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Created May 15, 2017 06:21
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Building log for for arm platform
root@localhost:~/atom-armv7l# node script/build --create-debian-package
Node: v6.10.3
Npm: v3.10.5
Installing script dependencies
Installing apm
Installing modules ✓
Wrote Dependencies Fingerprint: /root/atom-armv7l/node_modules/.dependencies-fingerprint 5bc2c992a1656fa7ffc63ec4b6e9b442aa564696
Cleaning /root/atom-armv7l/out
Copying assets to /root/atom-armv7l/out/app
Transpiling Babel paths in /root/atom-armv7l/out/app
Transpiling CoffeeScript paths in /root/atom-armv7l/out/app
Transpiling CSON paths in /root/atom-armv7l/out/app
Transpiling PEG.js paths in /root/atom-armv7l/out/app
Generating module cache for /root/atom-armv7l/out/app
Generating pre-built less cache in /root/atom-armv7l/out/app/less-compile-cache
Generating metadata for /root/atom-armv7l/out/app/package.json
Generating API docs at /root/atom-armv7l/docs/output/atom-api.json
Dumping symbols in /root/atom-armv7l/out/symbols
Running electron-packager on /root/atom-armv7l/out/app with app name "atom"WARNING: The version parameter is deprecated, use electronVersion (or --electron-version in the CLI) instead
WARNING: The app-copyright parameter is deprecated when used from JS, use appCopyright instead. It will be removed in the next major version.
WARNING: The app-version parameter is deprecated when used from JS, use appVersion instead. It will be removed in the next major version.
WARNING: The build-version parameter is deprecated when used from JS, use buildVersion instead. It will be removed in the next major version.
WARNING: The app-bundle-id parameter is deprecated when used from JS, use appBundleId instead. It will be removed in the next major version.
WARNING: The extend-info parameter is deprecated when used from JS, use extendInfo instead. It will be removed in the next major version.
WARNING: The helper-bundle-id parameter is deprecated when used from JS, use helperBundleId instead. It will be removed in the next major version.
Packaging app for platform linux armv7l using electron v1.4.16
Changing permissions for node files in /root/atom-armv7l/out/atom-1.15.0-armv7l
Copying non-ASAR resources to /root/atom-armv7l/out/atom-1.15.0-armv7l/resources
Writing to /root/atom-armv7l/out/atom-1.15.0-armv7l/resources
Application bundle created at /root/atom-armv7l/out/atom-1.15.0-armv7l
Creating Debian package for "/root/atom-armv7l/out/atom-1.15.0-armv7l"
Creating Debian package directory structure at "/tmp/atom-1.15.0-armv7l"
Copying "/root/atom-armv7l/out/atom-1.15.0-armv7l" to "/tmp/atom-1.15.0-armv7l/usr/share/atom"
Copying binaries into "/tmp/atom-1.15.0-armv7l/usr/bin"
Writing control file into "/tmp/atom-1.15.0-armv7l/DEBIAN"
Writing desktop entry file into "/tmp/atom-1.15.0-armv7l/usr/share/applications"
Copying icon into "/tmp/atom-1.15.0-armv7l/usr/share/pixmaps"
Copying license into "/tmp/atom-1.15.0-armv7l/usr/share/doc/atom"
Copying lintian overrides into "/tmp/atom-1.15.0-armv7l/usr/share/lintian/overrides"
Generating .deb file from /tmp/atom-1.15.0-armv7l
dpkg-deb: building package 'atom' in '/tmp/atom-1.15.0-armv7l.deb'.
Copying generated package into "/root/atom-armv7l/out/atom-armhf.deb"
Skipping creating rpm package. Specify the --create-rpm-package option to create it.
Skipping artifacts compression. Specify the --compress-artifacts option to compress Atom binaries (and symbols on macOS)
Skipping installation. Specify the --install option to install Atom
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