I have successufully installed Hyper-V and Docker at windows 10 Home and it works well now! It had been a pain, but here is the solution:
The advice how to install Hyper-V can be found at: https://www.deskmodder.de/blog/2018/08/23/windows-10-home-hyper-v-aktivieren/
It is just running the following *.bat script as Admin that will install the Hyper-V components (reboot required).
I installed the Containers feature too, but I don’t know if this is required:
Now as Hyper-V works you can’t install Docker anyway, as the setup checks for your Windows Home and not for a running Hyper-V envirorment. I hadn’t been able to modify the current Docker installer so I need to download and install the old “Docker for Windows 1.13.1” release ( https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/release-notes/ 395 ) as it has an msi installer. With InstallShield2018 I could easily remove the Windows Home Edition check from the Docker installer. With this modified installer Docker can be installed and is running well, but up to now I failed to update Docker to the current version.
Unfortunately the Docker license prohibit to share my modified Docker installer, so I created a Patch for the Docker 1.13.1 installer you can download here: http://www.mayavoyage.de/wp-content/uploads/InstallDocker1.13.1-Patch.zip 444
I hope the above Hyper-V installation for Windows 10 Home will be included info future Docker installers and the check for Windows 10 Home get removed - it would make life so easy!
Now enjoy Docker, Marcel Hesselbarth