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Forked from jfinstrom/
Last active July 15, 2021 13:21
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  • Save Alireza2n/330fd4c3bde9f38597b132c00b885501 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Alireza2n/330fd4c3bde9f38597b132c00b885501 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Checks for Availablity of a PJSIP endpoint to use with Nagios or similar software, requires python3. Based on portions of jfinstrom/ but rewritten using asterisk command.
Based on portions of jfinstrom/ but rewritten using asterisk command,
checks for Availablity of a PJSIP endpoint to use with Nagios or similar software, requires python3.
Usages: ./ <ext> (e.g. ./ 200)
Output: Endpoint 200 is Available at 200/sip:[email protected]:5060;transport=ud, is not in use and RTT is 26.426.
import subprocess
import sys, re
def make_dict(data):
ret = {}
for line in data.split("\n"):
parts = re.findall("^(.*?): (.*)", line, re.IGNORECASE)
if parts:
if len(parts[0]) == 2:
ret[parts[0][0].strip()] = parts[0][1].strip()
return ret
ext = int(sys.argv[1])
cmd = f"/usr/sbin/asterisk -x 'pjsip show endpoint {ext}'"
output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True)
resp = make_dict(output.decode())
contact = ' '.join(resp['Contact'].split())
endpoint = ' '.join(resp['Endpoint'].split())
contact_list = contact.split(' ')
endpoint_list = endpoint.split(' ')
if 'Unavail' in contact or 'Unavailable' in endpoint:
state = 'Unavailable'
elif 'Avail' in contact:
state = 'Available'
state = 'Unknown'
rtt = contact_list[-1]
uri = contact_list[0]
if 'Not in use' in endpoint:
call_state = 'not in use'
elif 'In use' in endpoint:
call_state = 'in use'
call_state = 'unknown'
if state == 'Available':
print(f"Endpoint {ext} is {state} at {uri}, is {call_state} and RTT is {rtt}.")
elif state == 'Unavailable':
print(f"Endpoint {ext} is {state}.")
print(f"State of endpoint {ext} could not determined.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to parse results. {e}.")
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