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Created July 9, 2021 14:49
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Latonf: coordinates formatter helper, also working on csv files.


Features that still needs to be implemented:

  • handling of meters as a new coordinate format (%X and %Y template markers ?)
  • test the format auto-detection on more «organic» data.
  • benchmarks of the 3 methods.
  • black, mypy, pylint.
  • maybe store the internal model of DD as string instead of float may enable for less conversions in computations ?


The following comparison was made with a dataset of many Go of data, and the following command:

time python big-csv-data 0 1 > o

(flags -p and -c were added to turn on, respectively, use of pandas and use of pandas with data chunks)

At some point, process was killed and the size of o was reported along the runtime reported by time. The results are as follow:

method results speed
stdlib 404Mo / 267s 1.50Mo/s
stdlib + many Jit 89Mo / 93s 0.96Mo/s
stdlib + few Jit nopython 114Mo / 77s 1.48Mo/s
stdlib + jit on most 218Mo / 186s 1.18Mo/s
Pandas + few jit nopython still waiting
Pandas with chunks and few jit nopython 147Mo / 97s 1.5Mo/s

All tests were performed in a VM. Access to memory may be the bottleneck, and data are consistent with that hypothesis (notably the apparent inefficience of numba JIT). The pandas without chunks was too long, since it requires a complete load of data in memory.

We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: No commas found in this CSV file in line 0.
"""Latlonf: high-level formatter helper for csv files.
Main API functions are:
format_any_coordinates(<string describing coordinates>, <formatting template>) -> str
run(<csv file>, <file desc>, <latitude column index>, <longitude col idx>, <formatting template>) -> list[str]
The coordinates formatting template uses the following palceholders:
%D Degrees (integer, positive)
%M Minutes (integer)
%S Seconds (float)
%B Degrees (integer, signed)
%d Degrees (float, positive)
%b Degrees (float, signed)
%m Minutes (float)
%s Sign marker (a dash or empty string)
%w Direction (S, N, W or E)
For instance:
>>> format_coordinates(-77, '%B') == format_coordinates(-77, '%s%D')
The run method is converting the longitude and lattitude values found
in columns of given indexes, writing the same CSV into the given output file.
For instance:
run('mycsvfile.csv', sys.stdout, 0, 1, "%D %M %S %w")
import re
import sys
import csv
import argparse
from typing import Union
from itertools import islice
import pandas
b # avoid jit (it's the best according to benchmarks)
from numba import jit
print('Numba is not available. No JIT will be used.')
def jit(**kwargs):
def func(inner):
return inner
return func
jit.numba = None # to test if numba is here
@jit(nopython=True, cache=True)
def isfloat(string:str) -> bool:
if string.count('.') == 0:
return string.isdigit()
elif string.count('.') == 1:
a, b = string.split('.')
if a.startswith('-'):
a = a[1:]
return a.isdigit() and b.isdigit()
return False
## Converters
def DD_from_wildDD(dd:str) -> float:
"""Return canonical representation of given decimal coordinates.
>>> DD_from_wildDD("-180°")
>>> DD_from_wildDD("180")
dd = str(dd).replace('°', ' ').strip()
if '.' not in dd:
dd += '.0'
return float(dd)
@jit(nopython=True, cache=True)
def DD_from_DDM(ddm:str) -> float:
"""Return decimal representation of DDM (degree decimal minutes)
>>> DD_from_DDM("45° 17,896' N")
>>> DD_from_DDM("-45° 17,896' N")
>>> DD_from_DDM("-45° 17,896' S")
ddm = re.sub(r"[°']", ' ', ddm).replace(',', '.')
sign = -1 if'[swSW]', ddm) else 1
# numbers = [*filter(len, re.split(r'\D+', ddm, maxsplit=4))]
numbers = [s for s in map(str.strip, ddm.split()) if s and isfloat(s)]
assert len(numbers) in range(2, 4)
degree = int(numbers[0])
minute_decimal = float(numbers[1])
sign *= -1 if degree < 0 else 1
return sign * (abs(degree) + minute_decimal / 60)
@jit(nopython=True, cache=True)
def DD_from_DMS(dms:str) -> float:
"""Return decimal representation of DMS (degree minutes seconds)"""
dms = re.sub(r"[°'\"]", ' ', dms).replace(',', '.')
sign = 1
assert len(dms.split()) in range(3, 5), dms
if len(dms.split()) == 3:
D, M, S = dms.split()
elif len(dms.split()) == 4:
D, M, S, W = dms.split()
if W in 'SWsw': # swap direction
sign = -1
return sign * (int(D) + float(M)/60 + float(S)/3600)
def format_coordinates(dd:Union[str, float], fmt:str, rounding:int=4, longitude:bool=False) -> str:
"""Format given DD coordinates following the given format.
>>> format_coordinates(-19.9128, '%d')
>>> format_coordinates(-19, '%D')
>>> format_coordinates(-19.9128, '%b')
>>> format_coordinates(-77.508333, '%D %M %S %w')
'77 30 29.9988 S'
>>> format_coordinates(-77.508333, '%B %M %S')
'-77 30 29.9988'
>>> format_coordinates(164.754167, "%B° %m' %w", longitude=True)
"164° 45.25' E"
def DMS_from_DD(dd:Union[str, float]) -> (int, int, float, bool):
dd = float(dd)
negative = dd < 0
dd = abs(dd)
minutes, seconds = divmod(dd*3600, 60)
degrees, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
return int(degrees), int(minutes), seconds, negative
def DDM_from_DD(dd:Union[str, float]):
degrees = int(str(dd).split('.')[0]) if '.' in str(dd) else int(dd)
decimals = float('0.' + str(dd).split('.')[1]) if '.' in str(dd) else 0.
decimals *= 60
return abs(degrees), decimals, degrees < 0
V = { 'b': dd, 'd': str(dd).lstrip('-'), '%': '%'}
if 'D' in fmt or 'B' in fmt or 'M' in fmt or 'S' in fmt:
V['D'], V['M'], V['S'], negative = DMS_from_DD(dd)
negative = None
if 'm' in fmt:
Dalt, V['m'], negative_alt = DDM_from_DD(dd)
assert Dalt == V['D']
assert negative_alt == negative
if 'B' in fmt:
V['B'] = V['D'] * (-1 if negative else 1)
if 'w' in fmt:
V['w'] = ('W' if negative else 'E') if longitude else ('S' if negative else 'N')
if 's' in fmt:
V['s'] = '-' if negative else ''
if rounding:
if 'S' in V:
V['S'] = round(V['S'], rounding)
if 'm' in V:
V['m'] = round(V['m'], rounding)
if str(V['S']).endswith('.0'): V['S'] = int(V['S'])
regex = '%' '([' + ''.join(V) + r'])'
dd = re.sub(regex, r'{\1}', fmt)
return dd.format(**V)
# @jit(nopython=True, cache=True)
def sniff_format(string:str) -> ('DD' or 'DDM' or 'DMS' or None, bool or None):
string = string.replace('°', ' ').replace("\"", ' ').replace("'", ' ').strip()
if isfloat(string.replace(',', '.')):
return 'DD', None
if len(string.split()) == 2:
return 'DDM', None
if len(string.split()) == 3:
D, K, L = string.split()
if '.' in K.replace(',', '.') or L in 'NSEW': # probably a decimal number
return 'DDM', L in 'EW'
return 'DMS', False
if len(string.split()) == 4:
D, K, L, W = string.split()
return 'DMS', W in 'EW'
raise ValueError(f"Can't find the format of string '{string}'")
def format_is_ok(fmt:str) -> bool:
"True if given format is a valid one"
if jit.numba is not None:
return True # there is some bug with numba with the following try except
format_any_coordinates("-45 17,896 E", fmt)
except Exception as e:
return False
return True
# @jit(cache=True)
def format_any_coordinates(string:Union[str, float], fmt:str, is_longitude:bool=None) -> str:
>>> format_any_coordinates("-45° 17,896' N", "%b")
>>> format_any_coordinates("-45°17,896'", "%d %w")
'45.29826666666666 S'
>>> format_any_coordinates("164° 45' 15.0012\\" W", "%b")
>>> format_any_coordinates('-180°', "%b")
>>> format_any_coordinates('-0.0°', "%b")
>>> format_any_coordinates('0.°', "%b")
>>> format_any_coordinates(0.1, "%D° %M' %S\\" %w")
'0° 6\\' 0" N'
>>> format_any_coordinates(-77, '%B')
>>> format_any_coordinates(0.1, "%D° %M' %S\\" %w", is_longitude=True)
'0° 6\\' 0" E'
>>> format_any_coordinates('0° 6\\' 0" E', "%D° %M' %S\\" %w", is_longitude=True)
'0° 6\\' 0" E'
string = str(string)
coord_format, sniffed_longitude = sniff_format(string)
# decide if coordinates are longitude or latitude
if sniffed_longitude is None:
pass # is_longitude = is_longitude
elif is_longitude is None:
is_longitude = sniffed_longitude
elif sniffed_longitude is (not is_longitude): # they disagree !
t = 'longitude' if is_longitude else 'latitude'
raise ValueError("Coordinate `{}` was told as {}, but its content says otherwise.".format(string, t))
else: # they agree
assert sniffed_longitude is is_longitude
# Convert string to DD
if coord_format == 'DDM':
string = DD_from_DDM(string)
elif coord_format == 'DMS':
string = DD_from_DMS(string)
# assert coord_format == 'DD', coord_format
string = str(DD_from_wildDD(string))
return format_coordinates(string, fmt, longitude=is_longitude)
# @jit(cache=True, nopython=True)
def convert(columns:list[str], latcol:int, loncol:int, latlon_format:str) -> list[str]:
columns[latcol] = format_any_coordinates(columns[latcol], latlon_format, is_longitude=False)
columns[loncol] = format_any_coordinates(columns[loncol], latlon_format, is_longitude=True)
return columns
def convert_carefully(columns:list[str], latcol:int, loncol:int, latlon_format:str) -> list[str]:
"Same as convert, but looking before leaping."
if latcol >= len(columns):
raise ValueError(f"Column encoding latitude would be {latcol+1}, but only {len(columns)} were found.")
if loncol >= len(columns):
raise ValueError(f"Column encoding longitude would be {loncol+1}, but only {len(columns)} were found.")
if not format_is_ok(latlon_format):
raise ValueError(f"Given coordinate output format `{latlon_format}` is not a valid format.")
return convert(columns, latcol, loncol, latlon_format)
def run(infile:str, outfile:open, latcol:int, loncol:int, latlon_format:str, use_pandas:bool=False, use_chunked_pandas:bool=False, **csv_kwargs:dict) -> list[str]:
# sniff the CSV dialect
with open(infile) as ifd:
sample = '\n'.join(islice(ifd, 0, 10)) # take the first 10 lines as samples
sniffer = csv.Sniffer()
dialect = sniffer.sniff(sample, ',;\t')
if dialect.escapechar is None:
dialect.escapechar = '\\'
has_header = sniffer.has_header(sample)
# read, convert and write
if use_chunked_pandas:
print('Using pandas to work on data. Loading chunks of input data…', file=sys.stderr)
ifd_chunks = pandas.read_csv(infile, sep=dialect.delimiter, chunksize=PANDAS_CHUNK_SIZE)
for idx, chunk in enumerate(ifd_chunks):
print(f"\r{idx:04d} conv lat…", end='', flush=True, file=sys.stderr)
chunk.iloc[:, latcol] = chunk.iloc[:, latcol].apply(lambda x: format_any_coordinates(x, latlon_format, is_longitude=False))
print(f"\r{idx:04d} conv lon…", end='', flush=True, file=sys.stderr)
chunk.iloc[:, loncol] = chunk.iloc[:, loncol].apply(lambda x: format_any_coordinates(x, latlon_format, is_longitude=True))
print(f"\r{idx:04d} write… ", end='', flush=True, file=sys.stderr)
chunk.to_csv(outfile, 'a')
print(f"\r{idx+1:04d} load… ", end='', flush=True, file=sys.stderr)
elif use_pandas:
print('Using pandas to work on data. Loading chunks of input data…', file=sys.stderr)
ifd_chunks = pandas.read_csv(infile, sep=dialect.delimiter)
print('Convert the latitudes…', file=sys.stderr)
ifd.iloc[:, latcol] = ifd.iloc[:, latcol].apply(lambda x: format_any_coordinates(x, latlon_format, is_longitude=False))
print('Convert the longitudes…', file=sys.stderr)
ifd.iloc[:, loncol] = ifd.iloc[:, loncol].apply(lambda x: format_any_coordinates(x, latlon_format, is_longitude=True))
print('Writing csv file to outfile…', file=sys.stderr)
with open(infile) as ifd:
reader = csv.reader(ifd, dialect, **csv_kwargs)
writer = csv.writer(outfile, dialect)
if has_header: # rewrite the header
# convert the first line carefully, to catch errors.
writer.writerow(convert_carefully(next(reader), latcol, loncol, latlon_format))
# then do it fast
for line in reader:
writer.writerow(convert(line, latcol, loncol, latlon_format))
def parse_cli() -> argparse.Namespace:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('csv', type=str, help='existing CSV file to convert')
parser.add_argument('latcol', type=int, help='column in the CSV encoding the latitude')
parser.add_argument('loncol', type=int, help='column in the CSV encoding the longitude')
parser.add_argument('--outfile', type=str, default='-', help='name of the file to be written')
parser.add_argument('--input-format', '-i', type=str, default=None, help='format of the latitude and longitude in the input file')
parser.add_argument('--output-format', '-o', type=str, default=None, help='format of the latitude and longitude to use in the output file')
parser.add_argument('--csv-delimiter', type=str, default=None, help='csv delimiter found in the input file')
parser.add_argument('--latlon-format', '-f', type=str, default="%D° %M' %S\" %w", help='output format for latitude and longitude')
parser.add_argument('--use-pandas', '-p', action='store_true', help='Use pandas to load and work on the data')
parser.add_argument('--use-chunked-pandas', '-c', action='store_true', help='Use pandas chunks to load and work on the data')
return parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = parse_cli()
# get user-specified dialect
csv_kwargs = {}
if args.csv_delimiter:
csv_kwargs['delimiter'] = args.csv_delimiter
# run the program
if args.outfile in ' -': # print to stdin
run(args.csv, sys.stdout, args.latcol, args.loncol, args.latlon_format, args.use_pandas, args.use_chunked_pandas, **csv_kwargs)
with open(args.outfile, 'w') as ofd:
run(args.csv, ofd, args.latcol, args.loncol, args.latlon_format, args.use_pandas, args.use_chunked_pandas, **csv_kwargs)
python example-data.csv 0 1 -f '%Ddeg %Mmn %Ssec %w'
python example-data.csv 0 1 -f '%Ddeg %Mmn %Ssec %w' -p
python example-data.csv 0 1 -f '%Ddeg %Mmn %Ssec %w' -c
pytest -v --doctest-modules
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