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Lightweight region memory management in a two-stage language

Lightweight region memory management in a two-stage language


A big part of my recent work is about getting good combinations of predictable high performance and high-level abstraction, via PL design and theory. Staged compilation is an important part of it:

I've been doing some prototyping and design exploration. There's no usable standalone implementation but I do want to get to that point eventually.

Garbage collection is present in all of my designs, simply because the starting point is functional programming with ADTs and closures, and the most convenient setup for this is to have GC.

If we aim for the best performance, GC can be crucial for some workloads, but it's more common that we explicitly don't want to use a GC. Most latency-critical programs are written in C, C++ or Rust, without GC.

Naturally, I'm interested in improving memory management performance, but there are some trade-offs and tensions.

First, type safety is non-negotiable for me, both at runtime and compile time. By the latter I mean that well-typed code-generating programs must yield well-typed code. Every design choice has to accommodate type safety.

Second, two-level type theory (2LTT) is very expressive and convenient for two-stage compilation. But: systems that are memory-safe and GC-free tend to be sub-structural. This means that there are restrictions on the usage of variables. Sub-structural object languages haven't been researched for 2LTT-s.

The nicest thing about 2LTT is that we never have to care about scoping for the object language. At compile time, we can freely combine object expressions without regard for their free variables, and we only need to care about typing.

If the object language is sub-structural, this doesn't work anymore. If a linear variable is consumed in some subterm, it can't be used in another subterm. So if we're writing metaprograms, aiming to generate substructural programs, we have to keep track of free variable occurrences in expressions. That's not all that lightweight anymore.

Summary of my proposal:

  • We can use regions to reduce GC workload, by skipping copying and scanning of structures that are stored in regions. The more we know about the allocation patterns in our program, the more GC work we can remove.
  • Regions are lightweight and quite liberal: they can be stored in existentials and closures, they may contain pointers to the GC-d heap and other regions, and there's no sub-structural typing.
  • Objects stored in a region are alive as long as the region itself is alive.
  • We use tag-free garbage collection, aggressive unboxing and bit-stealing to improve locality and to shrink runtime objects.
  • We use per-datatype GC routines that exploit static information about regions.

In a nutshell: regions are used purely to improve memory management performance, without any hard guarantees about lifetimes. This makes it possible to smoothly integrate regions into a 2LTT.

Compare Rust: lifetimes provide hard static guarantee, and they can be used to enforce resource safety more generally, not just for memory allocation. But the sub-structural nature of Rust makes it difficult to do type-safe metaprogramming.

I expand on the design in the following.


We start from the setup in Closure-Free Functional Programming, but I shall reiterate it here as well.

  • There's a compile-time (meta) language, which is dependently typed.
  • There's an object language, which is polarized and simply typed.

The metalanguage is highly expressive and has fancy types, and we can write metaprograms in it that generate object programs. The object language is easy to compile and optimize, but it's often tedious to directly program in.

Concretely, the system looks like a dependently typed language with some universes and staging operations.

  • MetaTy : MetaTy is the universe of compile-time types (or: metatypes). It has itself as type; this is a logically inconsistent feature that you may know as "type-in-type" from other languages. We have it as a simplification and convenience feature.
  • Ty : MetaTy is the universe of object types.
  • ValTy : MetaTy and CompTy : MetaTy are both cumulative sub-universes of Ty, e.g. if we have A : ValTy then we also have A : Ty.
  • ValTy contains value types; these are primitive types, ADTs and closures. At runtime, a value lives in dynamic memory (stack or heap).
  • CompTy contains computation types; these are functions and finite products of computations. At runtime, a computation is represented by an address pointing to a chunk of machine code in the executable.

The polarization to ValTy and CompTy is used to control closures. There is a separate type former for closures, and we only get runtime closures if we use it.

  • Function domain types must be value types.
  • ADT constructor fields must be value types.
  • For A : CompTy, we have Close A : ValTy
  • For t : A we have close t : Close A.
  • For t : Close A, we have open t : A.

An example:

    data List (A : ValTy) := Nil | Cons A (List A)

    map : Close (Int → Int) → List Int → List Int
    map f xs := case xs of
      Nil       → Nil
      Cons x xs → Cons (open f x) (map f xs)

The function argument to map has to be wrapped in a closure; it's not possible to have (Int → Int) → List Int → List Int because function domains must be value types.

It's not possible to have a polymorphic object-level map, simply because there's no polymorphism in the object language. Fortunately, we can abstract over anything in the metalanguage. For that, we need staging operations:

  • For A : Ty, we have ↑A : MetaTy, pronounced "lift A", as the type of metaprograms which produce A-typed programs.
  • For t : A : Ty, we have <t> : ↑A, pronounced "quote t", as the metaprogram which immediately returns t.
  • For t : ↑A, we have ~A, pronounced "splice t", which runs the metaprogram and inserts its output in an object program.
  • <~t> is definitionally equal to t.
  • ~<t> is definitionally equal to t.
  • Splicing binds stronger that function application, e.g. f ~x is parsed as f (~x).
  • Lifting, quoting and splicing is the only way to mix programs at different stages.

A polymorphic map is now written as

    map : {A B : ValTy} → (↑A → ↑B) → ↑(List A) → ↑(List B)
    map f as = <letrec go as := case as of Nil       → Nil
                                           Cons a as → Cons ~(f <a>) (go as);
                go ~as>
  • The braces for {A B : ValTy} mark implicit arguments in the style of Agda. In GHC's more verbose style it would be like forall (a :: ValTy) (b :: ValTy).
  • The semicolon at the end of go's definition is used to delimit the defined thing in a letrec. We have non-recursive let too, as let x : A := t; u. Non-recursive let can shadow previously defined names.
  • A meta-level definition uses = while an object-level one uses :=.

The previous monomorphic map can be reproduced:

    monoMap : Close (Int → Int) → List Int → List Int
    monoMap f xs := ~(map (λ x. <open f ~x>) <xs>)

At compile time, the splices are replaced with generated code, and we get the same code that we defined before.

But it's not the best idea to have a map which takes a closure as argument. We might as well inline the function argument to skip the runtime closure, for each concrete mapping function:

    monoMapPlus : List Int → List Int
    monoMapPlus xs = ~(map (λ x. <~x + 10>) <xs>)

Stage inference

The staging operations in the examples so far caused some noise. It's possible to have stage inference as an elaboration feature, and we can skip pretty much all quotes and splices, and also most lifts. The following works:

    map : {A B : ValTy} → (A → B) → List A → List B
    map f as = letrec go as := case as of Nil       → Nil
                                          Cons a as → Cons (f a) (go as);
               go as

Note that we still have to write = and := for definitions at the different stages. My experience in prototype implementations is that as soon as we pin down the stages of let-definitions, almost everything else becomes unambiguously inferable.


Let's add regions to the mix.

  • Loc : MetaTy is the type of memory locations.
  • Region : MetaTy is the type of region identifiers. It's a subtype of Loc, so that we can implicitly coerce from Region to Loc.
  • Hp : Loc represents the general GC-d heap.
  • In the object language, polymorphic functions over Region are computation types. For example (r : Region) → List r Int → List r Int is in CompTy (we'll see lists in regions shortly). We also have {r : Region} → ....
  • ADT constructors may store existential regions.
  • let r : Region; t creates a new region and binds it to r in t.

We also need a way to put things in regions. We extend ADT declarations with location specification. Example:

    data List (l : Loc)(A : ValTy) :=
      | Cons@l A (List l A)

Cons@l specifies that a cons cell is a pointer to a pair of A and List l A, allocated in l.

Nil has no location specification, which means that it's unboxed, i.e. we don't need any indirection to store an empty list. At runtime it could be just a null integer.

For any type, all values of the type must have the same "flat" size in memory. In the case of lists, a Nil would be a null value and a Cons would be a pointer to a pair, so that checks out.

We can also define Rust-style unboxed sums:

    data Foo := Foo1 Int | Foo2 Int Int

Since neither Foo1 nor Foo2 specify a location, they are both unboxed. At runtime, we need a tag bit to distinguish the two constructors, and we also need to pad out Foo1 to have the same size as Foo2. So, Foo requires 1+64+64 bits of storage. Depending on the contexts in which we use Foo, this data can be stored differently; see bit-stealing a bit later on. We assume word granularity for runtime objects, so a Foo value can take up three words at most.

Recursive fields can only be placed under a pointer. The following is rejected by the compiler:

    data List A := Nil | Cons A (List A)

Unlike in Rust, we can mix unboxed and boxed constructors in a declaration (as we saw for lists already). Take lambda terms, using De Bruijn indices:

    data Tm = Var Int32 | Lam@Hp Tm | App@Hp Tm Tm

This representation is far more efficient than what we get in Haskell and OCaml.

  • Var Int32 is a single word, containing two bits for the constructor tag and 32 bits for the integer.
  • Lam@Hp Tm is a pointer tagged with two bits, pointing to a Tm on the heap.
  • App@Hp Tm Tm is a pointer tagged with two bits, pointing to two Tm-s on the heap.

There's also one bit reserved for GC in every pointer; I write more about GC implementation later.

Consider App (Var 0) (Var 1). In Haskell and OCaml, App has three words, one header and two pointer for the fields, and Var 0 and Var 1 each contain two words, one header and one unboxed field. That's a total of seven words on the heap.

In 2LTT, it's two words on the heap instead! The App pointer itself has the constructor tag, it points to a tag-free pair of two words, and the two words are unboxed Var-s.


It would be already quite efficient to uniformly represent ADT-s, but we can do more layout compression. Let's take List (Maybe Int):

    data List A := Nil | Cons@Hp A (List A)

    data Maybe A := Nothing | Just A

List is on the heap while Maybe is an unboxed sum. Using uniform representation, we would have that Maybe Int takes two words (tag + payload), so a Cons cell would be three words on the heap.

Using bit-stealing, we can move immutable data from constructors into free space in pointers. In this case, Cons uses 0 bits for tagging (since Nil can be represeted as a null value) and reserves 1 bit for GC.

The free tag space varies depending on the architecture and the exact tagging scheme. At least, we have 2 lower bits available because of pointer alignment (recall that we reserve 1 bit for GC). At best, we have additional 16 high bits available.

If plenty high bits are available, we might choose to only exploit high bits and leave low bits alone. This can make tag operations use fewer machine instructions.

In any case, we can certainly use bit-stealing for List (Maybe Int). Moving the Maybe tag into the Cons pointer, we get two words on the heap for a Cons.

Using regions

The most important property about regions is the following:

Objects stored in a region are alive as long as the region itself is alive.

First I give some code examples, then explain how the region property is used to optimize GC.

Location-polymorphic mapping looks like this, fully explicitly:

    data List (l : Loc) (A : ValTy) := Nil | Cons@l A (List l A)

    map : {A B : ValTy}{l l' : Loc} → (↑A → ↑B) → ↑(List l A) → ↑(List l' B)
    map {A}{B}{l}{l'} f as =
       <letrec go as := case as of
                 Nil       → Nil
                 Cons a as → Cons@l' ~(f <a>) (go as);
        go ~as>

We can rely on a lot of inference though. We've seen stage inference before, and we can also make location annotations on constructors implicit when they are clear from the expected type of an expression.

    data List l A := Nil | Cons@l A (List l A)

    map : {A B : ValTy}{l l'} → (A → B) → List l A → List l' B
    map f as =
       letrec go as := case as of
                 Nil       → Nil
                 Cons a as → Cons (f a) (go as);
       go as

As before, concrete instantiations of map are object functions where the function argument is inlined.

We can recover a region-polymorphic object function as follows:

    myMap : {r r' : Region} → List r Int → List r' Int
    myMap {r}{r'} xs := ~(map {Int}{Int}{r}{r'} (λ x. <~x + 10>) <xs>)

With inference:

    myMap : {r r'} → List r Int → List r' Int
    myMap xs := map (λ x. x + 10) xs

We get an inner recursive go function which refers to the r and r' parameters of the outer function. Hence, when we're in the middle of mapping, r and r' are both reachable on the stack (or in registers). Hence, no objects stored in r and r' can be freed by GC.

This enables a remarkable amount of GC optimization. Object types contain information about locations, and for each type we can implement a GC strategy which takes locations into account.

  • Consider List r Int for r : Region. Whenever a value of this type is reachable, the region r must be reachable as well (it must be in scope, or otherwise the type is not even well-formed). Therefore, doing nothing is a valid GC strategy for this type! When r becomes dead, the whole region gets freed, and with it all the List r Int values are freed too. When GC processes a Region, it does not look at its contents, it simply marks the region itself as alive.
  • Consider List r (List Hp Int). When a value of this type is reachable, we know that r must be also reachable, but we don't know which heap-based inner lists are stored. Hence, GC scans the outer list, in order to reach and relocate the inner lists. But GC does not relocate the region-based cons cells. Hp may use copying GC, but regions are not copied and region pointers are stable.
  • Lastly, consider List Hp (List r Int). GC traverses and relocates the outer cons cells, but it doesn't look into the inner lists.

Eager regions

It's not too rare in practice (at least in the compilers and elaborators that I've implemented) that we have some long-lived tree structure which may contain references to the general heap. Toy example:

    data HpVal := HpVal@Hp Int
    data Tree (r : Region) := Leaf@r HpVal | Node@r Tree Tree

In elaborators, I often embed the lazy values of top-level definitions into core terms, right next to top-level variable nodes, so that I can eliminate the cost of top-level lookups during evaluation, and also avoid passing around a top-level store. Core terms are persistent but lazy values are very much dynamic; before we finish elaboration, we don't know which top-level thunks need to be forced, and forcing may generate arbitrary amount of garbage.

It's awkward if GC has to deeply traverse trees because they contain heap references. A common pattern is to replace heap pointers with integer indices pointing to an array of heap values.

    HpValIndex : ValTy
    HpValIndex = Int

    data Tree (r : Region) := Leaf@r HpValIndex | Node@r Tree Tree

This style is actually more common in PL implementations than my own style of embedding values in terms. With this, GC doesn't scan trees anymore, but the programmer has the extra job of correctly managing the arrays and the indices.

We extend the system with eager regions:

  • There's EagerRegion : ValTy → MetaTy. A value of EagerRegion A can be implicitly cast to Loc.
  • We can only allocate values of type A in an r : EagerRegion A.
  • When GC touches an eager region, it eagerly scans all of its contents.
  • let r : EagerRegion A; t creates a new region.

We need to track the types of values in eager regions, because tag-free GC needs the type info (or more precisely, memory layout) to do the eager scanning.

Adding objects to eager regions has a bit of a spin: assuming r : EagerRegion A and a : A, we have addToEagerRegion r a : Ptr r A, where Ptr is defined as:

    data Ptr (l : Loc) A := Box@l A

Why can we only get pointers as results from allocation? If we try to use the same allocation API as with vanilla regions, we run into a problematic recursion in typing. What if I want to have lists in an eager region:

    data List (r : EagerRegion (List ?)) := ...

Lists depend on the region where they're stored, but the region is indexed with the type of stored values... There's a good chance that this recursion could be supported with some additional magic, but for now I'd like to stick to simpler type-theoretic features.

In our current API, we add lists into an eager region like this:

    data List l A := Nil | Cons@l A (List l A)

    main : ()
    main :=
      let r : EagerRegion (List Hp Int);
      let x := Cons 10 (Cons 20 Nil)
      let x' := addToEagerRegion r x;
      case x' of
        Box x → ...

For lists, the "flat" size of a value is a single word (a pointer or Nil), and we copy that single word when we add a list to an eager region, and we get a pointer to the new copy. The tree example now:

    data HpVal := HpVal@Hp Int
    data Tree (r : Region)(r' : EagerRegion HpVal) :=
      Leaf@r (Ptr r' HpVal) | Node@r Tree Tree

Now, GC doesn't scan values of Tree r r', because the contents of r' are known to be scanned elsewhere.


Let's look at the interplay of closures and regions. First, the location of a closure can be specified:

    Close : Loc → CompTy → ValTy

Although we can store closures in regions, they always have to be scanned by GC, because closures can capture any data, including heap pointers and regions themselves.

Example for a closure capturing a region:

    index : {r : Region} → List r Int → Int → Int
    index xs x := ...

    indexClosure : {r : Region} → List r Int → Close Hp (Int → Int)
    indexClosure xs := close (λ x. index xs x)

The closure captures xs, but since the type of xs depends on r, it captures r too. The closure can be then stored in any ADT constructor as a value. So we have to be mindful that closures incur the same GC costs as heap values.

As I mentioned before, free variables are implicit in vanilla 2LTTs, so we can't control what gets captured in a closures. A popular solution is to add a modality. In our case, we could add a modality for closed object-level terms. This has been used several times in 2LTTs, and its implementation is fairly well understood. It definitely bumps up the complexity of the system, and I don't plan to implement it in the short to medium term. I write a bit more about it in the appendix.

Alternatively, we can often defunctionalize closures to ADT-s, in which cases we can specify locations of captured data.

Defunctionalization isn't always good for performance though. Threaded interpreters and closure-generating interpreters are all about replacing case switching with jumps and calls to dynamic addresses. I include an example for closure-generating interpretation in the appendix.

Existential regions

ADT constructors may have fields of type Region and EagerRegion A, and types of subsequent fields can depend on them. The following is a generic existential wrapper type.

    data Exists l (F : Region → ValTy) := SomeRegion@l (r : Region) (F r)

The eliminator:

    match : {l : Loc}{F : Region → ValTy}{B : Ty}
	        → ↑(Exists F) → ((r : Region) → ↑(F r) → ↑B) → ↑B
    match e f = <case ~e of SomeRegion r fr → ~(f r <fr>)>

It's not possible to project out only the region, because Region : MetaTy and the result of matching must be in Ty.

"Pinned" arrays could be defined in terms of existential regions. Let's have Array : Loc → ValTy → ValTy as a primitive type. An Array l A is represented as an l-pointer to a length-prefixed array. A pinned array is an array packed together with its region:

    data PinnedArray A := MkPinnedArray (r : Region) (Array r A)

Pinned arrays can be used in pretty much the same way as heap arrays, the only difference is in memory costs. Pinned arrays are effective when we have relatively few relatively large arrays at runtime.

Non-escaping regions

Our region setup permits an optimization that should be easy to implement and often applicable.

If the compiler can discern that a region never escapes the scope of its creation, it can insert code to eagerly free the region, without waiting for GC to run. For example:

    f : Int → Int
    f x :=
      let r : Region;
      let xs : List r Int := [x, x+1, x+2];
      sum xs;

r does not escape, so the compiler can generate:

    f : Int → Int
    f x :=
      let r : Region;
      let xs : List r Int := [x, x+1, x+2];
      let res := sum xs;
      free r;

It's important that free r by itself does not keep r alive. It can happen that r becomes dead and is collected well before free r is executed, in which case free r does nothing. So the inclusion of free r can only make freeing strictly more timely.

How often do we have non-escaping regions? Very often, I conjecture. The only way for regions to escape are:

  • Returning a closure or an existential.
  • Throwing an exception containing a closure or an existential.
  • Making a mutable write that contains a closure or an existential.

My experience so far with the polarized 2LTT is that closures of any kind are already rarely used in practice. And closure-free programs should be especially easy to escape-analyze because they only contain statically known function calls.


Let's do an overview of the implementation. I'll keep the level of detail moderate. I plan to implement everything in LLVM. There are many LLVM-specific details that I won't touch on.

Tag-free GC

The object language only supports region polymorphism but no type polymorphism. This makes the language well suited for tag-free GC.

In tagged GC-s, heap objects are tagged with enough information so that GC can copy objects and find heap pointers inside objects. Obviously, this increases the total size of the heap.

In tag-free GC, only the types of the GC roots need to be known at runtime. Starting from the roots, we can deduce the types of all live objects.

In a polymorphic language, two complications arise:

  • We need to pass type representations as actual runtime arguments to polymorphic functions, to have sufficient information for GC.
  • Polymorphism is at odds with memory layout control. If we allow polymorphism over types with different flat sizes in memory, that's a significant complication throughout the compilation pipeline. So it's rarely allowed. Instead, the usual setup is that abstracted types must have the same flat size in memory, or even the same memory layout.

A big motivation for not having type polymorphism is to avoid these problems.

We use per-datatype GC routines. This means that for each concrete type that occurs in the program, we generate code that performs GC traversal on values of the type. Per-datatype GC behavior is required by the region-based GC optimizations in any case, so we might as well generate specialized code.

Any function that uses heap allocation receives the heap pointer and the heap end pointer as extra arguments and also returns them in a State-monad-like fashion.

Allocation on the heap can fail and trigger GC. For simplicity, we'll use semispace GC at first, and potentially upgrade it later, although I think that semispace GC together with regions can be viable for many applications.

When we start a GC run, we scan the current stack. For each stack frame, we can access the GC routine that scans the frame. How the GC routine pointer is stored may vary; it may be simply embedded in the frame, or it may be stored in a side table that's indexed by return addresses.

A heap allocation in the LLVM backend consists of a heap check which jumps to a "handler block" in case of failure. The handler block calls the GC routine for each GC root in scope, possibly relocating them, and then jumps back to normal execution. This scheme doesn't require GC roots to be spilled to the stack at the points of heap checking.

(However, just like OCaml and GHC Haskell, we don't support callee-save registers, which means that GC roots are necessarily spilled at every function call).

We copy objects over to the new heap recursively in depth-first order. This is the most natural thing to do in tag-free GC. Compared to Cheney's breadth-first algorithm:

  • It has lower space overhead: Cheney requires a tag on every object, while depth-first copying only needs temporary stack space proportional to the maximum indirection depth of objects.
  • It has much better locality. For example, if we have some number of linked lists as GC roots, without structure sharing, Cheney interleaves all of them in memory, while depth-first copying places each list contiguously.

In principle, we could allow programmers to specify GC traversal order for ADT-s. If in-memory order matches the most commonly used runtime traversal order, that can be a performance benefit.

Depth-first copying could also enable value speculation in program code and in the GC routines. This mostly works on list-like structures. The idea is to test if a list is contiguous in memory while we're traversing it. If the list is contiguous, we eliminate a cache latency bottleneck in the traversal. If we do little work for each cons cell, this allow us to pipeline multiple cons cells' work in the CPU.


After an object is copied, we write a forwarding pointer into it. This implies that every object must have space for the forwarding pointer. Additionally, we need one bit to signal that the object has been copied.

The extra bit could be stored in a separate bitarray, one bit for every word of the old heap. However, currently I like it better to store the extra bit in objects, to maximize locality in copying.

The plan:

  • Every pointer (to Hp, Region or EagerRegion) reserves 1 tag bit that can be used for the forwarding bit when the need arises.
  • For scanned boxed constructors which contain at least one pointer, we can store the forwarding pointer and the forwarding bit there.
  • For scanned boxed constructors which only contain unboxed data, we add the extra bit, which may or may not require adding an extra word to the constructor.

The worst case is when we have a boxed constructor containing a single unboxed word:

    data Foo := Foo@Hp Int

Here we need two words for Foo, one for the payload, one for the forwarding bit.

But it's rather stupid to use Foo in the first place; there's no point putting a single immutable word behind a pointer. So a realistic worst case is data Foo := Foo@Hp Int Int, where we need three words for Foo. But even here, it's unclear if this datatype makes sense. We get some possibility of sharing, but not much.

In larger unboxed constructors, where we get more sharing from indirection, the extra word for the forwarding bit is proportionally less impactful on space usage. Also, if there are any "gaps" in unboxed data, we can plug the forwarding bit there without adding an extra word.

More on allocations

When should we perform GC? Clearly, both region and heap allocations should contribute to triggering GC. In one extreme case, we can emulate the heap by using a new existential region for every allocation, so region allocations must trigger GC too. Considerations:

  • We'd like to not waste a lot of space, and do that regardless of the runtime balance of region and heap allocations.
  • We'd like to minimize the runtime overhead of allocation.

This is mostly just armchair speculation, but here're my plans:

  • All allocation (region, stack, heap) happens in chunks, and uses two pointers (free pointer, end pointer).
  • All allocation consists of a simple comparison of the two pointers, and if that fails we jump to a "handler" block.
  • Heap and region allocations both contribute to triggering GC.
  • For stack allocation, the handler block tries to allocate a new stack segment, and jumps back to normal execution. Stack allocation doesn't trigger GC; if we don't have enough memory for the new segment, we crash. We do this to minimize the code size overhead of stack checking.
  • For heap and region allocation, the handler block may or may not trigger GC; in more common cases we just allocate a new segment and don't run GC. The handler block looks up the total region+heap allocations (which is tracked with segment granularity) to decide whether to run GC.

Region implementation

The simplest way to handle regions is to use mark-sweep GC.

  • There's a way to iterate through all regions in memory. This could be implemented by pushing new regions to a list or array, or arranging regions themselves into a linked list.
  • A single region is a doubly linked lists of chunks. We store links and some metadata at the end of each chunk.
  • A Region that's passed to functions is an unboxed pair of pointers, one to the next free word and one to the end of the current chunk (where we store chunk metadata).
  • When we run out of space in chunk, we malloc a new one, perhaps also growing the chunk size.
  • A function which allocates to an input region also produces an output region, in the LLVM backend. We have this so that we can thread regions in registers.
  • A function which reads objects in a region, but does not allocate into the region, actually only needs to keep the region around for GC's sake. Hence, read-only regions should be passed in an unobtrusive way; I plan to pass them in SIMD registers instead of general-purpose registers.

What about reference counting for regions?

I think that reference couting could provide a nice improvement for latency and timeliness, but I don't plan on using it at first.

  • We'd need cycle detection. We can get cycles easily if we have mutable references (which I want to support).
  • We'd have more runtime overhead than with mark-sweeping. To reduce the overhead, we'd benefit from borrow inference, but that's another extra thing to implement.
  • I'm hoping that escape analysis for regions would get us most of the benefits of reference counting.

Appendix: closed modality for closure control

Let's have □ A : MetaType for A : MetaType. Adding the ensures that only closed object-level terms can be produced. For example, □ (↑A) is the type of metaprograms which generate closed A-typed object terms. If we have □ A for a purely meta-level type A, like meta-level natural numbers, the modality doesn't have any effect.

For the details of , you can look at this paper.

The simplest use case is to support raw machine code addresses as values. This is the special case of closures where there is no captured environment.

    CompPtr : CompTy → ValTy
    close   : {A : CompTy} → □ (↑A) → ↑(CompPtr A)
    open    : {A : CompTy} → ↑(CompPtr A) → □ (↑A)

□ (↑A) ensures that no object-level free variables will appear in the generated code for the computation.

We can use this to implement transparent closures, where the capture is visible in the type:

    TransparentClosure : ValTy → CompTy → ValTy
    TransparentClosure A B = (A, CompPtr (A → B))

It takes more work to implement closures where we only specify the storage locations of the capture, and the capture is otherwise abstract.

The current setup doesn't let us talk about value types with specified storage locations. One option would be to index ValTy with a set of locations, but this would add a lot of unavoidable noise.

Instead, we add typeclass-like constraints for location tracking. This lets us ignore locations in metaprograms which are location-agnostic.

  • We have Locations : MetaTy as a primitive type, whose values are sets of locations. We need at least the empty set, singleton sets and the union operation. It's also good to have some built-in definitional equality magic for location sets, e.g. make commutativity of union definitional.
  • We have HasStorage A ss : Constraint, where A : ValTy and ls : Locations and Constraint : MetaTy is similar to Haskell's constraint kind.

Location-restricted closures could have this API:

    Closure : Loc → Locations → CompTy → ValTy
    close   : HasStorage A ls => ↑A → □ (↑(A → B)) → ↑(Closure l ls B)
    open    : ↑(Closure l ls B) → ↑B

The first Loc parameter is where the closure environment itself is allocated, while the Locations are the reachable locations from the captured values.

Of course, HasStorage needs to have built-in behavior for pretty much every object type. For example, HasStorage A ls should imply HasStorage (List l A) (l ∪ ls). Also, we have HasStorage (Closure l ls B) (l ∪ ls).

Moreover, if we have ls ⊆ ls', we should be able to cast Closure l ls to Closure l ls'. This could be done implicitly or explicitly in the surface language.

This is definitely extra bureaucracy, but note that a similar location tracking already needs to happen in the compilation pipeline, just to generate code and GC routines.

Let's look at a closure-generating interpreter for a tiny expression language. I'm using all the fancy stage inference.

    data Exp l := Lit@l Int | Add@l (Exp l) (Exp l) | Mul@l (Exp l) (Exp l)

    compile : {l l' : Loc} → Exp l → Closure l' [l'] (() → Int)
    compile {l}{l'} = go where
      go : Exp l → Closure l' [l'] (() → Int)
      go = \case
        Lit x   → close x (lock (λ x _. x))
        Add l r → close (go l, go r) (lock (λ (f, g) _. open f () + open g ()))
        Mul l r → close (go l, go r) (lock (λ (f, g) _. open f () * open g ()))
  • lock is the term locking operation from "Implementing a Modal Dependent TT".
  • [l'] is the notation for the singleton set containing l'.
  • In close x (lock (λ x _. x)), we capture x : Int. Since Int is unboxed, we don't capture any location, so the capture set could be empty, but we're checking the expression with Closure l' [l'] (() → Int) so the expression is implicitly cast to that type.
  • In close (go l, go r) ..., we capture the pair of the two closures that we get from the recursive calls. Then, we do a pattern matching lambda on them in λ (f, g). ....

compile is a metafunction because it's polymorphic over locations. We can instantiate it concrete locations, generating separate object code for the different instantiations. For example, we can compile and immediately evaluate region-based expressions:

    eval : {r : Region} → Exp r → Int
    eval {r} e :=
      let r' : Region;
      open (compile {r}{r'} e) ();

We allocated the closures in r'. If we have the escape analysis, it will free r' promptly before eval returns. Neither eval nor compile involves heap allocation.

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