cropped, (0, 0))
# create rectangle size and position
wSize = ((int(random.randint(100, (screenW)))), (int(random.randint(200, (screenH)))))
wPos = ((int(wSize[0] / 2)), (int(wSize[1] / 2)))
# rectangle is produced and color selected
wrecked ='RGB', (wSize), (random.choice(colors)))
bg_color_field.paste(wrecked, wPos)
## Make a random picture appear inside the first colored box
p2 = picture()
bg_color_field.paste(p2.pic, wPos)
break + str(i) + "-bg.png")
## This function creates a colored background, then selects 'times' number of pictures, makes them the same height, centers them in the middle and puts a 'drop shadow' under them.
def centerJoin(count, times):
i = count
bg_color_field ='RGB', (screenW, screenH), (random.choice(colors)))
img_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(bg_color_field)
# create a list to hold the two or more images in.
d = {}
while True:
# create a dictionary to retrieve image sizes of different iterations
dw = []
for n in range(times):
holder = picture()
hpercent = (baseheight / float(holder.h))
wsize = int((float(holder.w) * float(hpercent)))
holder.pic = holder.pic.resize((wsize, baseheight))
d[f"p{n}"] = holder.pic
image_length = sum(dw)
#In practice it's very difficult for a series of random images to match these criteria if you select more than 2 images. At 3 it takes a long time to complete.
if image_length < float(screenW * 0.7):
side_offset = int((screenW - image_length) / 2)
# create the drop shadow and paste it on there.
drop_shadow ='RGB', (image_length, baseheight), (random.choice(colors)))
bg_color_field.paste(drop_shadow, ((side_offset + 20), (top_offset + 20)))
w_track = side_offset + image_length
#this was the hardest part for me.
## iterating through the two different images and pasting them on at the right place, based on their widths, entirely programatically, without assigning variables.
for i in range(len(dw)):
position = (w_track - dw[i], top_offset)
bg_color_field.paste(d[f"p{i}"], position)
i = i - 1
w_track = w_track - dw[(i + 1)]
break + str(i) + "-bg.png")
## In effect, that last one could have been done with just creating two objects -- there was no need to iterate through the lists and dicts really, since finding 3 images that meet the criteria is hard. Might even be clearer if that didn't happen.
# Controls the way each function is applied.
while count < 30:
if count == int(1):
centerJoin(count, 2)
elif (count % 3) == 0:
makeBG(count, random.randint(2, 4))
count = count + 1
# MacOS is then directed to select desktop backgrounds randomly from the BGDUMP folder every five minutes. Cron runs the script every couple hours to refresh the desktops available.
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