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Last active January 7, 2025 05:03
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  • Save Amrsatrio/8115ab69abb92328802b23f55187c112 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Amrsatrio/8115ab69abb92328802b23f55187c112 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

AK47 Commands

The default command prefix is +.

<> = required
[] = optional
| = or
... = accepts spaces
italic = replace with your own value


Log In

login <exchange code>

Aliases: i, signin
Logs in to an Epic account using exchange code (make one on


  • login aabbccddeeff11223344556677889900

Log Out


Aliases: o, signout
Logs out the Epic account.


devices <list|create|delete>

Aliases: device
Device auth operation commands.

Save Login


Redirects to devices create.

Delete Saved Login


Redirects to devices delete <registered device ID>.

Claim Two-Factor Authentication Reward


Aliases: claimmfa, boogiedown
Claim 2fa reward (Boogie down emote) on your account.

Generate Exchange Code


Generates an exchange code.

Fortnite Core

Gift History


Aliases: gifth
Check how much gifting slots is remaining along with a history of sent/received gifts.


sac [new code|clear]

Displays or changes the Support a Creator code. Use clear to unset the code.

V-Bucks Balance


Aliases: v, balance, bal, mtx, vbucksbalance
Tells you how much V-Bucks the account has on all platforms.

V-Bucks Platform

vbucksplatform <WeGame|EpicPCKorea|Epic|EpicPC|EpicAndroid|PSN|Live|IOSAppStore|Nintendo|Samsung|Shared>

Aliases: vp, mtxplatform
Changes the V-Bucks platform.

Fortnite Battle Royale

Purchase Battle Pass/Tiers

battlepass <1|2|3>

Aliases: bp
Purchase battlepass or tiers.

Purchase Item

buy <item number> [quantity] [price index]

Aliases: b, purchase
Purchases a shop entry from the Battle Royale or Save the World Item Shop. Argument price index defaults to and starts from 1 and is applicable for non dynamic bundle entries.

Gift Item

gift <item number> <friend 1[;friend 2[;friend 3[;friend 4]]]>

Aliases: g
Gifts up to 4 friends a shop entry from current Battle Royale item shop.
Argument friend accepts Epic display name (spaces allowed), email, account ID, or friend number.
Epic Games has removed the gift message text field from the game, so the gift message will be the default one.


  • Single recipient with one word display name:
    g 5 noobmaster69

  • 4 recipients with varying types of identification:
    g 5 noobmaster69;I take wall;[email protected];d43dce39c5044b8f84bf24f2493fd393



Generate images of all Battle Royale items in the account.

Item Shop


Aliases: s
Displays current Battle Royale item shop image.

Item Shop (as Text)


Aliases: st
Sends the current item shop items as a text.

Cancel Purchase


Aliases: refund, undo
Cancel your last purchase.

Fortnite Save the World

Claim STW Daily Rewards


Aliases: daily
Claims the STW daily reward.

Edit Homebase Name

homebasename [new name...]

Displays or changes the homebase name. (STW owning accounts only)

STW Item Shop


Sends the current Save the World item shop items as a text.


List Friends

friends list [friends|incoming|outgoing|suggested|blocklist]

Aliases: f
Lists friends in the account along with their account IDs. Defaults to accepted friends (friends) if no second argument were specified.

Add Friend

friends add <display name...|email|account ID>

Lookup a user and send them/accept their friend request.

Remove Friend

friends remove <display name...|email|account ID>

Lookup a user and unfriend them if you're friends.

Accept Incoming Friend Request

friends accept <display name...|email|account ID|all>

Lookup a user and accept their friend request if there is any.

Reject Incoming Friend Request

friends reject <display name...|email|account ID|all>

Lookup a user and reject their friend request if there is any.

Cancel Outgoing Friend Request

friends cancel <display name...|email|account ID|all>

Lookup a user and cancel your outgoing friend request if there is any.



Host custom matchmaking games (codes sent to verified users only). (Server admins only)

prefix <new prefix>

Aliases: akprefix
Change prefix for the server/user. (Server admins only)


Aliases: s
Displays current Battle Royale item shop image.

vmessage [more text (can be another languages)]

Send message to instruct people about verify themselves


Verify your ownership for your Epic account. (DMs only)

Copy link

How do I skin check

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