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Created October 16, 2024 18:30
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// Instantiate all DOM elements referenced by their IDs
const playerChoice = document.getElementById('playerChoice');
const pcChoice = document.getElementById('pcChoice');
const winner = document.getElementById('winner');
// Instantiate all DOM elements for event listeners
const rock = document.getElementById('rock');
const paper = document.getElementById('paper');
const scissors = document.getElementById('scissors');
/** ----------- Global Variables Declaration ---------------- */
// Array of choices representing the options in the game
const choices = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors'];
// Object defining winning conditions for each choice
// I have placed the keys as the winning conditions
// and the values as the losing conditions for each choice.
const winningConditions = {
rock: 'scissors', // Rock crushes Scissors
paper: 'rock', // Paper covers Rock
scissors: 'paper', // Scissors cuts Paper
// Function to randomly select a choice from the array of choices
const getRandomChoice = () =>
choices[Math.floor(Math.random() * choices.length)];
/// Function to determine the winner of a round
const getWinner = (playerSelection, computerSelection) => {
if (playerSelection === computerSelection) return "It's a tie!";
return winningConditions[playerSelection] === computerSelection
? 'You win!'
: 'Computer wins!';
// Function to handle the game logic for each round
const playRound = (playerSelection) => {
const computerSelection = getRandomChoice();
// Update DOM elements with the current selections and winner
playerChoice.textContent = playerSelection; // Display player's choice
pcChoice.textContent = computerSelection; // Display computer's choice
// Display the result on this span element of the DOM
winner.textContent = getWinner(playerSelection, computerSelection);
// Attach event listeners to the images for user interaction
rock.addEventListener('click', () => playRound('rock'));
paper.addEventListener('click', () => playRound('paper'));
scissors.addEventListener('click', () => playRound('scissors'));
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