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Milodiw Alexgalinier

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bobbygrace /
Last active December 10, 2024 21:04
Trello CSS Guide

Hello, visitors! If you want an updated version of this styleguide in repo form with tons of real-life examples… check out Trellisheets!

Trello CSS Guide

“I perfectly understand our CSS. I never have any issues with cascading rules. I never have to use !important or inline styles. Even though somebody else wrote this bit of CSS, I know exactly how it works and how to extend it. Fixes are easy! I have a hard time breaking our CSS. I know exactly where to put new CSS. We use all of our CSS and it’s pretty small overall. When I delete a template, I know the exact corresponding CSS file and I can delete it all at once. Nothing gets left behind.”

You often hear updog saying stuff like this. Who’s updog? Not much, who is up with you?

kossoff / material_design_colors.scss
Last active November 30, 2015 05:46
Material Design color variables for SCSS
// Material Design Colors for SCSS
// Main colors
$red: #F44336;
$pink: #E91E63;
$purple: #9C27B0;
$deep-purple: #673AB7;
fastdivision / fade.styl
Last active January 4, 2016 06:58
ng-view / ui-view Fade Animation with ng-animate
position absolute
fadeSpeed = 333ms
-webkit-transition all fadeSpeed ease-in-out
-moz-transition all fadeSpeed ease-in-out
-o-transition all fadeSpeed ease-in-out
transition all fadeSpeed ease-in-out
opacity 1
CMCDragonkai /
Last active November 29, 2023 15:35
JS: AngularJS Directive Attribute Binding Explanation

AngularJS Directive Attribute Binding Explanation

When using directives, you often need to pass parameters to the directive. This can be done in several ways. The first 3 can be used whether scope is true or false. This is still a WIP, so validate for yourself.

  1. Raw Attribute Strings

    <div my-directive="some string" another-param="another string"></div>
hotmeteor / gist:1683734
Created January 26, 2012 16:50 — forked from reinink/gist:1683466
Remove yellow background caused by Google Chrome autocomplete
if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("chrome") >= 0)
var text = $(this).val();
var name = $(this).attr('name');
$('input[name=' + name + ']').val(text);