- Open obfuscated assembly
- Save module with
MD Writed Options
/Preserve Heap Offsets
&&Create Heap Even If Empty
ticked ON - In same file go to
Token of this will be used to deobfuscate string,0600????
is an template - Go to de4dot program open cmd in that folder and paste string from below withc changed path and token.
de4dot.exe --un-name "!^<>[a-z0-9]$&!^<>[a-z0-9]__.*$&![A-Z][A-Z]\$<>.*$&^[a-zA-Z_<{$][a-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$" "{$DIR}\Assembly-CSharp.dll" --strtyp delegate --strtok {$TOKEN}
to be continued ??