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from IPython.display import display, HTML | |
import time | |
import math | |
import re | |
# Created at: 23rd October 2018 | |
# by: Tolga Atam | |
# v2.1.0 Updated at: 15th March 2021 | |
# by: Tolga Atam | |
# from | |
# vX.X.X Updated at by Allen Downey for Think Python 3e | |
# Module for drawing classic Turtle figures on Google Colab notebooks. | |
# It uses html capabilites of IPython library to draw svg shapes inline. | |
# Looks of the figures are inspired from Blockly Games / Turtle ( | |
DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE = (250, 150) | |
DEFAULT_PEN_COLOR = 'darkblue' | |
# all 140 color names that modern browsers support. taken from | |
VALID_COLORS = ('black', 'navy', 'darkblue', 'mediumblue', 'blue', 'darkgreen', 'green', 'teal', 'darkcyan', 'deepskyblue', 'darkturquoise', 'mediumspringgreen', 'lime', 'springgreen', 'aqua', 'cyan', 'midnightblue', 'dodgerblue', 'lightseagreen', 'forestgreen', 'seagreen', 'darkslategray', 'darkslategrey', 'limegreen', 'mediumseagreen', 'turquoise', 'royalblue', 'steelblue', 'darkslateblue', 'mediumturquoise', 'indigo', 'darkolivegreen', 'cadetblue', 'cornflowerblue', 'rebeccapurple', 'mediumaquamarine', 'dimgray', 'dimgrey', 'slateblue', 'olivedrab', 'slategray', 'slategrey', 'lightslategray', 'lightslategrey', 'mediumslateblue', 'lawngreen', 'chartreuse', 'aquamarine', 'maroon', 'purple', 'olive', 'gray', 'grey', 'skyblue', 'lightskyblue', 'blueviolet', 'darkred', 'darkmagenta', 'saddlebrown', 'darkseagreen', 'lightgreen', 'mediumpurple', 'darkviolet', 'palegreen', 'darkorchid', 'yellowgreen', 'sienna', 'brown', 'darkgray', 'darkgrey', 'lightblue', 'greenyellow', 'paleturquoise', 'lightsteelblue', 'powderblue', 'firebrick', 'darkgoldenrod', 'mediumorchid', 'rosybrown', 'darkkhaki', 'silver', 'mediumvioletred', 'indianred', 'peru', 'chocolate', 'tan', 'lightgray', 'lightgrey', 'thistle', 'orchid', 'goldenrod', 'palevioletred', 'crimson', 'gainsboro', 'plum', 'burlywood', 'lightcyan', 'lavender', 'darksalmon', 'violet', 'palegoldenrod', 'lightcoral', 'khaki', 'aliceblue', 'honeydew', 'azure', 'sandybrown', 'wheat', 'beige', 'whitesmoke', 'mintcream', 'ghostwhite', 'salmon', 'antiquewhite', 'linen', 'lightgoldenrodyellow', 'oldlace', 'red', 'fuchsia', 'magenta', 'deeppink', 'orangered', 'tomato', 'hotpink', 'coral', 'darkorange', 'lightsalmon', 'orange', 'lightpink', 'pink', 'gold', 'peachpuff', 'navajowhite', 'moccasin', 'bisque', 'mistyrose', 'blanchedalmond', 'papayawhip', 'lavenderblush', 'seashell', 'cornsilk', 'lemonchiffon', 'floralwhite', 'snow', 'yellow', 'lightyellow', 'ivory', 'white') | |
VALID_TURTLE_SHAPES = ('turtle', 'circle') | |
SVG_TEMPLATE = """ | |
<svg width="{window_width}" height="{window_height}"> | |
<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="{background_color}"/> | |
{lines} | |
{turtle} | |
</svg> | |
""" | |
TURTLE_TURTLE_SVG_TEMPLATE = """<g visibility={visibility} transform="rotate({degrees},{rotation_x},{rotation_y}) translate({turtle_x}, {turtle_y})"> | |
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:evenodd;fill:{turtle_color};fill-opacity:1;" d="M 18.214844 0.632812 C 16.109375 1.800781 15.011719 4.074219 15.074219 7.132812 L 15.085938 7.652344 L 14.785156 7.496094 C 13.476562 6.824219 11.957031 6.671875 10.40625 7.066406 C 8.46875 7.550781 6.515625 9.15625 4.394531 11.992188 C 3.0625 13.777344 2.679688 14.636719 3.042969 15.027344 L 3.15625 15.152344 L 3.519531 15.152344 C 4.238281 15.152344 4.828125 14.886719 8.1875 13.039062 C 9.386719 12.378906 10.371094 11.839844 10.378906 11.839844 C 10.386719 11.839844 10.355469 11.929688 10.304688 12.035156 C 9.832031 13.09375 9.257812 14.820312 8.96875 16.078125 C 7.914062 20.652344 8.617188 24.53125 11.070312 27.660156 C 11.351562 28.015625 11.363281 27.914062 10.972656 28.382812 C 8.925781 30.84375 7.945312 33.28125 8.238281 35.1875 C 8.289062 35.527344 8.28125 35.523438 8.917969 35.523438 C 10.941406 35.523438 13.074219 34.207031 15.136719 31.6875 C 15.359375 31.417969 15.328125 31.425781 15.5625 31.574219 C 16.292969 32.042969 18.023438 32.964844 18.175781 32.964844 C 18.335938 32.964844 19.941406 32.210938 20.828125 31.71875 C 20.996094 31.625 21.136719 31.554688 21.136719 31.558594 C 21.203125 31.664062 21.898438 32.414062 22.222656 32.730469 C 23.835938 34.300781 25.5625 35.132812 27.582031 35.300781 C 27.90625 35.328125 27.9375 35.308594 28.007812 34.984375 C 28.382812 33.242188 27.625 30.925781 25.863281 28.425781 L 25.542969 27.96875 L 25.699219 27.785156 C 28.945312 23.960938 29.132812 18.699219 26.257812 11.96875 L 26.207031 11.84375 L 27.945312 12.703125 C 31.53125 14.476562 32.316406 14.800781 33.03125 14.800781 C 33.976562 14.800781 33.78125 13.9375 32.472656 12.292969 C 28.519531 7.355469 25.394531 5.925781 21.921875 7.472656 L 21.558594 7.636719 L 21.578125 7.542969 C 21.699219 6.992188 21.761719 5.742188 21.699219 5.164062 C 21.496094 3.296875 20.664062 1.964844 19.003906 0.855469 C 18.480469 0.503906 18.457031 0.5 18.214844 0.632812"/> | |
</g>""" | |
<g visibility={visibility} transform="rotate({degrees},{rotation_x},{rotation_y}) translate({turtle_x}, {turtle_y})"> | |
<circle stroke="{turtle_color}" stroke-width="2" fill="transparent" r="5.5" cx="0" cy="0"/> | |
<polygon points="0,12 2,9 -2,9" style="fill:{turtle_color};stroke:{turtle_color};stroke-width:2"/> | |
</g> | |
""" | |
SPEED_TO_SEC_MAP = {1: 1.5, 2: 0.9, 3: 0.7, 4: 0.5, 5: 0.3, 6: 0.18, 7: 0.12, 8: 0.06, 9: 0.04, 10: 0.02, 11: 0.01, 12: 0.001, 13: 0.0001} | |
# helper function that maps [1,13] speed values to ms delays | |
def _speedToSec(speed): | |
return SPEED_TO_SEC_MAP[speed] | |
turtle_speed = DEFAULT_SPEED | |
is_turtle_visible = DEFAULT_TURTLE_VISIBILITY | |
pen_color = DEFAULT_PEN_COLOR | |
window_size = DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE | |
turtle_pos = (DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE[0] // 2, DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE[1] // 2) | |
turtle_degree = DEFAULT_TURTLE_DEGREE | |
background_color = DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR | |
is_pen_down = DEFAULT_IS_PEN_DOWN | |
svg_lines_string = DEFAULT_SVG_LINES_STRING | |
pen_width = DEFAULT_PEN_WIDTH | |
turtle_shape = DEFAULT_TURTLE_SHAPE | |
drawing_window = None | |
# construct the display for turtle | |
def make_turtle(speed=DEFAULT_SPEED, width=DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE[0], height=DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE[1]): | |
global window_size | |
global drawing_window | |
global turtle_speed | |
global is_turtle_visible | |
global pen_color | |
global turtle_color | |
global turtle_pos | |
global turtle_degree | |
global background_color | |
global is_pen_down | |
global svg_lines_string | |
global pen_width | |
global turtle_shape | |
if isinstance(speed,int) == False or speed not in range(1, 14): | |
raise ValueError('speed must be an integer in interval [1,13]') | |
turtle_speed = speed | |
window_size = width, height | |
if not (isinstance(window_size, tuple) and | |
isinstance(window_size[0], int) and | |
isinstance(window_size[1], int)): | |
raise ValueError('window_size must be a tuple of 2 integers') | |
is_turtle_visible = DEFAULT_TURTLE_VISIBILITY | |
pen_color = DEFAULT_PEN_COLOR | |
turtle_color = DEFAULT_TURTLE_COLOR | |
turtle_pos = (window_size[0] // 2, window_size[1] // 2) | |
turtle_degree = DEFAULT_TURTLE_DEGREE | |
background_color = DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR | |
is_pen_down = DEFAULT_IS_PEN_DOWN | |
svg_lines_string = DEFAULT_SVG_LINES_STRING | |
pen_width = DEFAULT_PEN_WIDTH | |
turtle_shape = DEFAULT_TURTLE_SHAPE | |
drawing_window = display(HTML(_generateSvgDrawing()), display_id=True) | |
# helper function for generating svg string of the turtle | |
def _generateTurtleSvgDrawing(): | |
if is_turtle_visible: | |
vis = 'visible' | |
else: | |
vis = 'hidden' | |
turtle_x = turtle_pos[0] | |
turtle_y = turtle_pos[1] | |
degrees = turtle_degree | |
template = '' | |
if turtle_shape == 'turtle': | |
turtle_x -= 18 | |
turtle_y -= 18 | |
degrees += 90 | |
else: #circle | |
degrees -= 90 | |
return template.format(turtle_color=turtle_color, turtle_x=turtle_x, turtle_y=turtle_y, \ | |
visibility=vis, degrees=degrees, rotation_x=turtle_pos[0], rotation_y=turtle_pos[1]) | |
# helper function for generating the whole svg string | |
def _generateSvgDrawing(): | |
return SVG_TEMPLATE.format(window_width=window_size[0], window_height=window_size[1], | |
background_color=background_color, lines=svg_lines_string, | |
turtle=_generateTurtleSvgDrawing()) | |
# helper functions for updating the screen using the latest positions/angles/lines etc. | |
def _updateDrawing(): | |
if drawing_window == None: | |
raise AttributeError("Display has not been initialized yet. Call initializeTurtle() before using.") | |
time.sleep(_speedToSec(turtle_speed)) | |
drawing_window.update(HTML(_generateSvgDrawing())) | |
# helper function for managing any kind of move to a given 'new_pos' and draw lines if pen is down | |
def _moveToNewPosition(new_pos): | |
global turtle_pos | |
global svg_lines_string | |
# rounding the new_pos to eliminate floating point errors. | |
new_pos = ( round(new_pos[0],3), round(new_pos[1],3) ) | |
start_pos = turtle_pos | |
if is_pen_down: | |
svg_lines_string += """<line x1="{x1}" y1="{y1}" x2="{x2}" y2="{y2}" stroke-linecap="round" style="stroke:{pen_color};stroke-width:{pen_width}"/>""".format( | |
x1=start_pos[0], y1=start_pos[1], x2=new_pos[0], y2=new_pos[1], pen_color=pen_color, pen_width=pen_width) | |
turtle_pos = new_pos | |
_updateDrawing() | |
# makes the turtle move forward by 'units' units | |
def forward(units): | |
if not isinstance(units, (int,float)): | |
raise ValueError('units must be a number.') | |
alpha = math.radians(turtle_degree) | |
ending_point = (turtle_pos[0] + units * math.cos(alpha), turtle_pos[1] + units * math.sin(alpha)) | |
_moveToNewPosition(ending_point) | |
fd = forward # alias | |
# makes the turtle move backward by 'units' units | |
def backward(units): | |
if not isinstance(units, (int,float)): | |
raise ValueError('units must be a number.') | |
forward(-1 * units) | |
bk = backward # alias | |
back = backward # alias | |
# makes the turtle move right by 'degrees' degrees (NOT radians) | |
def right(degrees): | |
global turtle_degree | |
if not isinstance(degrees, (int,float)): | |
raise ValueError('degrees must be a number.') | |
turtle_degree = (turtle_degree + degrees) % 360 | |
_updateDrawing() | |
rt = right # alias | |
# makes the turtle face a given direction | |
def face(degrees): | |
global turtle_degree | |
if not isinstance(degrees, (int,float)): | |
raise ValueError('degrees must be a number.') | |
turtle_degree = degrees % 360 | |
_updateDrawing() | |
setheading = face # alias | |
seth = face # alias | |
# makes the turtle move right by 'degrees' degrees (NOT radians, this library does not support radians right now) | |
def left(degrees): | |
if not isinstance(degrees, (int,float)): | |
raise ValueError('degrees must be a number.') | |
right(-1 * degrees) | |
lt = left | |
# raises the pen such that following turtle moves will not cause any drawings | |
def penup(): | |
global is_pen_down | |
is_pen_down = False | |
# TODO: decide if we should put the timout after lifting the pen | |
# _updateDrawing() | |
pu = penup # alias | |
up = penup # alias | |
# lowers the pen such that following turtle moves will now cause drawings | |
def pendown(): | |
global is_pen_down | |
is_pen_down = True | |
# TODO: decide if we should put the timout after releasing the pen | |
# _updateDrawing() | |
pd = pendown # alias | |
down = pendown # alias | |
def isdown(): | |
return is_pen_down | |
# update the speed of the moves, [1,13] | |
# if argument is omitted, it returns the speed. | |
def speed(speed = None): | |
global turtle_speed | |
if speed is None: | |
return turtle_speed | |
if isinstance(speed,int) == False or speed not in range(1, 14): | |
raise ValueError('speed must be an integer in the interval [1,13].') | |
turtle_speed = speed | |
# TODO: decide if we should put the timout after changing the speed | |
# _updateDrawing() | |
# move the turtle to a designated 'x' x-coordinate, y-coordinate stays the same | |
def setx(x): | |
if not isinstance(x, (int,float)): | |
raise ValueError('new x position must be a number.') | |
if x < 0: | |
raise ValueError('new x position must be non-negative.') | |
_moveToNewPosition((x, turtle_pos[1])) | |
# move the turtle to a designated 'y' y-coordinate, x-coordinate stays the same | |
def sety(y): | |
if not isinstance(y, (int,float)): | |
raise ValueError('new y position must be a number.') | |
if y < 0: | |
raise ValueError('new y position must be non-negative.') | |
_moveToNewPosition((turtle_pos[0], y)) | |
def home(): | |
global turtle_degree | |
turtle_degree = DEFAULT_TURTLE_DEGREE | |
_moveToNewPosition( (window_size[0] // 2, window_size[1] // 2) ) # this will handle updating the drawing. | |
# retrieve the turtle's currrent 'x' x-coordinate | |
def getx(): | |
return(turtle_pos[0]) | |
xcor = getx # alias | |
# retrieve the turtle's currrent 'y' y-coordinate | |
def gety(): | |
return(turtle_pos[1]) | |
ycor = gety # alias | |
# retrieve the turtle's current position as a (x,y) tuple vector | |
def position(): | |
return turtle_pos | |
pos = position # alias | |
# retrieve the turtle's current angle | |
def getheading(): | |
return turtle_degree | |
heading = getheading # alias | |
# move the turtle to a designated 'x'-'y' coordinate | |
def goto(x, y=None): | |
if isinstance(x, tuple) and y is None: | |
if len(x) != 2: | |
raise ValueError('the tuple argument must be of length 2.') | |
y = x[1] | |
x = x[0] | |
if not isinstance(x, (int,float)): | |
raise ValueError('new x position must be a number.') | |
if x < 0: | |
raise ValueError('new x position must be non-negative') | |
if not isinstance(y, (int,float)): | |
raise ValueError('new y position must be a number.') | |
if y < 0: | |
raise ValueError('new y position must be non-negative.') | |
_moveToNewPosition((x, y)) | |
setpos = goto # alias | |
setposition = goto # alias | |
# switch turtle visibility to ON | |
def showturtle(): | |
global is_turtle_visible | |
is_turtle_visible = True | |
_updateDrawing() | |
st = showturtle # alias | |
# switch turtle visibility to OFF | |
def hideturtle(): | |
global is_turtle_visible | |
is_turtle_visible = False | |
_updateDrawing() | |
ht = hideturtle # alias | |
def isvisible(): | |
return is_turtle_visible | |
def _validateColorString(color): | |
if color in VALID_COLORS_SET: # 140 predefined html color names | |
return True | |
if"^#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$", color): # 3 or 6 digit hex color code | |
return True | |
if"rgb\(\s*(?:(?:\d{1,2}|1\d\d|2(?:[0-4]\d|5[0-5]))\s*,?){3}\)$", color): # rgb color code | |
return True | |
return False | |
def _validateColorTuple(color): | |
if len(color) != 3: | |
return False | |
if not isinstance(color[0], int) or not isinstance(color[1], int) or not isinstance(color[2], int): | |
return False | |
if not 0 <= color[0] <= 255 or not 0 <= color[1] <= 255 or not 0 <= color[2] <= 255: | |
return False | |
return True | |
def _processColor(color): | |
if isinstance(color, str): | |
color = color.lower() | |
if not _validateColorString(color): | |
raise ValueError('color is invalid. it can be a known html color name, 3-6 digit hex string or rgb string.') | |
return color | |
elif isinstance(color, tuple): | |
if not _validateColorTuple(color): | |
raise ValueError('color tuple is invalid. it must be a tuple of three integers, which are in the interval [0,255]') | |
return 'rgb(' + str(color[0]) + ',' + str(color[1]) + ',' + str(color[2]) + ')' | |
else: | |
raise ValueError('the first parameter must be a color string or a tuple') | |
# change the background color of the drawing area | |
# if no params, return the current background color | |
def bgcolor(color = None, c2 = None, c3 = None): | |
global background_color | |
if color is None: | |
return background_color | |
elif c2 is not None: | |
if c3 is None: | |
raise ValueError('if the second argument is set, the third arguments must be set as well to complete the rgb set.') | |
color = (color, c2, c3) | |
background_color = _processColor(color) | |
_updateDrawing() | |
# change the color of the pen | |
# if no params, return the current pen color | |
def color(color = None, c2 = None, c3 = None): | |
global pen_color | |
if color is None: | |
return pen_color | |
elif c2 is not None: | |
if c3 is None: | |
raise ValueError('if the second argument is set, the third arguments must be set as well to complete the rgb set.') | |
color = (color, c2, c3) | |
pen_color = _processColor(color) | |
_updateDrawing() | |
pencolor = color | |
# change the width of the lines drawn by the turtle, in pixels | |
# if the function is called without arguments, it returns the current width | |
def width(width = None): | |
global pen_width | |
if width is None: | |
return pen_width | |
else: | |
if not isinstance(width, int): | |
raise ValueError('new width position must be an integer.') | |
if not width > 0: | |
raise ValueError('new width position must be positive.') | |
pen_width = width | |
# TODO: decide if we should put the timout after changing the pen_width | |
# _updateDrawing() | |
# pensize is an alias for width | |
pensize = width | |
# clear any text or drawing on the screen | |
def clear(): | |
global svg_lines_string | |
svg_lines_string = "" | |
_updateDrawing() | |
def write(obj, **kwargs): | |
global svg_lines_string | |
global turtle_pos | |
text = str(obj) | |
font_size = 12 | |
font_family = 'Arial' | |
font_type = 'normal' | |
align = 'start' | |
if 'align' in kwargs and kwargs['align'] in ('left', 'center', 'right'): | |
if kwargs['align'] == 'left': | |
align = 'start' | |
elif kwargs['align'] == 'center': | |
align = 'middle' | |
else: | |
align = 'end' | |
if "font" in kwargs: | |
font = kwargs["font"] | |
if len(font) != 3 or isinstance(font[0], int) == False or isinstance(font[1], str) == False or font[2] not in {'bold','italic','underline','normal'}: | |
raise ValueError('font parameter must be a triplet consisting of font size (int), font family (str) and font type. font type can be one of {bold, italic, underline, normal}') | |
font_size = font[0] | |
font_family = font[1] | |
font_type = font[2] | |
style_string = "" | |
style_string += "font-size:" + str(font_size) + "px;" | |
style_string += "font-family:'" + font_family + "';" | |
if font_type == 'bold': | |
style_string += "font-weight:bold;" | |
elif font_type == 'italic': | |
style_string += "font-style:italic;" | |
elif font_type == 'underline': | |
style_string += "text-decoration: underline;" | |
svg_lines_string += """<text x="{x}" y="{y}" fill="{fill_color}" text-anchor="{align}" style="{style}">{text}</text>""".format(x=turtle_pos[0], y=turtle_pos[1], text=text, fill_color=pen_color, align=align, style=style_string) | |
_updateDrawing() | |
def shape(shape=None): | |
global turtle_shape | |
if shape is None: | |
return turtle_shape | |
elif shape not in VALID_TURTLE_SHAPES: | |
raise ValueError('shape is invalid. valid options are: ' + str(VALID_TURTLE_SHAPES)) | |
turtle_shape = shape | |
_updateDrawing() | |
# return turtle window width | |
def window_width(): | |
return window_size[0] | |
# return turtle window height | |
def window_height(): | |
return window_size[1] |
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