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Garbage collection with zero-cost at non-GC time

Garbage collection with zero cost at non-GC time

Every once in a while I investigate low-level backend options for PL-s, although so far I haven't actually written any such backend for my projects. Recently I've been looking at precise garbage collection in popular backends, and I've been (like on previous occasions) annoyed by limitations and compromises.

I was compelled to think about a system which accommodates precise relocating GC as much as possible. In one extreme configuration, described in this note, there is literally zero overhead of GC when GC is not running. In this case, just by looking at mutator machine code or heap objects, we see no signs that GC is being used. There are no runtime checks, no discernible root spilling, no data headers, no tag bits, no nothing, just a heap pointer which apparently points to an infinite memory. Such "zero-cost GC" would be "zero-cost" in the same sense as "zero-cost exceptions" in C++.

We'll see that this can be achieved by using three features at the same time:

  1. relocation of roots in registers
  2. tag-free GC
  3. page fault handling

Out of these, I think that (1) could be quite generally applicable, and it also simplifies some things. I haven't seen it in implementations, personally. I also really like (2) and I wonder why it's not more popular in production. (3) is a bit more ambiguous, it may or may not be possible or worth to do depending on platform and RTS constraints.

Disclaimer: I'm not an expert in GC or RTS-es. Please feel free to correct me. Please also tell me if I'm reinventing anything or entertaining ideas that are already known to be silly or impractical.

This note is a thought experiment, but I do think that implementing it in full would be a good idea, if only to see how it performs in practice.

1. Register relocation

Looking at GC features in LLVM, I saw that the abstraction of relocation is the following: every possibly GC-calling function takes live GC roots as extra arguments, and returns their relocated versions as extra outputs. In other words, every statepoint invalidates all GC roots.

This struck me as kind of bad. Designing a pipeline with relocation support from the ground up, I'd instead go with:

Relocation is not even observable in the IR.

This is justified if all roots are relocated, including the ones in registers or perhaps roots stored in obfuscated ways. In that case, if the IR only uses operations which are invariant under relocation, relocation is truly invisible.

We can put a root in a preserved register, call a function, get a relocation, return from the function, and the register will contain the relocated root. There's no reason to spill anything to memory just because of relocation!

Of course, this only works if root locations are tracked all the way down to machine code. But this should not be too outrageous because LLVM already tracks lots of things all the way down to machine code, e.g. in the existing statepoint and patch point features. In short, as an RTS implementor I just want to precisely know where GC roots are at every safepoint, in an architecture-dependent way. Architecture-dependency is fine because we already have plenty of it in production RTS-es.

Let's look at a concrete "zero-cost" implementation. First, the basic idea in a nutshell. At the GC entry point we know for sure that some stack entries and registers are roots, but we don't know anything about callee-preserved registers. These might be just not used, or spilled to stack (and later restored), and in either case we have no idea if there's a GC root there. But if we walk the stack, eventually we learn the locations of all roots, since we learn about callee-preserved registers when we move up in the stack. In more detail:

  • The IR faithfully tracks where GC roots are stored.
  • The code generator emits static metadata for each statepoint (function calls, heap allocations). The GC is able to walk the stack by iterating through statepoint metadata associated to return addresses. This is standard practice in C++ "zero-cost exceptions".
  • Statepoints can be function calls or GC entry points (heap allocations).
  • At each GC entry point, we know:
    • The location of the caller's return address.
    • Locations of live roots on the stack and in registers.
    • For each callee-saved register, if it's spilled, its location on the stack.
  • At each function call statepoint, we know:
    • The location of the the up-stack caller's return address.
    • For each up-stack callee-saved register, if it's spilled, its location on the stack.
    • Locations of live roots on the stack and in registers that are preserved by the call down the stack.
  • When the GC is called, we create two tables:
    • One table contains the values of all registers on GC entry. When GC finishes we reload the table contents into real registers.
    • One table records where registers are spilled by callee-saving during execution, between a statepoint and the GC entry point. On GC entry, this table records that nothing is spilled.
  • GC first processes the GC entry point, then walks the stack and processes the function call statepoints.
  • At the GC entry point, we relocate roots on the stack and in registers, and record spill locations in the spill table.
  • At each function call statepoint
    • We relocate roots on the stack.
    • For each root in a callee-saved register, if it has not been spilled, we relocate the register, otherwise relocate where it's spilled on stack.
    • We record new callee-save spills in the spill table.

In summary, what we get:

  • The IR has to track roots but not relocations. This should be a significant simplification and also reduce IR bloat.
  • There is no root spilling and reloading. IR optimization can pretend that there's no relocation. This would also play along nicely with interprocedural register allocation.
  • The GC has to implement architecture-dependent register relocation.

2. Tag-free GC

There's nothing new here; tag-free GC is an old idea that has been investigated in detail. I give a short summary.

In conventional precise GC implementation, heap objects are annotated with enough information so that the GC can find all root pointers. There are many variations.

  • In OCaml, every word has a tag bit which marks heap references. This makes it possible to freely mix unboxed 63-bit-sized data and pointers, and allows OCaml to only annotate heap objects with their sizes. On the other hand, integer operations on tagged 63-bit values are more awkward.
  • In GHC, heap objects are prefixed with a pointer to the actual metadata, called "info table". There are several different info table layouts, but it distinguishes boxed and unboxed words in memory. So GC tag bits are not used and word-sized unboxed data is natively handled.

Finding the best metadata layout is a big topic in itself. In GHC, the info pointer setup is pretty much a legacy burden from the "tagless" early days, and IMO nowadays it's more sensible to directly pack metadata in objects instead of getting them from behind a pointer. One word is enough for the vast majority of runtime objects and when it's not enough we can just use two tag words. But let's get back to the topic.

The basic idea of tag-free GC is that it's enough to know the types of roots on the stack. Starting from there, the types (layouts) of all live heap objects can be deduced. So there is no need to tag heap objects in general.

This clearly requires some degree of typing discipline. It's also a general phenomenon that the more fancy our type system is, the more runtime type information we need.

  • A truly zero-cost setup is only possible with monomorphic simple types. Here, the type of each root on the stack is a concrete monotype which can be looked up from static storage.
  • With runtime polymorphism, functions may be called with statically unknown types. For each such call, a runtime type rep has to be passed. At GC time we can learn the dynamic type of each root from the dynamically passed type information.
  • Values of existential types have to store type reps on the heap as well.

I'm personally a fan of combining runtime monotypes with staging. This gets us ample polymorphism at compile time but keeps the RTS simple. So for me it's fine if I only concern myself with monotypes in the runtime language.

Closures are nicely compatible with tag-free GC, we only have to use GHC's "tables-next-to-code" optimization. This means that metadata is reachable from the same code pointer that's stored in the closure; the code is prefixed by metadata. In modern LLVM this is also available as prefix data.

It's a natural refinement of tag-free GC to use GC functions instead of type description data.

  • In usual GC code, object types are essentially "interpreted", as there's a big case switch on object types.
  • With GC functions, we generate machine code that performs evacuation/relocation, for each type in the program. For lists, the GC function only matches on nil and cons and copies cells over to the to-space. So this is a "compiled" GC.

GC functions increase code size, but if we think about it, this is not much different from basic "deriving" pragmas that Rust or Haskell programmers put on almost all type definitions (or the Typeable instance that is derived by GHC for every type).

Tagged GC is usually implemented using breadth-first copying (Cheney's algorithm). Tag-free GC is more natural with recursive depth-first copying, in which case type information is stored on the stack, but it also works breadth-first with an auxiliary array of type reps. In tagged GC, the breadth-first copying uses constant space, but this is only possible because objects are tagged all the time. Tag-free GC only needs extra storage during GC, and only proportionally to the maximum nesting depth of heap objects. It would be also interesting to allow per-datatype GC copying strategies, perhaps configured by programmers.

Tag-freedom makes it possible to reduce heap usage significantly. Consider lambda terms in Haskell:

    data Tm = Var Int | App Tm Tm | Lam Tm

A Church-coded natural number N in Haskell takes up 6 + 5*N words. With tag-freedom and constructor tags stored in pointers, it's 3 + 3*N instead. If we use 32-bit Int in Var, we can unbox the Var case, and we get 2 + 2*N.

In a monomorphized language with tag-free GC, we can do many heap-packing tricks to compress objects. For example, a List (Maybe Int) can be either a null pointer (Nil), or a tagged pointer to two words (Cons), where the pointer tag is actually the Maybe constructor tag and the head Int is unboxed. In GHC, the heap size of a [Maybe Int] value that contains Just-s is N * 5 words. In the monomorphized tag-free setup, it's N * 2 instead.

3. Page fault handling

The last sign of GC that we want to eradicate from programs is heap overflow checking. This checks whether we have enough space in the arena, for each chunk of heap allocation, and serves as entry point for GC.

If you look at the Cmm or assembly output of GHC, you can see that a significant portion of the total code size is just heap checking or stack checking (which in GHC is also essentially heap-allocated and GC-d). We want to get rid of these checks.

We do this by using protected pages at the end of each heap arena (called guard pages). When we try to write to a guard page, we get a page fault that can be handled from RTS code and trigger GC.

Page fault handling is also an old idea, and it's used in modern production. Again there's an LLVM feature for this. Some references:

  • I was told that rustgc triggers GC by page faulting.
  • A blogpost about using guard pages for write barriers.
  • A post about Hotspot Java's usage of page fault handling for null pointer checks.

Let's look at a concrete zero-cost-GC setup.

The heap pointer is threaded through every heap-allocating function in some register, like a state in a state monad. Alternatively, OCaml and native GHC both just pin the heap pointer to a register and keep it there. Pinning is simpler but less efficient, because sometimes we do a lot of work without doing heap allocation, and then we want to free up the heap register for other work.

Assume that we want to allocate N words.

  • If N is statically known to be smaller than the guard page size, we write the last word of the N words first, and that write serves as the single statepoint for the whole allocation. Here, GC can ensure that we get at least N words worth of extra heap, so every other write in the N batch is ensured to not page fault. In contrast, writing words in order would be the absolute worst strategy here, because we may get the page fault at any of the write instructions, so we'd need a statepoint for each of them.
  • If N is statically known to be larger than the guard page size, or it's only dynamically known, it makes sense to just insert an explicit heap check in the code. These cases are very rare in comparison.

A fun side effect of this setup is that the end-of-heap pointer doesn't have to be kept around at execution. In GHC, this is called the "heap limit", or HpLim.

GHC on x64 permanently pins four registers in total:

  • The heap pointer.
  • The stack pointer.
  • The end-of-stack pointer.
  • BaseReg points to a structure of thread-local data which includes HpLim.

What's the leanest alternative setup? It seems that we need two registers at the minimum, for the heap and stack pointers.

  • If we use page-faulting heap and stack checks, we don't need the end-of-heap and the end-of-stack.
  • If the beginning of each stack segment is aligned to some statically known number of bytes, we can store a pointer to thread-local data there, and compute its location from the stack pointer on demand.

Potential issues

First, page fault handling is extremely expensive compared to plain branching. I measured 4-5 microseconds for handling SIGSEGV on my Linux. So we have to make sure that fault handling is sufficiently rare. For heap checks, I ran some back-of-the-envelope calculation for one of my cubical type theory benchmarks. There using 8MB arena sizes, signal handling would take 0.4% of the total runtime. With increased arena sizes this goes down, obviously. My CPU has 32MB L3 cache, and 0.1% of runtime for signal handling with 32MB arena sizes is very reasonable.

Second, I actually have no idea how page fault handling works out in a multi-threaded RTS - I'm not expert enough currently. I've read that SIGSEGV-s cannot be queued. I suppose that GHC's stop-the-world scheme would still work, because if any thread page faults we stop all threads and GC everything, and it's enough to handle just one SIGSEGV out of multiple simultaneous ones. If you're an expert reading this, please enlighten me!

Third, page faulting stack checks can be problematic if we have lightweight threads. We want to make stack chunks big enough so that page fault handling can be rare. But if we allocate zillions of light threads, each with a generous reserved stack size, we can easily subscribe beyond the size of physical memory. I've read that that's not good, but I don't know exactly how - again experts please enlighten me!

So, it might be a viable option to have guard pages for heap allocation but not for stack allocation.

Small case study

Let's look at a concrete example now. We compile the following with GHC

    {-# language Strict #-}
    {-# options_ghc -O1 -fworker-wrapper-cbv #-}

    module Foo (foo) where

    data Tree = Leaf Int | Node Tree Tree

    foo :: Tree -> Tree
    foo (Leaf x) = Leaf (x + 100)
    foo (Node l r) = Node (foo l) (foo r)

-fworker-wrapper-cbv is a recent addition to GHC. It is cheap in terms of compile times and plays very nicely with Strict. In short, it removes all laziness overhead from statically known calls of strict functions. Here, foo will have a worker function which assumes that its input is not a thunk, so its code has no thunk check. Thunk checking is instead moved to each call site of foo, but in a Strict program the call site arguments will be usually also known to be non-thunks.

  • Printing assembly with -S, we get 47 instructions in the output. We have two heap checks, one stack check and one constructor tag branch.
  • Deleting stack checks, heap checks, GC calls and constructor tag writes, we get 25 instructions.

Here's the adjusted, cut-down code. I did not bother rearranging heap writes to first write the last word.

    .LcE0:                           ## check constructor tag in the pointer
        movq %r14,%rax
        andl $7,%r14
        cmpq $1,%r14
        je .LcEa
    .LcDW:                           ## Node case
        movq $.LcEg_info,-16(%rbp)   ## Explicitly push return address for recursive call
        movq 6(%rax),%r14
        movq 14(%rax),%rax
        movq %rax,-8(%rbp)
        addq $-16,%rbp
        jmp Foo_zdwfoo_info
    .LcEa:                           ## Leaf case
        movq 7(%rax),%rax
        addq $100,%rax
        movq %rax,(%r12)
        leaq -7(%r12),%rbx
        jmp *(%rbp)                  ## Return to address stored at top of stack
    .LcEg:                           ## Node case, second recursive call
        movq $.LcEs_info,(%rbp)
        movq 8(%rbp),%r14
        movq %rbx,8(%rbp)
        jmp Foo_zdwfoo_info
    .LcEs:                           ## Node case, return
        movq 8(%rbp),%rax
        movq %rax,-8(%r12)
        movq %rbx,(%r12)
        leaq -14(%r12),%rbx
        addq $16,%rbp
        jmp *(%rbp)

This code could be still improved:

  • GHC does not use ret or call, instead it pushes return addresses explicitly to the stack, then jumps to them. This allows some optimizations where we return to some other point than the caller. I believe that avoiding native returns is a bad idea. Native calls and returns benefit from the hardware return address stack. Without it, the generic branch target predictor can still handle the "emulated" returns, but it will use prediction buffer resources which could have gone to better use in actual indirect branches. Tricks involving non-matched calls/returns don't seem super important in any case. GHC could try to use native calls by default and only do jump-returns when it wants to use non-matched return tricks. By the way, using ret would shave off 2 more instructions here.
  • A few more instructions could be shaved off by having slightly better code generation.

In summary, it's entirely feasible that this particular code would be cut down to half size in a hypothetical system with zero-cost GC and modestly improved code generation.

In more realistic and more complicated code, I eyeball the size reductions to be still quite spectacular. In typical compiler/interpreter workloads where we walk and build AST-s many times, the reduction is similar. In LLVM-friendly workloads, where we have lots of tail-recursive loops and numerics, there's not much reduction.

The tag-free Tree also sees a pretty spectacular size reduction compared to GHC.

4. Conclusion

I think it's a good idea to separate GC and non-GC concerns as much as possible, in order to make them separately as fast as possible, assuming that we're not constrained by latency or memory. In a latency-constrained situation the mutator and the GC will get inevitably all tangled up.

Here we get big size reductions in mutator code, and the lack of relocations in IR is a nice simplification. I've seen discussions about avoiding putting GC statepoints in hot code. Well, in the current setup it just doesn't matter; GC statepoints have no cost in mutator code. If we use segmented stacks, stack allocation statepoints in hot code can be still costly, but this could be fixed by using stack copying instead of linked segments, or just setting the stack segment size to be large enough, or just using C-style fixed stack sizes.

I've personally only ever programmed in non-latency-constrained ways, so that's I'm most interested in. I also think that not using GC when we're latency-constrained is a very good idea. However, sometimes we're just forced to use GC by existing infrastructure and codebases, and then it's clearly good if we have the option of low-latency GC.

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jaens commented Nov 4, 2023

(this is talking about section 1)

Tracking exact roots everywhere, with zero cost, is actually quite complicated in the presence of common compiler optimizations and arrays of unboxed structures.

For example, with Loop Induction Variable Elimination, a loop that eg. accesses a field from an structure in an array (which describes most loops, probably) will store neither a pointer to the array or the structure in any register - rather, it will store an "offset" pointer directly to the address of the field itself, which it will increment by the size of the structure on every loop iteration.
Now, combined with eg. another common optimization which reverses the order of loop iterations and re-orders index arithmetic in the loop, that offset pointer might not even point into the array at the beginning or end of the loop.
The relationship between the address of the header of the root and values in the registers is generally a solution to some polynomial/modular equation of multiple variables (because that's what the compilers use internally as a representation of these expressions) - but could be pretty much an arbitrary function once we get to optimization via equality saturation.

So, applying arbitrary loop optimizations can lead to:

  • pointer values outside of bounds (in certain code regions)
    → safe points starting to look real good now...
  • pointer values not pointing to the header of the object (aka interior pointers) - while some GCs eg. .NET & Boehm support this, there's a heavy-ish performance/flexibility penalty compared to eg. some Java GCs.
    → losing some of that "zero" cost and requiring a strict regime for root storage does not seem so bad now...

Looking at it another way, truly zero cost GC root location tracking in the presence of arbitrary optimizations is basically translation validation - for each expression generated by an optimization on pointers, you must produce an inverse function which will take you to the original expression (aka root). Producing an inverse is not exactly the same as producing an equivalence proof, but the complexity is the same.

And, err, I think that's why nobody does it...

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AndrasKovacs commented Nov 5, 2023

Say, I want to generate code that accesses memory through interior pointers into structs and arrays. These would be called derived pointers in the LLVM GC docs. I see two things in your post which are discussed together, but which I believe are very different:

  1. Whether derived pointers are supported during code generation, as an optimization.
  2. Whether interior pointers are supported as first-class runtime objects.

The first feature is not that difficult. The second one is pretty difficult, I agree, but I'm not advocating for it, and it's not required for zero-cost root tracking. I describe (1) here. For each derived pointer, I only have to remember its base pointer, and that's it. In vanilla precise GC, we can do the following:

  • We spill derived pointers by converting them to offsets at runtime, before each statepoint, by doing a subtraction of addresses. On reloading we convert them back.
  • Alternatively, we can remember in statepoint metadata that some spilled words are derived pointers, and relocate them at GC time instead.

The second option can be immediately repurposed to zero-cost root tracking. As I linked, LLVM already supports derived pointers without much fanfare, and I don't see why it would be any harder to track derived pointers through code generation, than to track ordinary root pointers. It is irrelevant to GC where derived pointers actually point, and in particular it's irrelevant whether they are out-of-bounds. GC does not dereference derived pointers, it only adjusts them relative to their base pointer. This requires that derived pointers don't escape the dynamic scope of their base pointer, but that's fine, because derived pointers are just an IR-local optimization, not runtime objects by themselves.

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jaens commented Nov 5, 2023

Yes, always storing base pointers gets around that complexity, but that is not zero cost ie. an optimal program would not necessarily need to spill and spend a register and/or store instruction on that. (that was the alternative I called the "strict root storage regime storage" above)
The rest of your comment makes sense of course, once that base pointer is forced to be stored somewhere.

All of this might be somewhat of a nitpick, but systems programmers generally compare GC vs. no GC at all, so the fact that this does not have any of the costs associated with current GCs does not make it "true zero cost" from that perspective. The overhead would probably get lost in the noise in the vast majority of cases though, so I agree it's a worthwhile advancement.

As far as I know, LLVM does not fully take advantage of derived pointers in all of its optimizations (although I would be happy to be incorrect now, I verified this was the case quite a long time ago), so using GC pointers in LLVM is also not zero cost from that perspective since it's a pessimization.

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pebal commented Feb 26, 2025

Take a look at the SGCL project. There, the only cost incurred by the mutator is a cheap write barrier for operations on managed pointers.

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