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YingQin Chen AmosChenYQ

  • Tianjin University
  • 23:31 (UTC +08:00)
View GitHub Profile
Python 1 min ████████████████████▋ 98.4%
Other 0 secs ▎░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 1.6%
AmosChenYQ / graph_execution.log
Last active June 16, 2022 03:47
Logs from eager execution and graph lazy execution
2022-06-13 13:40:38.064084: I tensorflow/core/platform/] This TensorFlow binary is optimized with oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) to use the following CPU instructions in performance-critical operations: SSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX AVX2 AVX512F AVX512_VNNI FMA
To enable them in other operations, rebuild TensorFlow with the appropriate compiler flags.
2022-06-13 13:40:38.214452: I tensorflow/core/platform/cloud/] GCS cache max size = 0 ; block size = 67108864 ; max staleness = 0
2022-06-13 13:40:38.214523: I ./tensorflow/core/platform/cloud/ram_file_block_cache.h:64] GCS file block cache is disabled
2022-06-13 13:40:38.214537: I tensorflow/core/platform/cloud/] GCS DNS cache is disabled, because GCS_RESOLVE_REFRESH_SECS = 0 (or is not set)
2022-06-13 13:40:38.214542: I tensorflow/core/platform/cloud/] GCS additional header DISABLED. No environment variable set.
2022-06-13 13:40:38.215427: I tensorflow/core/util/ut
AmosChenYQ / op-variant.log
Last active June 5, 2022 13:32
The log which was generated by a simple matrix multiple with add in different batch sizes
2022-06-04 06:28:32.200335: I tensorflow/core/platform/] This TensorFlow binary is optimized with oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) to use the following CPU instructions in performance-critical operations: SSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX AVX2 AVX512F AVX512_VNNI FMA
To enable them in other operations, rebuild TensorFlow with the appropriate compiler flags.
2022-06-04 06:28:32.347341: I tensorflow/core/platform/cloud/] GCS cache max size = 0 ; block size = 67108864 ; max staleness = 0
2022-06-04 06:28:32.347417: I ./tensorflow/core/platform/cloud/ram_file_block_cache.h:64] GCS file block cache is disabled
2022-06-04 06:28:32.347432: I tensorflow/core/platform/cloud/] GCS DNS cache is disabled, because GCS_RESOLVE_REFRESH_SECS = 0 (or is not set)
2022-06-04 06:28:32.347437: I tensorflow/core/platform/cloud/] GCS additional header DISABLED. No environment variable set.
2022-06-04 06:28:32.348248: I tensorflow/core/util/ut
AmosChenYQ / resnet_50_top_3.json
Created December 11, 2021 03:34
{"config_index_list": "37013720 21154581 42777610 68617 18248538 21813144 37250737 17352267 16685057 15277050 10492828 29677590 453319 14163797 8893076 3273025 915866 1102226 7379531 83263 1508441 536828 341533 203146 181740 822416 351938 5", "mean": 2.829405930824578, "median": 2.5455483701080084, "std": 0.6339614031016598}
{"config_index_list": "36662768 21154581 42777610 68617 18248538 21813144 37250737 17352267 16685057 15277050 10492828 29677590 453319 14163797 8893076 3273025 915866 1102226 7379531 83263 1508441 536828 341533 203146 181740 822416 351938 5", "mean": 2.8593417396768928, "median": 2.800494432449341, "std": 0.564125701361504}
{"config_index_list": "37013737 21154581 42777610 68617 18248538 21813144 37250737 17352267 16685057 15277050 10492828 29677590 453319 14163797 8893076 3273025 915866 1102226 7379531 83263 1508441 536828 341533 203146 181740 822416 351938 5", "mean": 2.840397721156478, "median": 2.683904254809022, "std": 0.6637734127777604}
{"config_index_list": "37013720 9327405 42777
AmosChenYQ / resnet_18_top_3.json
Created December 9, 2021 04:30
resnet 18 top 3 combo results
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
{"config_index_list": "35045765 80284655 135791 31368148 32723934 435912 3340828 7879316 400150 83263 528032 234599 645507 418814 174276 4", "mean": 0.7447539735585451, "median": 0.7784869754686952, "std": 0.26961062438399824}
{"config_index_list": "35045765 80284655 135791 31368148 32723934 435912 3340828 7879316 400150 83263 528032 234599 645507 418814 174276 6", "mean": 0.7451336318627, "median": 0.9302854305133224, "std": 0.2882955617487474}
{"config_index_list": "35045765 80284655 135791 31368148 32723934 435912 3340828 7879316 400150 83263 528032 234599 645507 418814 174276 5", "mean": 0.7471149880439043, "median": 0.930317398160696, "std": 0.2839726985859365}
{"config_index_list": "35045765 80284655 135791 31368148 32723934 435912 3340828 7879316 400150 83263 528032 234599 645507 418814 174269 4", "mean": 0.7485703565180302, "median": 0.933824572712183, "std": 0.28966137689848437}
{"config_index_list": "35045765 80284655 135791 31368148 32723934 435912 3340828 7879316 400150 83263 528032 234599 645507
AmosChenYQ /
Created November 12, 2021 12:58
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