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Last active January 2, 2025 02:53
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UIKitTabView. SwiftUI tab bar view that respects navigation stacks when tabs are switched (unlike the TabView implementation)
/// An iOS style TabView that doesn't reset it's childrens navigation stacks when tabs are switched.
public struct UIKitTabView: View {
private var viewControllers: [UIHostingController<AnyView>]
private var selectedIndex: Binding<Int>?
@State private var fallbackSelectedIndex: Int = 0
public init(selectedIndex: Binding<Int>? = nil, @TabBuilder _ views: () -> [Tab]) {
self.viewControllers = views().map {
let host = UIHostingController(rootView: $0.view)
host.tabBarItem = $0.barItem
return host
self.selectedIndex = selectedIndex
public var body: some View {
TabBarController(controllers: viewControllers, selectedIndex: selectedIndex ?? $fallbackSelectedIndex)
public struct Tab {
var view: AnyView
var barItem: UITabBarItem
public struct TabBuilder {
public static func buildBlock(_ items: UIKitTabView.Tab...) -> [UIKitTabView.Tab] {
extension View {
public func tab(title: String, image: String? = nil, selectedImage: String? = nil, badgeValue: String? = nil) -> UIKitTabView.Tab {
func imageOrSystemImage(named: String?) -> UIImage? {
guard let name = named else { return nil }
return UIImage(named: name) ?? UIImage(systemName: name)
let image = imageOrSystemImage(named: image)
let selectedImage = imageOrSystemImage(named: selectedImage)
let barItem = UITabBarItem(title: title, image: image, selectedImage: selectedImage)
barItem.badgeValue = badgeValue
return UIKitTabView.Tab(view: AnyView(self), barItem: barItem)
fileprivate struct TabBarController: UIViewControllerRepresentable {
var controllers: [UIViewController]
@Binding var selectedIndex: Int
func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> UITabBarController {
let tabBarController = UITabBarController()
tabBarController.viewControllers = controllers
tabBarController.delegate = context.coordinator
tabBarController.selectedIndex = 0
return tabBarController
func updateUIViewController(_ tabBarController: UITabBarController, context: Context) {
tabBarController.selectedIndex = selectedIndex
func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {
class Coordinator: NSObject, UITabBarControllerDelegate {
var parent: TabBarController
init(_ tabBarController: TabBarController) {
self.parent = tabBarController
func tabBarController(_ tabBarController: UITabBarController, didSelect viewController: UIViewController) {
if parent.selectedIndex == tabBarController.selectedIndex {
popToRootOrScrollUp(on: viewController)
parent.selectedIndex = tabBarController.selectedIndex
private func popToRootOrScrollUp(on viewController: UIViewController) {
let nvc = navigationController(for: viewController)
let popped = nvc?.popToRootViewController(animated: true)
if (popped ?? []).isEmpty {
let rootViewController = nvc?.viewControllers.first ?? viewController
if let scrollView = firstScrollView(in: rootViewController.view ?? UIView()) {
let preservedX = scrollView.contentOffset.x
let y =
scrollView.setContentOffset(CGPoint(x: preservedX, y: y), animated: true)
private func navigationController(for viewController: UIViewController) -> UINavigationController? {
for child in viewController.children {
if let nvc = viewController as? UINavigationController {
return nvc
} else if let nvc = navigationController(for: child) {
return nvc
return nil
public func firstScrollView(in view: UIView) -> UIScrollView? {
for subview in view.subviews {
if let scrollView = view as? UIScrollView {
return scrollView
} else if let scrollView = firstScrollView(in: subview) {
return scrollView
return nil
struct ExampleView: View {
@State var text: String = ""
var body: some View {
UIKitTabView {
NavView().tab(title: "First", badgeValue: "3")
Text("Second View").tab(title: "Second")
struct NavView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
VStack {
NavigationLink(destination: Text("This page stays when you switch back and forth between tabs (as expected on iOS)")) {
Text("Go to detail")
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ghost commented Dec 28, 2021

@basememara Thanks! It works perfectly. The only thing I am missing is to hide the tabbar when a new view is pushed (with a navigation. link with SwiftUI)

Do you know if that is possible? I've tried to set

tabBarController.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = true

But it's not working for me.

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Amzd commented Dec 28, 2021

@pabloecab because the NavigatinView does not work together with the UITabBarController. Jusr hide it manually when something is pushed.

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pakenas commented Apr 19, 2022

@pabloecab because the NavigatinView does not work together with the UITabBarController. Jusr hide it manually when something is pushed.

@Amzd Could you please help out? How exactly would you hide it manually? Thanks!

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Amzd commented Apr 20, 2022

@pakenas Add new @Binding property on TabBarController and in updateView do: tabBarController.tabBar.hidden = newProperty

If you want custom animations and stuff I would advice just use a SwiftUI view instead and keep the tabBar hidden at all times.

Even better: don't ever use SwiftUI's NavigationView or .sheet and use a custom Coordinator system that handles all navigation using UINavigationControllers which then embed the SwiftUI views in UIHostingController and forward the necessary environment objects

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