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Last active July 10, 2018 13:04
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useful git commands
# show only file names
git diff --name-only SHA HEAD~1 > diff.txt
# delete old branches
git branch -a > branches.txt # dump all branches to file
&& sed -i '' 's/\/remote\/origin\///g' branches.txt # replace unneeded '/remote/origin/' prefix
&& nano branches.txt # manually delete branches that need to be keeped
&& cat branches.txt | xargs -I {} git push origin :{} # delete unneeded branches
# show added/deleted lines count
git log --author="Alwx" --pretty=tformat: --shortstat | cut -d' ' -f5,7 | awk '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) sum[i]+=$i;}; END{for (i in sum) print sum[i];}'
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