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Last active November 7, 2017 03:16
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Example of how to manage cron using PHP Rev #2
Copyright 2017 Ananta
This is an example script of how to manage crontab using PHP
Yeah it's a messy script but it works :p
* Create the crontab.tmp.txt file first to use it. This script is unable to populate the file when running using a webserver like apache or nginx
$user = exec('whoami');
$lastCrontab =shell_exec('crontab -u '.$user.' -l');
//create tmp file
//execute command and try to set new cronjobs
echo shell_exec('crontab -u '.$user.' crontab.tmp.txt');
echo "<a href=''>Go back</a>";
//override tmp file
if(preg_match('/no crontab/i',$lastCrontab)){
echo "No cronjob found for $user";
echo "<h2>Current cronjobs of $user</h2>";
echo '<pre>';
echo $lastCrontab;
echo '</pre>';
echo"<h1>Create new cronjobs!</h1>";
echo "
<form action='' method='POST'>
<textarea cols=120 rows=20 name='cronjobs' placeholder='No cronjob were found! Create some'>$lastCrontab</textarea>
<button type='submit' name='submit'>Setup!</button>
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