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AlvisonHunterArnuero commented Mar 4, 2025

<div class="container">
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      <div class="profile">
         <img src=" Potfolio.jpg" alt="Potfolio" />
         <div id="name">Jose Acuña</div>
         <div id="title">Fullstack Developer</div>
      <p>Hi everyone! I am a beginner developer in Java, HTML5 and CSS3.</p>
      <p>I have created a simple calculator, a restaurant menu with a user interface with Java and a tribute page with HTML5 and CSS3, JavaScript & React.</p>
      <p>Addionally I'm studying English.</p>
      <p>Programming is a field that interests me a lot and although I have not been programming for a long time, I can say that I really like it, I consider programming one of my favorite hobbies.
      <p id="more-about-me"> More About Me:</p>
         <li><strong>Programming Languages:</strong> HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Oracle APEX</li>
         <li><strong>English Proficiency:</strong> Having this language studied for over 2 years and still learning to be even better in the future</li>
         <li><strong>Games I like:</strong> several games such as Pug , Call of Duty, Stardew Valley and some Left 4 Dead 2 Campaigns and Black.</li>
   <div class="item">
      <p> I’m constantly growing my expertise, with a current focus on Java,Html, and Css.</p>
      <p id="links">Links:</p>
      <ul class="social-links">
         <li id="gitHubList"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Github</a></li>
         <li id="linkedInList"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">LinkedIn</a></li>
         <li id="emailList"> <a href="[email protected]" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">My Email</a></li>

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