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Created October 15, 2019 04:33
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how to program, the basics
from arepl_dump import dump
# The first part of programming is simply declaring your variables
# This is very similar to math
x = 1
my_cool_number = 1+1
# my cool number = 1+1 # this doesn't work, no spaces allowed!
z = 2*2
my_list = [1,2,3]
# but you're not just limited to numbers!
aliyah = "awesome person"
dog = {
"legs": 4,
"ears": 2
# so now we have our data. But what to do with it?
# Programming is about giving commands to a computer
# one such command is print
# you can run commands by typing the name of the command followed by parenthesis
# For example, print()
# That doesn't do anything.. because you didn't tell it what to print
# let's print aliyah from earlier!
# we got an awesome person!
# you can print practically anything
# What if we want to print a specific number from the my_list?
# You can access lists or dictionaries with []
# this prints the first number of the list
# *HERMOINE FRANTICALLY RAISES HER HAND*: teachER teacher you put 0!
# Well, in programming lists start at 0.
# Q: Why?
# A: Who cares? Google it.
# What about dictionaries?
# We can get the number of legs for the dog in the same form
# We just pass in a string instead of a number
# Moving on, you can combine things with +
print(aliyah+" with a great face")
# but you can't combine two different types
# like doritos and ice cream mixed together, computer says barf!
# let's make both of them strings, now things are cool again
# Those are the basics, we are a halfway there!
# the beauty of a computer is it allows us to be lazy
# lets say you are punished to write a number a 1000 times
# We could do:
# and I'm tired already
# let's try LOOPS
for number in range(1000):
# that was easy!
# let's break down what we did as a reminder:
# for number in range(1000):
# ^ for and in and the : at the end are special loop syntax. Like lists starting at 0, it's just a fact of life.
# ^ we ran a command called range and told it to give us a range of 1000 numbers
# ^ each number gets assigned to the variable `number`
# print(number)
# ^ we run the print command
# ^ and pass in the number!
# we can loop over my_list
for num in my_list:
# We can even loop over the dog!:
for key in dog:
# This won't work, get rid of the # and try to fix it
# (hint: it's missing just one thing!)
#for number in [1,2,3]
# print(number)
# But what if the teacher changes the punishment to write "foo" if the number is even?
# Do we have to write everything out?
# nope!
for number in range(1000):
if number%2==0: # %2 divides us by two and gives us the remainder.
# if it's cleanly divisible then we will get 0 and this path is taken
# otherwise this path is taken
# And if we have to write "buzz" if the number is divisible by 5?
for number in range(1000):
if number%2==0:
elif number%5 == 0: #elif stands for "else if". Sometimes programmers are too lazy to even type out a complete wor
# otherwise this path is taken
# That's basic programming!
# There's a lot more to learn
# and we lied a tiny bit to simplify things
# but most of programming is just variables, commands, if's, and loops when you get down to it
1. not all languages start at 0. A few langauges like Matlab start at 1.
2. Not all languages use "for foo in bla:" syntax for loops. But the majority of them do have at least the word for
3. In javascript, you CAN combine different types. This is convenient but also leads to a lot of bugs
4. Classes and functions and imports and more are also big parts of programming. But not technically necessary.
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