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Last active August 31, 2020 14:46
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Telegram MTProxy link validator
from urllib import parse
import string
import base64
import traceback
def validate(proxy_link):
if proxy_link.startswith("tg://proxy") or proxy_link.replace("https://", "").startswith(""):
args = dict(parse.parse_qsl(parse.urlsplit(proxy_link).query))
if args.get("server") and args.get("port") and args.get("secret"):
if args.get("port").isnumeric():
secret = args.get("secret").replace("-", "+").replace("_", "/")
if not all(c in string.hexdigits for c in secret):
if not secret.endswith("="):
secret += "=="
secret = base64.b64decode(secret).hex()
except Exception as e:
secret += "="
secret = base64.b64decode(secret).hex()
except Exception as e:
if all(c in string.hexdigits for c in secret):
if (secret.startswith("ee") and len(secret) > 34) or (
secret.startswith("dd") and len(secret) == 34) or (len(secret) == 32):
return True
return False
return False
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