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Created March 14, 2021 13:18
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Base Git config for CLI usage
longpaths = true
autocrlf = false
cm = commit -m
cam = commit -am
rpo = remote prune origin
rpof = !git remote prune origin && git fetch
g = log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit
st = status
stl = stash list
stp = stash pop
stm = stash push -m
sta = stash apply
std = stash drop
rha = reset HEAD --hard
rba = rebase --abort
unstage = restore --staged
ign = update-index --assume-unchanged
unign = update-index --no-assume-unchanged
c = checkout
cb = checkout -b
cd = checkout develop
delete = branch -D
amend = commit --amend --no-edit
medit = commit -a --amend
b = branch
ba = branch -a
whoami = config
username = config
email = config
defaultBranch = main
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