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Created November 11, 2019 11:00
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FFmpeg example to extract a frame from a video in Rust Lang
/// This
unsafe {
// This portion of code was written by taking as resource:
// This article is outdated, and some APIs got deprecated, here I used the non deprecated version.
// The idea of FFmpeg is to
// 1. open the file
// 2. Find the codec stream
// 3. Read all the packets
// 4. Decodify the packet data using the codec
// 5. Clean it out.
// This is the main concept to get video information using FFmpeg.
// 1. Open the video and take the codec to read the frame
// Open the video
let mut video_input_context: *mut ffmpeg::AVFormatContext = std::ptr::null_mut();
if ffmpeg::avformat_open_input(
&mut video_input_context,
) != 0
panic!("Can't open the Video");
// Get the stream information
if ffmpeg::avformat_find_stream_info(video_input_context, std::ptr::null_mut()) < 0 {
panic!("Can't read video stream information");
// Find the video stream
let (video_stream_codec_ctx, video_stream_id) = {
let mut video_stream_id = -1isize;
for i in 0isize..(*video_input_context).nb_streams as isize {
if (*(*(*(*video_input_context).streams.offset(i))).codec).codec_type
== ffmpeg::AVMediaType::AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO
video_stream_id = i;
if video_stream_id < 0 {
panic!("Was not possible find the video stream on this video.")
// Find the actual codec
let video_codec = ffmpeg::avcodec_find_decoder((*video_stream_codec_ctx).codec_id);
if video_codec == std::ptr::null_mut() {
panic!("The codec of this video is not available.");
// Duplicate the codec context to avoid use the stream codec, so we can reuse the input context
// without concerning about closing its codecs (since these got never opened)
let mut video_codec_ctx = {
let video_codec_ctx = ffmpeg::avcodec_alloc_context3(video_codec);
let mut params = ffmpeg::avcodec_parameters_alloc();
ffmpeg::avcodec_parameters_from_context(params, video_stream_codec_ctx);
ffmpeg::avcodec_parameters_to_context(video_codec_ctx, params);
ffmpeg::avcodec_parameters_free(&mut params);
// Open the new decoder codec context
if ffmpeg::avcodec_open2(video_codec_ctx, video_codec, std::ptr::null_mut()) < 0 {
panic!("Can't open the codec.");
// 2. Creates the video frames where to put video data into
// Note:
// The video frame has its own format, that depends on the codification, so we need to convert it
// to something meaningful to the GPU.
// So here I'm allocating two video frames:
// - `video_frame` the video frame (any format)
// - `rgb_video_frame` the converted video frame (RGB24 layout = {R:8 G:8 B:8})
let mut video_frame = ffmpeg::av_frame_alloc();
let mut rgb_video_frame = ffmpeg::av_frame_alloc();
// The `rgb_video_frame` is a wrapper for the frame data buffer and it needs to have a buffer
// since the API `sws_scale` require it.
// To assign the buffer is possible to use the API `avpicture_fill`.
// Why don't we assign to the `video_frame` a buffer?
// The reason is that the decoding function allocates or assign a memory buffer:
// (**1)
// The standard way of creating a buffer would be this one:
// ```
// let buffer = ffmpeg::av_malloc(buffer_bytes_size * std::mem::size_of::<u8>()) as *const u8;
// ```
// By assigning this buffer to the `rgb_video_frame`, once the `rgb_video_frame` is filled,
// it is necessary to copy its data inside a rust safe container like a `Vec<u8>`.
// Note:
// (Free the buffer using `ffmpeg::av_free(buffer as *mut _);` when you don't need it anymore).
// To avoid this extra copy, instead to follow the "standard way", I'm passing directly the
// `Vec<u8>` pointer. Just keep in mind that altering the vector, in any way, while its pointer
// is assigned as buffer of the `rgb_video_frame` will summon a Dragon.
let buffer_bytes_size = ffmpeg::avpicture_get_size(
) as usize;
video_texture_data = Vec::with_capacity(buffer_bytes_size);
if ffmpeg::avpicture_fill(
rgb_video_frame as *mut ffmpeg::AVPicture, // Safe cast (Check FFmpeg docs)
) <= 0
panic!("Was not possible to fill the picture with the buffer.");
// 3. Read the data from the video
// Creates the converter software context
let sws_context = ffmpeg::sws_getContext(
(*video_codec_ctx).width, // Source
(*video_codec_ctx).height, // Source
(*video_codec_ctx).pix_fmt, // Source
(*video_codec_ctx).width, // Destination
(*video_codec_ctx).height, // Destination
ffmpeg::AVPixelFormat::AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, // Destination
let mut frames = 0;
// A packet is a wrapper of some useful information, related to the video playback,
// like the video frames, the audio, the subtitles, etc...
// With `av_read_frame` it is possible to retrieve a series of packets, that decoded allow to
// get the video information.
// Doc:
let mut packet: ffmpeg::AVPacket = std::mem::zeroed();
while ffmpeg::av_read_frame(video_input_context, &mut packet) >= 0 {
if packet.stream_index == video_stream_id as i32 {
// Set the packet to decode
if ffmpeg::avcodec_send_packet(video_codec_ctx, &packet) < 0 {
panic!("Can't send this packet to the decoder")
// Decode all the frames inside that packet
while ffmpeg::avcodec_receive_frame(video_codec_ctx, video_frame) >= 0 {
// Convert the frame to RGB24
(*video_frame).data.as_ptr() as *const *const _,
(*video_frame).linesize.as_ptr() as *mut _,
(*video_codec_ctx).height as libc::c_int,
(*rgb_video_frame).data.as_ptr() as *const *const _,
(*rgb_video_frame).linesize.as_ptr() as *mut _,
// Do nothing.
// Note:
// As mentioned before, (**1), I'm not using an allocated buffer, as the standard
// way would suggest. Rather, I'm assigning the vector pointer as buffer of
// `rgb_video_frame` so the API `sws_scale` operate directly on the vector memory.
// If I would follow the standard way, at this point I should copy the content
// of the allocated buffer here:
// ```
// video_texture_data = Vec::with_capacity(buffer_bytes_size);
// video_texture_data.set_len(buffer_bytes_size);
// std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping((*rgb_video_frame).data[0], video_texture_data.as_mut_ptr(), buffer_bytes_size);
// ```
frames += 1;
// Just take 1 frame
if frames > 5 {
break; // TODO just extract the first frame! (Test)
// Always free the read packet
ffmpeg::av_packet_unref(&mut packet);
texture_size = Vector2::new(
(*video_codec_ctx).width as f32,
(*video_codec_ctx).height as f32,
// 4. Release all the allocated memory and close codecs and the input
ffmpeg::av_free(rgb_video_frame as *mut std::ffi::c_void);
ffmpeg::av_free(video_frame as *mut std::ffi::c_void);
ffmpeg::avcodec_free_context(&mut video_codec_ctx);
ffmpeg::avformat_close_input(&mut video_input_context);
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