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Created January 3, 2024 21:36
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; wavetables
(def andW (make-wt 8000
(fn [x] (if (> x 0.5) 1 -1))))
(def xorW (make-wt 8000
(fn [x] (if (< (abs x) 0.5) 1 -1))))
(def bufferW (make-wt 8000
(fn [x] (if (> x 0.01) 1 -1))))
(def notW (hardsat -10))
; waveshapers
(defn and~ [l r] (shape~ (+~ l r) andW))
(defn xor~ [l r] (shape~ (+~ l r) xorW))
(defn buffer~ [l] (shape~ l bufferW))
(defn not~ [l] (shape~ l notW))
; gate a signal
(defn gate~ [sig value]
(gain~ sig (unipolar (filter~ value 100 :lowpass))))
; latch with hysteresis
(defn d-latch [in clk]
; the gain~ here has params swapped on purpose
; since it registers as 'dead' otherwise
(def fb (delay~ (gain~ in (unipolar clk)) 0))
(def out (buffer~ fb))
(connect! (gain~ out 0.6) fb)
(connect! (sig~ 0) fb)
; memory
(defn d-flop [in clk]
(let [clk- (gain~ clk -1)]
(-> in (d-latch clk) (d-latch clk-))))
(defn ripple-counter1 [clk]
(def bit-in (delay~ nil 0))
(def bit (d-flop (not~ bit-in) clk))
(connect! bit bit-in)
(defn ripple-counter [clk n]
(if (zero? n)
(let [ctr (ripple-counter1 clk)]
(cons ctr
(ripple-counter ctr (dec n))))))
; my beloved
(defn four-bit-counter [clk enable]
(def zero-in (delay~ nil 0))
(def zero-bit (d-flop (xor~ zero-in enable) clk))
(connect! zero-bit zero-in)
(def one (and~ zero-bit enable))
(def one-in (delay~ nil 0))
(def one-bit (d-flop (xor~ one one-in) clk))
(connect! one-bit one-in)
(def three (and~ one one-bit))
(def two-in (delay~ nil 0))
(def two-bit (d-flop (xor~ three two-in) clk))
(connect! two-bit two-in)
(def seven (and~ three two-bit))
(def three-in (delay~ nil 0))
(def three-bit (d-flop (xor~ seven three-in) clk))
(connect! three-bit three-in)
[[three-bit two-bit one-bit zero-bit] (and~ three-bit seven)])
(defn saw~ [freq]
(osc~ freq :type :sawtooth)
(* 4 freq) :lowpass :q 0.2))
(out~ :4bc
(let [clock (osc~ 8 :type :square)
[[b3 b2 b1 b0] e] (four-bit-counter clock (sig~ 1))
[[b7 b6 b5 b4] _] (four-bit-counter clock e)]
(apply mix~
(fn [note bit]
(gate~ (saw~ (mtof (+ note 48))) bit))
[ 2 7 12 16 19 23 26 30]
[b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7]))))
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