SeedDatabase trait along with SeedDatabaseState class gives your Laravel project the ability to seed the testing database once before running the full suite tests, which improves the speed of the tests than seeding the testing database before each test.
Also, it has the option to run custom seeders instead of the seeders that are called in the run() method of the DatabaseSeeder class you can achieve that as follows the Testcase.php
public function setUp()
SeedDatabaseState::$seeders = [RolesSeeder::class, PermissionSeeder::class];
- Place the SeedDatabase.php and the SeedDatabaseState.php into the tests folder in your Laravel project and update the TestCase.php to use the SeedDatabase trait and make the changes in the setup() method to call $this->seedDatabase(); after calling the parent::setup()
@Alymosul Thanks for this, it's really helpful. I'm having a weird issue where between tests the database is emptied. I have two test functions in one file essentially doing the same thing, the first one manages to pull from the seed data fine, but the second (trying to get the same row from the db) cannot find the data.
Anyone have any thoughts?
I am unfortunately on Laravel 5.5