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Last active January 5, 2018 19:59
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Forward all files as modules from a directory
It's often we have a bunch of modules that we need to just forward
from a single entry point
as following:
-- src
---- utils
------ isFunction.js
------ isString.js
------ isArray.js
Sometimes we need to create a single centeric entry point that groups all the modules as 'utils'
so that we can use it as following
const { isFunction, isArray } = require('./utils');
To do so, we have to create 'utils/index.js' and manually export a one-to-one map
as following:
module.exports = {
isFunction: require('./isFunction'),
isString: require('./isString'),
isArray: require('./isArray'),
When we create a new util function, we have to manually add it in the index.js
What this following script does that it constructs this mapping automatically in run-time
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
module.exports = (basePath) => {
return fs
.readdirSync(basePath) // read all files in the directory
.map(file => file.replace('.js', '')) // remove the file extention
.filter(file => file !== '*' && file !== 'index') // exclude '*.js' and 'index.js'
.reduce((exports_, module_) => { // construct the map
const modulePath = path.join(basePath, module_);
exports_[module_] = require(modulePath);
return exports_;
}, {});
module.exports = require('path-to-forward.js')(__dirname);
this is exactly equivelent to:
module.exports = {
a: require('./a'),
b: require('./b'),
c: require('./c'),
d: require('./d'),
e: require('./e'),
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