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Last active January 25, 2019 23:24
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Simulation of a spreading virus
"""Simple simulation of a virus spreading,
using numpy matrices for internal board representation,
and pillow to generate a colored gif visualization.
pip install numpy Pillow
Outputs: vsp.gif
A cell of the 2D world is either None or an integer >= -2.
See is_* functions for the meaning of each value.
In short, contaminating a human is made by making it equal to 2 or more.
Each step it will decrease by 1, 1 meaning death.
import random
import itertools
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
SIZE = 200
HUMAN_DENSITY = 0.65 # initial ratio of human/empty space
IMMUNE_LIKELIHOOD = 0.01 # ratio of humans discovered naturally immune
CARRIER_LIKELIHOOD = 0.01 # ratio of humans discovered healthy carrier
VACCINE_COVER = 0.15 # initial vaccine cover in population
VIRUS_CONTAGIOUSNESS = 0.4 # probability to be sick when next to a carrier (cumulative)
VIRUS_INCUBATION_TIME = 2 # time during which a human is sick before dying or recovering
VIRUS_MORTALITY_RATE = 0.99 # probability that the virus kills at the end of incubation
VIRUS_REMISSION_RATE = 0.01 # probability that a human recover at each step of incubation
VIRUS_SPREAD_FROM_DEAD = True # virus is transmitted by dead humans too
def is_human(cell:int) -> bool:
"True if given cell represents an human"
return cell is not None
def is_healthy(cell:int) -> bool:
"True if given cell represents an healthy (non-carrier) human"
return cell == STATE_HEALTHY
def is_immune(cell:int) -> bool:
"True if given cell represents an immune human"
return cell == STATE_IMMUNE
def is_healthy_carrier(cell:int) -> bool:
"True if given cell represents a healthy carrier human"
def is_dead(cell:int) -> bool:
"True if given cell represents a dead human"
return cell == STATE_DEAD
def is_sick(cell:int) -> bool:
"True if given cell represents a sick human (not dead)"
return cell is not None and cell > 1
def next_board(board):
"""Return a new matrix, the next state of given board"""
return np.matrix([
[next_state(board, row, col) for col in range(board[row].size)]
for row in range(board[0].size)
def next_state(board, row, col) -> int or None:
"""Return the next state to be found at given place"""
cell_state = board[row, col]
if cell_state is None:
return None # nothing to do
elif is_healthy(cell_state): # maybe it will be infected
nb_sick_neighbors = sum(
1 for nei in neighbors(board, row, col)
if is_sick(nei) or is_healthy_carrier(nei) or (VIRUS_SPREAD_FROM_DEAD and is_dead(nei))
infection_likelihood = nb_sick_neighbors * VIRUS_CONTAGIOUSNESS
if random.random() < infection_likelihood: # that's bad news
if random.random() < CARRIER_LIKELIHOOD:
return STATE_HEALTHY_CARRIER # sorry everyone
if random.random() < IMMUNE_LIKELIHOOD:
return STATE_IMMUNE # hold the do… virus !
return 1 + VIRUS_INCUBATION_TIME # nope, it's just sick
return STATE_HEALTHY # no problem !
elif is_sick(cell_state):
cell_state -= 1
if cell_state == 1: # just reach the final stage
return STATE_DEAD if random.random() < VIRUS_MORTALITY_RATE else STATE_IMMUNE
# their is a chance that the human just recover
return STATE_IMMUNE if random.random() < VIRUS_REMISSION_RATE else cell_state
assert is_immune(cell_state) or is_healthy_carrier(cell_state) or is_dead(cell_state), cell_state
return cell_state
def neighbors(board, row, col) -> tuple:
"""Yield neighbors of given row,col position in board"""
dimrow = board.size // len(board)
dimcol = lambda row: board[row].size
for drow, dcol in itertools.product((-1, 0, 1), repeat=2):
if drow or dcol: # discard the (0, 0) case
x = (row + drow) % dimrow
y = (col + dcol) % dimcol(x)
yield board[x, y]
def image_of(board):
"""Build image from numpy array"""
board = board_as_rgb(board)
board = board.astype('uint8')
return Image.fromarray(board, mode='RGB')
def board_as_rgb(board:np.array) -> np.array:
"""Return given numpy.array with RGB values instead of integer ones"""
return np.array([
[cell_as_rgb(board[row, col]) for col in range(board[row].size)]
for row in range(board[0].size)
def cell_as_rgb(cell_state:int) -> (int, int, int):
if cell_state is None: # no human here
return (0, 0, 0)
elif is_healthy(cell_state): # white
return (205, 205, 205)
elif is_immune(cell_state):
return (100, 255, 100) # white
elif is_sick(cell_state): # the near to death, the yellower
level = 255 / (2 + VIRUS_INCUBATION_TIME - cell_state)
return (level, level, 0)
elif is_healthy_carrier(cell_state):
return (255, 165, 0) # orange
elif is_dead(cell_state):
return (255, 0, 0) # red
assert False, "can't be"
def make_gif(files, target:str):
"""Build gif from given grayscales images"""
first, *lasts = files, save_all=True, append_images=lasts, duration=10)
def vsp(board, steps:int=200):
"""Run the game of life on given board"""
images = []
for step in range(steps):
print(f'\r \r{step}', end='', flush=True)
new_board = next_board(board)
if (board == new_board).all(): break # we obtained the same configuration, nothing changed
board = new_board
except KeyboardInterrupt:
make_gif(images, 'vsp.gif')
def write_stats(board):
nb_dead = (board == STATE_DEAD).sum()
nb_carrier = (board == STATE_HEALTHY_CARRIER).sum()
nb_immune = (board == STATE_IMMUNE).sum()
nb_healthy = (board == STATE_HEALTHY).sum()
nb_alive = nb_healthy + nb_carrier + nb_immune
print(f'\tTOTAL ALIVE: {nb_alive}\t\tDEATH: {nb_dead}\t\tIMMUNE/CARRIER/HEALTHY: {nb_immune}/{nb_carrier}/{nb_healthy}')
# build the world
# inoculate the virus at the middle
# run the simulation
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