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Last active July 26, 2024 00:09
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A project workflow for Nixpkgs/NixOS

Standard project structure

This is a project structure I’ve found useful. Looking for any thoughts/comments/feedback. Roughly, I found a tension between the style nixpkgs expects and the style conducive to development, so I extracted the common portion into a derivation.nix which is used by the remaining .nix files. This setup allows me to use nix build, nix-shell, overlays, Hydra, alternate packaging schemes, cross-compiling, etc.



used to pin nixpkgs to a specific version. If this is not needed, you may import in subsequent files instead.

     baseUrl = "";
     stable = {
	tag = "20.03";
	# sha256 is optional for builtins.fetchTarball
     unstable = {
	tag = "fce7562cf46727fdaf801b232116bc9ce0512049";
     nixpkgsStable = builtins.fetchTarball {
	url = "${baseUrl}/${stable.tag}.tar.gz";
     nixpkgsUnstable = builtins.fetchTarball {
	url = "${baseUrl}/${unstable.tag}.tar.gz";
   in nixpkgsStable


This is a nixpkgs compatible derivation, ready to be added as a PR and used via callPackage.​

{stdenv, pkgconfig, meson, ninja, boost, ... }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
  name = "my-project-${version}";
  version = "0.0.1";

  src = ./. ;
  nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig meson ninja ];
  buildInputs = [ boost ];

  enableParallelBuilding = true;
  releaseName = name;

  meta = with stdenv.lib; {
    description = "Some Project in C++";
    homepage =;
    license = licenses.gpl3Plus;
    platforms = platforms.linux;
    maintainers = [ "[email protected]" ];


This allows for easy inclusion into a custom nixpkgs via the overlay system. Sometimes I add multiple versions here with different options or inputs.​

self: super: {
  my-project = self.callPackage ./derivation.nix{ };


This allows for nix-build and nix-shell to automatically do TheRightThing. This can also allow importing other overlays and custom nixpkgs. This file will NOT work for inclusion into the Nixpkgs repo as default.nix, use the derivation.nix for that instead.​

     nixpkgs = import ./pin-nixpkgs.nix;
     pkgs = import nixpkgs {
	config = {};
	overlays = [
	  (import ./overlay.nix)
	  # (import /other/overlays/too/)



This is for additional build and packaging as needed. Also used by hydra to specify builds. This allows me to build specific releases, for example nix build -f release.nix nix-build-arm or nix build -f release.nix deb-installer .​

{ nixpkgs ? (import ./nixpkgs.nix), ... } :
  pkgs = import nixpkgs {config={};};
  pkgs-arm = import nixpkgs {system="armv7l-linux";config={};};

  nixBuild = drv : extraAttrs :drv.overrideAttrs (old:{
    initPhase = ''
      mkdir -p $out/nix-support
      echo "$system" > $out/nix-support/system
    prePhases  = ["initPhase"] ++ (if builtins.hasAttr "prePhases" old then old.prePhases else []);
    postPhases = (if builtins.hasAttr "postPhases" old then old.postPhases else []) ++ ["finalPhase"];
    finalPhase = ''
      if test -e $src/nix-support/hydra-release-name; then
        cp $src/nix-support/hydra-release-name $out/nix-support/hydra-release-name

  jobs = rec {
    nix-build = { system ? builtins.currentSystem }: 
                    nixBuild (pkgs.callPackage ./derivation.nix {}) {};

    nix-build-arm = { system ? builtins.currentSystem }: 
                    with pkgs-arm; 
                    (nixBuild (pkgs-arm.callPackage ./derivation.nix {
                        stdenv = pkgs-arm.stdenv;
                        system = "armv7l-linux";


used by hydra to specify build sets. TODO: should probably refactor the nixpkgs pin in a DRY way with nixpkgs.nix above.​

{ nixpkgs ? (import ./nixpkgs.nix), declInput }:
let pkgs = import nixpkgs {config = {};}; in {
  jobsets = pkgs.runCommand "spec.json" {} ''
    cat <<EOF
    ${builtins.toXML declInput}
    cat > $out <<EOF
      "master": {
        "enabled": 1,
        "hidden": false,
        "description": "my-project",
        "nixexprinput": "src",
        "nixexprpath": "release.nix",
        "checkinterval": 90,
        "schedulingshares": 100,
        "enableemail": true,
        "emailoverride": "",
        "keepnr": 10,
        "inputs": {
            "src": { "type": "git", "value": "file:///repo.git", "emailresponsible": true },
            "nixpkgs": { "type": "git", "value": "git:// e797e0091356c25282fba4d19690666d4b6f6d0b", "emailresponsible": false }
      "staging": {
        "enabled": 1,
        "hidden": false,
        "description": "my-project",
        "nixexprinput": "src",
        "nixexprpath": "release.nix",
        "checkinterval": 90,
        "schedulingshares": 100,
        "enableemail": false,
        "emailoverride": "",
        "keepnr": 10,
        "inputs": {
            "src": { "type": "git", "value": "file:///repo.git", "emailresponsible": true },
            "nixpkgs": { "type": "git", "value": "git:// e797e0091356c25282fba4d19690666d4b6f6d0b", "emailresponsible": false }


declarative jobset used in hydra, basically just points to the above spec.nix. TODO: refactor nixpkgs reference to nixpkgs.nix (or have nixpkgs.nix refer to this one)

    "enabled": 1,
    "hidden": true,
    "description": "Jobsets",
    "nixexprinput": "src",
    "nixexprpath": "spec.nix",
    "checkinterval": 300,
    "schedulingshares": 10,
    "enableemail": false,
    "emailoverride": "",
    "keepnr": 3,
    "inputs": {
        "src": { "type": "git", "value": "file:///repo.git", "emailresponsible": true },
        "nixpkgs": { "type": "git", "value": "git:// e797e0091356c25282fba4d19690666d4b6f6d0b", "emailresponsible": false }


if a custom shell environment is needed, override the default.nix here


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